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Tell me about ur project?

==>My Currently working project is HealthCare Management System(HMS)

==>This project client is Northwestern Memorial Hospital Chicago from US
==>project environment is Spring and hibernate. Oracle is the DB and Tomcat is a
n Applcation server.
==>Team size is 5 members. My Role in this project is a JAVA DEVELOPER.
The main purpose of this project is OR The main intention of this project is
tell them the main description of the project like (sample) :
to persistent(store) patient records and Doctor details. and retrieve th
ose details, Manipulating those details when required.
==>This project contains n modules.
example: 2 modules.
==> i mainly involved in Admin module and patient details module.
If required only u tell them:
and i developed the requirements in these modules like:
Connection pooling
POJO classes configuring with DB tables
Authorization and authentication
Hibernate integration with spring
CURD operations
Transaction management.... etc
Thats all....
All the Best.

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