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This is Bob.

teaches English in a
school. He isn`t
teaching now. He is
relaxing at home. He
is reading a

This is Jan and Jerry.

They are nurses. They
take care of patients in
a hospital. They aren`t
taking care of patients
now. They are watching

This is Dave. He is a
pilot. He flies planes
for British Airways.
He isn`t flying now.
He is playing golf.

This is Maria. She is a

This is Roger. He is a
This is Anne. She is
dentist. He takes care of
a Chef in a very nice
Programmer. She
people`s teeth. He isn`t
restaurant. She
works with
taking care of people`s
cooks wonderful
computers. She isn`t
teeth right now. He is
food for her
working on
cooking dinner for his
customers. She
computers now. She
family. Have a nice
isn`t cooking now.
is taking a bath,
She is using the
Now answer these questions:
Complete the sentences with
simple present or present
1. Who teaches English?
1. Susan usually __________ (go)
2. What is Roger doing now?
to school by bus, but today
she ___________ (go) by taxi.
3. What does Anne do?
2. Joe often _________ (read) in
bed, but tonight he _______
4. What is Dave doing right
(be) tired and he
________________ (not read).
3. Harry loves computer games
5. What do Jan and Jerry do?
so he always _____________
(play) computer games at
6. What are Jan and Jerry doing
night. But his computer is
broken so tonight he
_______________ (not play)

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