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Many organizations today have Latin mottos, such as "Semper paratus" (always rea

dy), the motto of the United States Coast Guard, and "Semper fidelis" (always fa
ithful), the motto of the United States Marine Corps. Several of the states of t
he United States also have Latin mottos, such as "Qui transtulit sustinet" ("He
who transplanted still sustains"), the state motto of Connecticut; "Ad astra per
aspera" ("To the stars through hardships"), that of Kansas; "Si quaeris peninsu
lam amoenam, circumspice" ("If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you"),
that of Michigan; "Salus populi suprema lex esto" ("The health of the people sho
uld be the highest law"), that of Missouri; "Esse quam videri" (To be rather tha
n to seem), that of North Carolina; "Sic semper tyrannis" (Thus always for tyran
ts), that of Virginia; and "Montani semper liberi" (Mountaineers are always free
), that of West Virginia. Another Latin motto is "Per ardua ad astra" (Through a
dversity/struggle to the stars), the motto of the Royal Air Force (RAF). Some sc
hools adopt Latin mottos, for example Harvard University's motto is "Veritas" me
aning (truth). Veritas was the goddess of truth, a daughter of Saturn, and the m
other of Virtue.
Similarly Canada's motto "A mari usque ad mare" (from sea to sea) and most provi
ncial mottos are also in Latin (e.g., British Columbia's is Splendor Sine Occasu
(splendor without diminishment)).
Occasionally, some media outlets broadcast in Latin, which is targeted at enthus
iasts. Notable examples include Radio Bremen in Germany, YLE radio in Finland, a
nd Vatican Radio & Television, all of which broadcast news segments and other ma
terial in Latin.[30]
There are many websites and forums maintained in Latin by enthusiasts. The Latin
Wikipedia has more than 100,000 articles written in Latin.
Latin is taught in many high schools, especially in Europe and the Americas. It
is most common in British Public Schools and Grammar Schools, the Italian Liceo
classico and Liceo scientifico, the German Humanistisches Gymnasium, and the Dut
ch gymnasium. In the United States, it is taught in Boston Latin School, English
High School of Boston, Boston Latin Academy, Central High School of Philadelphi
a, and Baltimore City College.

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