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Investigating English Teachers Materials Adaptation

Chunmei Yan
Chunmei Yan is an associate professor in the School of Foreign Languages at the Central
China Normal University in China. Her research interests include English teaching
methodology and English language teacher education. E-mail:
Research Background and Data Collection
Data Analysis and Interpretation
Appendix: Questionnaire for teacher trainees

As Rea-Dickins and Germaine (1992: 29) point out, there has been a tendency for overreliance on classroom teaching materials with non-realistic expectations made of them in
English language teaching. Littlejohn (1998: 205) observes that for many teachers and
learners, materials appear as faits accomplis, over which they have little control. Some
teachers regard textbooks as immutable and almost mythical objects. They tend to teach the
textbook itself, rather than use it as a resource for creativity and inspiration, a learning tool
for their learners and a means to an end in their teaching (Cunningsworth, 1995: 139).
Various problems with materials have been addressed by a number of researchers. ONeill
(1982: 153) suggests that the textbook can only provide props and framework for classroom
teaching; and no textbook can expect to appeal to all teachers or learners at a particular level.
McDonough and Shaw (1993: 83) also propose that textbooks, internally coherent although
they may be, they may not be totally applicable. Swales (1980) contends that any given
coursebook will be incapable of catering for the diversity of needs which exists in most
language classrooms. Allwright (1981: 9) also maintains that given the complexity of the
whole business of the management of language learning, even with the best intentions no
single textbook can possibly work in all situations. Sheldon (1988: 239) addresses lack of
cultural appropriacy of some textbooks, i.e. the thinking underlying the textbook writing may
be different from or in conflict with the assumptions held by the teachers.
The problems mentioned here are by no means exhaustive, but the key point remains:
teachers, with direct personal knowledge of their classroom teaching, should see textbooks as
their servants instead of masters; as a resource or an ideas bank which can stimulate
teachers own creative potential (Cunnningsworth, 1984: 65). Adapting their materials allows
them to achieve more compatibility and fitness between the textbook and the teaching
environment, and maximize the value of the book for the benefit of their particular learners
and for the most effective teaching outcomes to achieve. It would consequently lead to the
improvement of the textbook in the sense of being able to suit the particular situation and
empowering and reskilling the teachers (Apple and Jungck, 1990; Shannon, 1987). Richards
(1998: 135) argues that teachers should approach textbooks with the expectation that deletion,
adaptation, and extension will be normally needed for the materials to work effectively with
their class.

Within this background, this study investigates what teachers actually do in materials
adaptation, including why they make the changes and to what effect their adaptation
influences their teaching. It intends to fulfill two aims. Firstly, from a conceptual perspective
it seeks to shed light on salient issues concerned with teachers materials adaptation and
thereby fill up some of this vacuum in the literature. Secondly, from a practical perspective
the research aims to draw implications for teachers use of materials.
Research Background and Data Collection
Research background
The focus of this study was a Sino-British teacher training programme based in Central
China, where the author worked as a teacher trainer. The one-year full-time course offered
three components: English language skills, ELT (English language teaching) methodology
and ESP (English for specific purposes) course design to realize three parallel goals: to
improve teachers English proficiency, to upgrade their expertise in general ELT
methodology, and to develop their capacity in the area of ESP. Teaching practice was
arranged in the methodology module for two weeks towards the end of the course. It was
intended to provide the trainees with an opportunity to apply the theories they had learned
from the course.
The teaching practice was undertaken in the Faculty of Foreign Studies in a middle-ranking
university, where the project was based. There was a cohort of 30 teacher trainees. They were
assigned to teach three-year-diploma classes, who were academically inferior to four-year
undergraduates. They all used Book 4 of English written by Xu (1992), but taught different
units because of different paces of the normal teachers teaching.
The couresbook, a set of intensive reading coursebooks consisted of 8 volumes for use over
four years, the first 4 volumes for the foundation-stage learners, the last 4 for advanced
learners. It used a format consisting of a text for reading (500 to 1000 words) followed by a
list of new words with parts of speech and their Chinese equivalents, and sometimes an
explanation of meaning and use in English. Also included in this list of words were phrases
and idiomatic expressions. In the first four books, there were also sections on phonetics with
exercises and short dialogues. All volumes included various exercises questions on the text,
grammar exercises and translation exercises.
This study intended to investigate how the teacher trainees had used the textbook, i.e. what
changed they had made to the textbook to optimize its potential and the effect of their
teaching. This study would hopefully yield important implications for the practice of and
research in ELT and teacher training.
Data Collection
Questionnaires were utilized as the main data collection instruments, and trainees lesson
plans were utilized as a supplementary source of information about how the adaptations had
been done. Questionnaires (see Appendix 1) were administered to the 30
traineesaddressing five questions: what, how, why, the effect and constraints.

