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Time wastage in customer services:

Initial delay occurs because calls not assigned by authorized
center to engineer.
Engineers were not prepared properly for the problem of
damaged part
Going back and waiting for part is time lost.
Skills of the engineer in problem solving.
Extra time = Call from Authorized Center to service engineer + Engineer fixing time +
Skill set of engineer

Muda here is the extra time that is wasted
Waste is due to factors
Waiting time : call from authorized center to engineer and
engineer waiting for parts.
Defects/Rework : Skills of engineer are not up to the mark and
engineer goes back if he doesnt have the defected part

The work is not properly operated and coordinated

Loss of communication in the authorized center

Lead Time
Cycle time : Time taken by customer call to authorized
center + authorized center call to engineer + engineer
fixing the problem
Waiting time : Time taken in calling the engineer by
authorized center + engineer going back and forth
because of lack of parts + sending another engineer is
1st engineer is not competent.
Lead time = Cycle time + Waiting time

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