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The port town of Caesicius was an all but forgotten settlement at the very edge of the

Amydalian Empire. Since it was neither a large contributor to the Pullian Trading Company, nor
an ideal naval base for Amydalian fleets, it flourished as an independent town with an admirable
harbor and self-sufficient farmlands. Since it held no political or militaristic purpose, Caesicius
became the unofficial capital of adventure and discovery; harboring aimless nautical nomads
and treacherous treasure seekers. The law of the land was more reminiscent of ancient pirate
code of conduct rather than written Amydalian decree and the towns inhabitants were as varied
in national allegiance as the flags that fluttered high above the docks. Caesicius was widely seen
as a troubled coastal city in the eyes of the empires royal officials, but the distance of the city
from the empires capital made it difficult to monitor and maintain. So Caesicius continued to
flourish as a pirate haven and adventurers paradise; and it is within the cobbled streets and
bustling docks of this paradise that we find three unlikely heroes: a manic merchant, a
determined dock master, and a pirate princess

Emily Ravenswood was seated behind a large wooden desk, her dark eyes scanning a
weathered piece of parchment spread out in front of her. Similar scrolls of parchment, along with
open volumes of leather-bound books, writing implements, and measuring tools were scattered
haphazardly across the desks surface; even spilling off the edge and onto the worn, wooden
floor. The state of the room itself reflected the chaotic state of the desk; the walls plastered with a
fraying floral wallpaper were almost entirely hidden behind an array of massive paintings,
ancient maps, and towering bookshelves that bulged with immense books and odd memorabilia.
Behind the offices inhabitant, the far wall was almost entirely made up of a row of smudged
window panes that looked out unto the towns docks. Seemingly unaffected by the roar and
raucous of the deckhands and their work beneath her window, Emily sat in studious silence.
That was, until, the door to her eclectic and museum-like office was thrown open in a
Christ, Michael! cried Emily. The sudden motion of her jumping to her feet caused a
stack of papers to flutter unceremoniously to the office floor, Knock! Please!
Emilys abrupt visitor, her good friend and one of her most important clients, Michael
Van Anderson, was standing unapologetically in the middle of her office with a piece of
parchment held tightly in his fist and a most displeased expression etched across his face.
Without waiting to be formally addressed, Michael immediately started with the reason for his
intrusion. Emily, he said, thrusting the parchment he was holding towards his flustered
companion, Your dock wollopers are taking far too long with the repairs to the Magdalena. She
was due to be half way back from Indicium with her shipment by now! This is going to gravely
impact this seasons profits! Expect to see a shortage of tea and coffee, this winter.

Emily sighed tiredly as she unrolled the parchment. Her eyes flickered across the official
numbers and reports that made up the Magdalenas repair schedule. It was true that the mends
and updates to the ships hull should have been finished over a month ago, but the short supply
of timber forced workers to wait for a new shipment from caravans coming from the inland
before continuing work. Although the reports reflected all of the hindrances and delays in the
repair schedule, Emily knew Michael could never be satisfied until she herself could assure him
of his ships revival.
Michael, began Emily, motioning for him sit in one of the velvet upholstered chairs
placed in front of her desk. When he resigned on standing, she pursed her lips out of annoyance
before continuing, You are well aware that the storm your ship was caught in also did a number
on plenty of other ships that are currently in my dockyard. Im sorry, but there is a shortage of
able dockhands as well as supplies! Its impossible for me to stay on schedule.
Michaels mouth hardened into a straight line. He knew that his frustration was
misdirected, but he was overwhelmed with the reality that his Magdalena was going to miss her
shipment. Are you sure there is nothing that can be done? He pressed. Cant you pull more
deckhands away from other ships to work on mine? Since I am a friend and one of your most
important clients.
Emilys patience broke. Dont you dare use our friendship to benefit your business and
undermine my authority. I am responsible for not only your ships, but also the ships of every
other merchant and business official in Caesicius. Not to mention I have to be ready to
accommodate all of the unforeseen and truly unpredictable pirates and sailors that comes to our
harbor! Since the squall a few months ago, I have been overwhelmed with damaged ships, docks,
storehouses, not to mention the shortage of supplies and limited number of dockers! I am not
going to specially accommodate you and your needs simply because we are friends. I have a
reputation to uphold as dock master and you have to accept that!
A heavy silence fell on Emily and Michael after her sharp and definitive that. Suddenly
Michael felt very small opposite the seething dock master; a foreign sensation considering he had
eight more inches to speak of against her five foot four stature. Realizing his demands did more
harm than good, he slowly settled into one of the offices velvet chairs and shoved his hands
through his hair out of frustration. Im sorry, he mumbled.
Emilys anger dissipated as quickly as it had flared. I know, she said, settling back into
her high-backed chair, Youre just stressed.
The odd pair continued to sit in silence, mulling over the situation. Following one last
drawn out sigh, Michael lifted his head. Im sorry, he repeated, his similarly brown eyes
meeting hers, Truly. Youre an excellent dock master.