Data Analysis and Interpretation

The section concerns 4 aspects that arose from the data: trainees evaluation and adaptation of
the textbook, rationales and underling principles, effect of the trainees adaptation and
constraints they had encountered in their adaptation process.
Trainees evaluation and adaptation of textbook
It was found from the questionnaire that all trainees underwent two stages of materials
adaptation. They carried out evaluation prior to adapting the textbook. They analyzed
advantages and disadvantages of the textbook first to identify possible areas for adaptation.
Notably there were some discrepancies of opinions about the features of the textbook.
The trainees identified a number of advantages of the textbook.

The textbook provides a variety of interesting texts on different topics.

The textbook supplies self-study materials for learners.
The textbook can prepare learners for exams.
The textbook provides authentic materials.
The textbook provides sound grading and sequencing of the material.
The textbook provides teachers with necessary guidance, especially in terms of background information
and language points.
The textbook can help improve reading and writing.

Apparently, more than half of the trainees were impressed with the variety of topics. Nearly
half of them appreciated the self-study materials it provided with students. Nearly one third
of trainees felt the textbook to be suitable for exam purposes. All in all, the main perceived
advantages of the textbook were its focus on the language system and its potential of
expanding students knowledge base with rich authentic reading materials, encouraging selfstudy, developing students language competence and preparing them well for exams.
The trainees also identified some disadvantages of the textbook.

The textbook focuses on reading and writing, while ignores speaking and listening.
The textbook is out-of-date.
The textbook does not suit the students needs.
The textbook provides little variety of activities.
The textbook is language-focused.

The main disadvantage of the textbook, as most trainees observed, was its lack of balance on
the four language skills. It attached much importance to reading and writing, but overlooked
speaking and listening. Another major drawback was its out-of-dateness. Some further
problems were the limited varieties of activities, its focus on the language, and low level of
relevancy to students.
The major adaptation techniques the trainees applied were adding, deleting and modifying.
All of them used adding, eight used deleting and six used modifying. The techniques
were utilized either at a particular stage of the lesson, or all the way through the lesson.
It was found that the trainees added background information, warm-up activities, language
practice exercises, group work and reading comprehension questions. They deleted some

