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How to calculate sample/track length based on bpm, time signature and

number of measures
UPDATE: heres the online tool to calculate loop length
I made an audio sample composed of several chords using the android app chordbot lite. I recorded the sample from my
phone onto my laptop using audacity. I wanted to know exactly where to trim the sample so I could make a loop out of it.

info about the sample:

* the time signature is 4/4 (common time)
* the beats per minute (bpm) is 95
* there are 5 measures
95 beats / 60 seconds = 1.58333333 bps (beats per second)
the top number of the time signature, 4, tells us how many beats per measure there are. so the total
number of beats are:
4 beats * 5 measures = 20 beats
to find the number of seconds for the entire sample:
20 / 1.58333333 = 12.631579 seconds
so now i can export the track from audacity with a little bit of extra silence on the end and fine tune the
trim to get it exactly perfect using sox:
sox input.flac output.flac trim 0 12.631579
output.flac will now loop perfectly.
common calculations:
120 bpm, 4/4 time, 1 measure = 2 seconds loop

*250 measures seems good as a default song length for the Korg Triton Studio, since this would be
equal to an 8 minute House track at 125 BPM.
*75 measures @ 64bpm would equal 4.68 minutes (good for a pop song).

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