Emily laughed. Honestly, if it werent for the storm, I would never have been able to
truly prove myself as Caesicius first woman dock master. I kind of think it a blessing in
Im glad things are turning out well for one of us.
Emily returned his jest with a weak smile. It had been a while since the two of them were
able to casually spend time together outside of business. With the state of Caesicius as it was
after the nightmarish squall, everyone in town was scrambling to pick up the pieces. Even the
citys famously corrupted governor was adhering to Amydalian protocol. The past few months
had been an unfamiliar time of order and cooperation as Caesicius attempted to return to its
former, rebellious glory.
I propose, said Emily, brushing away the parchment she had been studying before
Michael had stormed in, that we go to the Red Devil Tavern and have a pint. I think this
meeting has proved were at wits end and in dire need of some tavern talk.
Dock Master Emily, I couldnt agree more.

The Red Devil Tavern was one of the first establishments constructed on the misty shores
of the Ruber Peninsula. Well before the Amydalian Empire extended its control past the
Northwest Mountains and towards the Andric Sea, the Ruber Peninsula was a haven for
unbridled buccaneers and ruthless bandits. It was during this reign of nautical anarchy that
legend tells the tale of Captain John Dickinson, a merciless pirate that was infamous for the
blood-red sails that hung from his ships mast. He terrorized the continents mainland, menacing
the empiric efforts of a young and ambitious Amydalia. His murderous reputation and bloody
sails earned him the nickname The Red Devil. According to the legend, Captain Dickinson
built the tavern that eventually became his namesake for the purpose of establishing a meeting
house for his growing pirate following to congregate. After his ultimate demise during the Last
Pirate War, his crew and followers scattered across the continent with their tails between their
After almost a century of disrepair, it was Emilys own great-grandfather that resurrected
the infamous pirate tavern and refurbished it as a tribute to a time when sailing renegades ruled
the land. It was fair to say that Emily Ravenswood was raised within the lamp-lit walls of the
tavern, seeing as the ownership of The Red Devil had been passed down through the
Ravenswood generations. Emilys younger brother, Griffin, an avid collector of foreign spirits
and purveyor of all things brewed and distilled, was the present lord of the tavern.
Emily! bellowed a deep voice from behind the taverns bar, I thought I had lost you to
the docks! Welcome home.