translation and grammar exercises and detailed explanations of words. Some trainees adapted
the text into a play for students to perform, some modified it into a table, some changed
dialogues into a roleplay.
Trainees underlying rationales and principles
It was found that the trainees based their adaptation on 4 principles: 1) to integrate traditional
and communicative methods, 2) to cater for students needs, 3) to integrate as multiple
language skills as possible in a reading lesson, and 4) to meet their own preferences and
1. To integrate traditional and communicative methods
The first main principle guiding the trainees adaptations was their belief in a possible
integration between traditional and communicative methods. On the one hand, the trainees
recognized the positive effect of grammar-translation method, which the textbook adhered to.
All trainees but one regarded the textbooks language-focusedness as an advantage. They felt
the need for learning grammar, vocabulary, idioms and expressions. More than one-third
added some exercises to consolidate the language.
On the other hand, plenty of evidence emerged that the trainees were highly receptive to
communicative methods and tried to apply them. They accorded value to language forms, but
at the same time attempted to lecture moderately. Some trainees reduced grammatical
explanations, sentence translations and word study exercises. Some trainees created more
student interactions in various forms in dealing with the exercises, which were normally
conducted in a traditional presentation-practice-production model (Harmer, 2001: 80). Group
discussions (2 trainees), warm-up activities (2 trainees), and drama/roleplay (4 trainees) were
organized to get the students actively involved. Audio-visual aids, realia (pictures, the globe,
and a calendar) were utilized to help students understanding. Possible resources available,
e.g. OHP, handouts were employed to aid their teaching.
2. To cater for students various needs
The second main principle informing the trainees adaptation appeared to be a desire to
satisfy the students needs. Most trainees suggested that they wanted to motivate the students
to make their learning easier. It was found that adaptations were carried out at different stages
of their teaching. Some trainees added warm-up activities at the beginning of the lesson, e.g.
introducing background knowledge, aims and objectives to stimulate the students interest.
Some trainees tried adaptations in the middle of their teaching. The majority of trainees added
extra exercises or activities to maintain the students interest. A number of trainees adapted
the level of difficulty of some exercises to suit students linguistic and intellectual needs. A
few trainees deleted unnecessary language exercises and detailed explanations of grammar.
Some trainees added language exercises to help the students master the language forms.
Several trainees rewarded the game winners a small prize. All this evidence reveals the
trainees aspirations to satisfy the students different types of needs.
3. To integrate as multiple language skills as possible in a reading lesson
The third principle underpinning the trainees adaptations was a desire to integrate as many
language skills as possible in a reading lesson. The majority of trainees felt that listening and

speaking had been ignored in this textbook. Quite a few trainees suggested that although
reading skills should be the focus of the textbook, it was also necessary to create
opportunities for the students to speak and listen. Some trainees modified the text into a play
to practise four skills on the one hand; and to add more variety to classroom teaching on the
4. To meet their own preferences and needs
It was found that the teachers own needs were also considered in their adaptations. Despite
much similarity between the trainees perceptions of the textbook and adaptation techniques,
there emerged some divergence. This divergence was derived from their individual needs and
wants, their individual experiences, personalities and preferences. For example, although they
all deleted some language exercises, the deleted parts differed. Most of them added some
language exercises, but they highlighted different foci. Many of them added warm-up
activities at the beginning of the lesson, but their foci were varied - some focused on the
vocabulary; and some on the topics. Several trainees modified the texts to some extent, but
the forms were diversified, either a table, a drama, or a roleplay.
Trainees views about the effects of materials adaptation
There emerged a consensus among the trainees that they had achieved the desired effects.
They had stimulated their students interests, created a light and lively atmosphere and
generated more student involvement.
Most trainees felt rewarded and encouraged by the high level of interest their students
displayed. They acknowledged that the boosted student interests had been conducive to the
cultivation of a vivid and relaxing atmosphere where they shared ideas with each other, and
a rapport between the teacher and the students. Several trainees found that their teaching
efficiency was obviously improved because providing background information aroused their
interest and helped the students understand the text; and because the students showed great
interest in practising the provided exercises. One trainee reported that his students
performed very well in the play because they were very well prepared. The following
comments revealed the trainees positive views on their adaptations.
It really did work! When the students discussed the topic, most of them could say
something related to their own study. When they presented their ideas, every group
reported voluntarily. (Trainee 3)
Firstly, I felt satisfied with the effects of my adaptations because I could appropriately
use what I learned in my teaching practice. Secondly, most of my students felt interested
and a lot of fun. They felt they could learn a lot by playing in this way. (Trainee 10)
Perhaps my adaptations made the students feel fresh and interesting, and this was good
for classroom management. (Trainee 11)
The students seemed to like this kind of activity. They were all involved. They liked to
share ideas with each other. (Trainee 2)
All the adaptations were quite successful, for the learners needs were met. (Trainee 4)
Providing background information helped the students understand the text and made

them interested. The students showed great interest in practising the provided exercises
in class and obviously it increased my teaching efficiency. (Trainee 1)
It was also found that there was a change of attitude in some students towards the teacher
trainees methods. Some students were apathetic at first. Their interest and enthusiasm grew
At first some students didnt listen to me and didnt speak, but later most of them could
speak and follow me. They began to like my teaching. They gained some confidence in
English learning. (Trainee 7)
Constraints in trainees materials adaptation
As shown previously, the trainees adaptations brought about positive effects. It was also
notable that the trainees had encountered obstacles in their effort, as the majority of trainees
reported. The emerging constraints were threefold: mismatches with traditional beliefs and
practices, inadequacy of teachers expertise and physical constraints.

