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Notes so far

- Creates a WNDCLASS initialize all to 0

- Initialize the backbuffer
- Info = structure about Bitmap properties
- Memory = will hold the virtual memory allocated
- Width/Height is size of Bitmap/Buffer
- Pitch = Stride of Bitmap/Buffer
- BytesPerPixel = 8 bits for each color in RGB +
8 Bits for padding = 32 bits = 4
- Register the WNDCLASS created and store the HWND(handle) returned.
- Get the HDC(device context) from the returned HWND(handle).
- While GlobalRunning is true run the loop
- Store the MSG captured by PeekMessage() and process it in Win32MainCallbac
- RenderWeirdGradient plays with the Backbuffer a bit.
- Win32DisplayBufferInWindow Displays the buffer on screen by copying it.
Chandler Carruth
#define FUNCTION(name) type name(params...)
typedef FUNCTION(function_to_hold_stub_function)
// definition of the stub function
return (0);
global_variable function_to_hold_stub_function *InterfaceFunction_ = stub_functi
#define InterfaceFunction InterFaceFunction_
Loading XInputFunctions
-Before Loading
*XInputGetState_ = XInputGetStateStub -> just pointing to stub
#define XInputGetState XInputGetState_ -> macro indirection
if LoadLibrary successfuly loaded xinput dll
GetProcAddress will get the address of specified functio name
and then cast it to (x_input_get_state*) because it will just return void*
and since we know the functions signature.
store the pointer to XInputGetState which is just a macro for XInputGetState_
this will override the Stub. When no library is loaded the stub will remain.
Loading Direct Sound
DirectSoundCreate definition is being defined in DIRECT_SOUND_CREATE macro
typedef DIRECT_SOUND_CREATE(direct_sound_create); will create a
Win32InitDSound(HWND Window, int32 SamplesPerSecond, int32 BufferSize)
- Load the library "dsound.dll" and store it in HMODULE DsoundLibrary

- if the dll is successfuly loaded

Get the address of function "DirectSoundCreate" and store it in typedefed
- Create a pointer to the DirectSound "LPDIRECTSOUND"

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