As soon as Emily and Michael passed through the low threshold of the taverns front
door, they were spotted by the tavern lord himself. Seeing as it was the middle of the afternoon
and hardly any ships had been coming in due to the storm damage, there were only a handful of
patrons drinking in the cool interior of the tavern. Griffin, known for his ambitiously lush beard
and bright, childlike eyes, was in the middle of idle bar work when the dock master and
Caesicius wealthiest merchant popped in for a drink.
Emily returned her brothers bright smile as she and Michael weaved through a series of
empty tables to reach the long bar at the back of the tavern. I dont know if you heard, but there
was a storm that left my dockyard in a sorry state! Its not like a pub where it can be back up and
running in a matter of weeks.
Hey, youre the one who passed up the opportunity to own and run said pub.
Valid, agreed Emily, motioning towards the barrel lying on its side behind her brother,
But, seeing as Im not running this pub, be a good little brother and pour Michael and me a
Please, chirped Michael, throwing in a pleasantry for good measure. Although he had
lived in this rugged coastal town for almost a decade, the crass manners of the towns inhabitants
never sat well with him.
Griffin gave Michael a courteous nod before grabbing a pair of pewter tankards to fill.
Although it had probably only been a few months since the last time Emily and Michael
visited The Red Devil, it felt more like a year. Aside from minor structural damage caused by the
storm, the tavern was exactly how they remembered. The worn shiplap walls were for the most
part uninterrupted by windows, leaving the interior of the tavern in a dark haze of lamplight and
tobacco smoke. The crude dcor of the tavern consisted of various nautical memorabilia and
pirate trophies that lined free floating shelves and hung from rusted dock hooks. Large, circular
chandeliers lined with half-melted candles were aided by smaller ones scattered across various
surfaces of the taverns interior. Griffin thought it was important to keep the tavern looking as
rustic and menacing as the patrons themselves.
Here ya go, said Griffin, setting down the overflowing tankards, On the house.
Michael nodded stiffly. Thank you.
The pair of friends sat in blissful silence as they started to greedily down their ale. Griffin
watched them in amusement. I havent seen someone go at a beer like you two are since the
Dainty Lady pulled into port. The captain forbade rum to be stored on that ship, so you can
imagine the horribly sober state of the men when they finally got to shore.

Emily and Michael gasped in satisfaction when they finally pulled away for air. Im sure
I can relate to those men, laughed Michael, pulling out a handkerchief to dab at the beer foam
that gathered at the edge of his mouth.
Its just been a rough time because of the squall, Emily bemoaned. Almost all of the
merchant ships are out of commission which means were going to be economically struggling
for a while. At this rate, I even miss the drunk, irritating pirates that run amuck during this time.
She grinned slightly when she met the hard gaze of one of the haggard looking men sitting
against the tavern wall. No offense.
Natures a cruel mistress, mused Griffin.
Ill be fine for a little while, sighed Michael, leaning against the aged bar. I have
enough saved up to finish repairs and keep business afloat until I can start bringing shipments
into port. However, Ill have to go with the Magdalena once shes ready to sail. There will
certainly be business agreements to renew. My partners are probably not happy about the halt of
Emily looked up at her companion with pleading eyes. Will you bring me back another
Michael scoffed. Is there room in your office? I swear, someday youll be swallowed by
your own collection.
This earned him a playful punch to the arm.
He was about to chastise the fiery dock master when the door to the tavern was suddenly
thrown open and the harsh light of the afternoon sun flooded the establishment. Michael and
Emily glanced over their shoulders in an attempt to catch a glimpse of the figure standing in the
doorway. Since no one new had come into town in over two weeks, they were curious to see who
around town was feeling daring enough to visit the notorious pirate haven. When their eyes
adjusted to the light and they could discern the familiar features of the intruder, Emily and
Michael hopped down from their stools and hurried towards the door.
Ill be damned! cried Emily, throwing her arms around the unexpected visitor,
Welcome back!
Michael leaned over the hugging pair and wrapped his lean arms around them, easily
pulling them into his embrace. The sudden arrival, a curly-haired woman that reached Emilys
chin in height, laughed loudly as she felt herself become enveloped in two eager pairs of arms.
The three of them swayed in the doorway, laughing uncontrollably and mumbling incoherently
into each others shoulders. When Michael finally allowed the two women to pull apart, he and
Emily dragged the smaller woman towards the bar.

Another round, Griff! commanded Emily.

