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200 gms fresh fenugreek (methi leaves)

1 cup boiled green peas
1 onion (finely chopped)
2 tsp ginger garlic paste
1 1/2 tsp green chili paste
1 1/2 tbsp oil
1/2 cup chopped Tomato
1/2 tsp cumin seed
1/2 tsp dry mango powder
10 cashewnuts
1/2 cup fresh cream
1/2 tsp white Pepper
1/2 cup milk
Salt to taste
How to make methi matar malai:
Take finely chopped fenugreek leaves in a big bowl and sprinkle 1/2 tsp salt
on it. Mix well and keep aside for 10 minutes. Then squeeze out the water from
leaves so that it loses its bitter taste. If you like you can even deep fry the
chopped leaves and not boil. This will keep the leaves crunchy.
Soak the cashewnuts in warm water for 20 minutes and then grind in a very sm
ooth paste using littel water.
Heat oil in a kadai, add cumin seeds when they start to splutter add onions
and saute. The color of the onion should remain pink otherwise the color of the
curry will become dark.
Add ginger garlic paste along with green chili paste and saute for 3-4 minut
e or till the raw smell stops coming.
Add the finely chopped tomatoes and cook till the tomatoes become mushy.
Add the chopped fenugreek leaves and cook for 5 minute. (Do not cover the pa
n as fenugreek leaves losses its green color.)
As soon as fenugreek leaves has mixed well and nice aroma is emitted add the
boiled peas along with dry mango powder and salt. Cook for another 5 minute.
Add the cream, cashewnut paste and milk. Let it simmer on the slow flame til
l we get the thick consistency gravy. Stir constantly otherwise the cashewnut pa
ste may get burnt.
Delicious methi malai matar is ready to be served with roti or naan

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