Mismatches with traditional beliefs and practices

It was found that tensions between traditional and new perceptions hindered the trainees
actions. A few trainees acknowledge the traditional teacher-centred teaching approach and
exam-orientated education system as disincentives in their adaptations. They noted that the
grammar-translation method was still dominant in the majority of language classrooms.
Teachers were still regarded as omniscient and omnipotent knowledge imparters in many
teaching contexts, while students as recipients of knowledge. Detailed explanations of texts
and key to the exercises were still most endorsed by teachers and welcomed by students,
which was shown previously by students initial resistance to the trainees methods.
Additionally some students saw brief explanations of grammar knowledge as a disadvantage
and did not seem to welcome teacher-made materials as much as the textbook. Some students
saw roleplays as games for fun. The trainees had to compromise sometimes to maintain a
high teacher profile throughout their teaching.

Inadequacy of trainees professional expertise

It emerged from the data that most trainees had not fully achieved their anticipated effect. A
variety of reasons were identified related to their professional competence. Some trainees felt
it difficult to manage group work and time with the large classes. It at times happened that
not all students were involved, or limited specific outcomes were achieved of the group work.
Some trainees were dissatisfied with their language proficiency, which had impaired their
confidence in steering the class. The yet-to-develop expertise in teaching and adapting
materials was a further hindrance to realizing their plans. It was highly labour-intensive to
make the outdated contents interesting and communicative.

Constrained resources

It was found that the limitations of resources available had made teachers ideas less feasible
than they had originally assumed. A number of trainees complained about the practical
problems concerning resources and physical constraints. Some trainees suggested that
unmovable furniture made it difficult to organize group discussions. They said that there were
limited materials to select from. One trainee mentioned that the large classes were

problematic because it was hard for one teacher to monitor all groups. There were very
limited references and materials in the Faculty for the trainees to refer to. Photocopying was
almost impossible due to unavailability of facilities, thus increased the difficulty of producing
supplementary materials. All these constraints had led to the difficulty of carrying out predesigned activities.
This study looked at a group of teacher trainees materials adaptation in their teaching
practice. It was found that all trainees made changes to the textbook to varying degrees and
their adaptations were generally satisfying.
The trainees adaptation, first of all, involved evaluation of the textbook. Textbook evaluation
was a preliminary to make the most of the good points and compensate for or neutralize the
bad points (Ur, 1996: 187). The textbook the trainees used valued patterned drilling to lead to
grammatical and/or lexical mastery of the structures being focused on (Harmer, 2001: 80). Its
main problem was that students might be still incapable of using the language at the end of
their conscientious studies: they may know its grammar the system but they cant
communicate in it (Grant, 1987: 13). After identifying areas for changes, the trainees used
adding, deleting and modifying to make the textbook more suited to their students.
As the findings indicate, the trainees adaptations made their teaching more engaging and
communicative, and therefore beneficial to the students, the teacher trainees and the textbook.
The obvious effect on the students was the increase of the students active involvement in the
classroom activities in a more relaxing and supportive environment. The students were freed
from the boring process of going through the exercises item by item, and engaged in
spontaneous and creative interactions (ONeill, 1981: 156) and meaningful tasks.
The trainees adaptations were beneficial to teachers in the way of reskilling them. It
enabled them to go beyond the textbook and the classroom routines. They became more
confident because of the students subsequent recognition of their adaptations. In a word,
through the process of adaptation the trainees might have become more critical about
textbooks they used, and developed an awareness of the need to use them more creatively.
The trainees adaptations were found to be conducive to the improvement of the textbook. It
allowed them to identify the strengths and weaknesses and how well the textbook matched
their requirements, which was a preliminary step in their maximizing the potential of the
textbook. The textbook the trainees used was rather dated, but it still contained some sound
ideas for teaching which were hidden beneath dull presentation or out-of-date topics
(Cunningsworth, 1995: 147). The trainees retained its good elements and deleted
inappropriate parts to make it more relevant and interesting.
It was found that the trainees adaptations were underpinned by four major principles. They
wanted to develop a solid language knowledge base and communicative competence, to meet
students needs, to achieve a balanced development of language skills, and to satisfy their
own preferences and needs. They carried out adaptations to realize these four purposes.
Three constraints emerged as salient features that merit attention. First, the trainees thinking
underlying their adaptations might be in conflict with the traditional and conventional beliefs
and teaching paradigms. As some trainees suggested, the educational environment was