You bet!
Captain Andrea of the Blue Harpoon, its about time you came back to town!
exclaimed Michael.
Captain Andrea, fondly known as Andi by those close to her, smiled widely at her pair of
old friends. While Emily was born and raised in Caesicius and Michael hailed from the empires
capital city, Andi was a daughter of the sea; born and raised on her fathers ship. She was a
sprightly sailor, blessed with the feminine graces of warm curves and a sweet, heart-shaped face.
But beneath her whimsical faade, she was a force to be reckoned with. Renowned for her
reckless commands and daring sea-faring ventures, Captain Andrea had accumulated an
admirable reputation of an accomplished pirate captain.
You know how it goes, Andi laughed, the wind changed directions, so I felt it was
time to see how my favorite pirate town was doing.
Not all that well, as Im sure you could tell when you pulled into port. That storm a few
months back hit Caesicius at full force. I dont think well be back to normal for another six
months, at least.
Andi offered the dock master a comforting pat on the back. Nothing you cant handle,
Im sure.
Naturally, Emily smugly replied.
Leaving the dock master to her replenished tankard, Andi smiled excitedly up at their
male companion. But I have some exciting news for you, Mr. Van Anderson!
Oh, do tell, urged Michael.
Well, I was taking care of business in Indicium when I happened to run into one of
your business partners. The really short one with the grating voice whats his name? Oh!
Austin! Yes, I ran into Austin. Of course, hes not a big fan of mine since I, as rumor has it, was
responsible for half of his shipment of exotic oils to go missing a year ago. But that was never
proven, so who knows? Andi winked cryptically and took a swig of her drink before continuing.
Anyway, I ran into him so, naturally, I asked him about you. And then, before you know it, he
starts ranting about a storm and a late shipment of tea and coffee
Yes, interjected Michael, My ship, the Magdalena, is stuck here for repairs, Im
afraid. At this rate, I wont be able to pick up that shipment in time before frost hits Caesicius.
Andi nodded. Thats what I figured. So I went ahead and picked up the shipment for

Emily and Michael stared incredulously at the bold pirate sitting between them. You
picked up the shipment for me!? exclaimed Michael, almost falling out of his seat.
Thats right! beamed Andi, motioning towards the door of the tavern, Its sitting on the
Blue Harpoon as we speak. I figured you would want to watch it being unloaded like the neurotic
business man that you are.
It could be discerned in Michaels pained facial expression that he was having difficulty
understanding the situation. Of course, Andi knew to answer the question that was probably
sitting first and foremost on his mind. I stole your Van Anderson seal the last time I was in port
and used it to forge a document that was delivered to Austins offices. It basically said that you
were entrusting the shipment to me since the Magdalena was incapacitated. Austin was right to
be suspicious, but he assumed he had no choice! So, here I am with your tea and coffee on my
Prompted by the slightly horrified look on the merchants face, Emily and Griffin burst
out into a fit of laughter. Michaels friendship with Andi was even more peculiar than the one he
had with Emily. While he could more or less predict the actions and decisions made by the dock
master, the pirate captain was wildly spontaneous and unnervingly daring. If it were any other
person, Michael would have rid himself of such a reckless associate; however he was far too
fond of the fairy-like pirate to ever consider renouncing her.
But, maybe, this might have been the last straw.
Stole my Van Anderson seal! he cried, Do you understand how immoral and reckless
that is!?
Andi tugged at one of the black curls that escaped the thick braid draped over her
shoulder. She suddenly grew quiet under Michaels irate gaze and began to play with her hair out
of a nervous habit. I figured it would come in handy.
Illegally using someone elses name and coat of arms never simply comes in handy.
Come on, Michael, urged Emily, Andi was only trying to help. Just ask her for the seal
back and go check on your shipment. In the end, thats what really matters!
Michaels narrowed gaze flickered between Emily and Andi, before settling on the latter.
He gave a sigh of defeat and offered the smaller girl a stiff smile. Thank you for your help.
Almost immediately Andis bubbly and amicable composure returned and she smiled
wildly at the fuming merchant. Like Emily said, I was only trying to help, she assured him. If
it will make you feel better, Ill have Griffin pour you another drink.

At the sound of his name, Griffin lifted his gaze from the tankard he was cleaning and
grinned broadly at the three companions. He was about to open the beer tap again, when Michael
stopped him. Im not going to have another beer.
Youre not?
Now that youre back in town, Andi, laughed Michael, Im going to need some

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