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Organisms in water may be classified as to their life form or life habit, based on

their mode of life, as follows:

Benthos: organisms attached or resting on the bottom or living in the bottom
sediments. The animal benthos maybe conveniently subdivided according to mode
of feeding into filter-feeders and deposit-feeders (a clam and a snail, respectively,
would be examples)
Periphyton or Aufwuchs: organisms (both plant and animal) attached or clinging
to stems and leaves of rooted plants or other surfaces projecting above the bottom.
Plankton: floating organisms whose movements are more or less dependent on
currents. While some of the zooplankton exhibit active swimming movements that
aid in maintaining vertical position, plankton as a whole is unable to move against
appreciable currents.
Nekton: swimming organisms able to navigate at will (and hence capable of
avoiding plankton nets, water bottles, etc.) Fish, amphibians, large swimming
insects, and so forth.
Neuston: Organisms resting or swimming on the surface.

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