predominantly exam-orientated, which acted as a baton for administrators, teachers and

students. The principle criterion for good teachers was the amount and the range of
knowledge they possessed. Detailed explanation of texts and key to exercises was most
welcomed by the students. Teachers materials adaptation would inevitably cause anxiety in
some students, especially those poor students who were concerned about exams, which
mainly tested contents of the textbooks. Some trainees expressed their worry about the
appropriateness of their adaptations, e.g. use of groupwork might be regarded as being
irresponsible. They tended to swim with the tide under the pressure or make some
compromise to satisfy all parties concerned.
Second, teachers professional expertise affected their adaptations, which echoes the
observations of a number of researchers. Masuhara (1998) claims that teachers confidence
and professional expertise influence their perception of what they need from textbooks.
ONeill (1981: 154) also recognizes that it is very likely that teachers are unable to make
adaptation and improvisation because the lesson might develop in a number of ways which
could not be predicted exactly beforehand. The effect of teachers design and teaching would
be seriously impaired unless their language proficiency and professional expertise reached a
certain high level. It was found that various kinds of difficulties the trainees had encountered
e.g. the level of language proficiency, the in-cooperativeness of some students, large classes,
etc. had undermined the effect of the their adaptations. These findings support the claim made
by Nunan (1988: 115) that in addition to experience, teachers need the time, opportunity and
support to reflect on that experience through a variety of professional development activities
which should include professional development programmes, collegiate consultations and
action research projects.
Third, under-resourced teaching contexts affected fulfillment of teachers thinking. It was
found that the limitations of available resources had made teachers ideas less feasible than
they originally anticipated. Lack of resource materials and facilities considerably restrained
the trainees potential.
This research investigated the effects a group of teacher trainees materials adaptation in their
teaching practice in a cross-cultural in-service teacher training project in China. It has
produced a detailed picture of why the trainees used those techniques and the effect of their
attempts. It has thus hopefully contributed in its small way to the enrichment of the literature
and teachers professional development particularly in terms of active use of their textbooks.
The study carries important practical implications in a number of dimensions. From a
research perspective, it highlights the necessity of doing further research on teachers
materials adaptation to shed light on various practical issues involved in teachers use of
materials. The teachers in this study used a traditional textbook, which needed modernizing to
maintain students interest and enhance their learning. The research findings would be useful
insights to teachers who are still using outdated textbooks in some places in the world.
From the perspective of training methodology, it suggests that materials development is an
effective way of helping teachers to understand and apply theories of language learning and
to achieve personal and professional development (Tomlinson, 2001: 67), and teacher
education programmes need to provide monitored experience of the process of developing

materials. They should provide participants with skills in evaluating and adapting textbooks
and other commercial materials and prepare teachers for appropriate ways of using textbooks
(Richards, 1998: 136). It also suggests training should address teachers concerns and
constraints in their materials adaptation. It is essential to give teachers the knowledge and
skills needed to evaluate and adapt textbooks prepare them to use textbooks as sources for
creative adaptation (Richards, 1998: 140).
The study suggests a need to reform the exam-orientated education system and exam foci,
which were in conflict with the trainees newly acquired perceptions and practices. A
transformation, maybe through a gradual process needs to be realized from the emphasis on
the language system per se to the development of abilities to tackle real-life tasks. This
change would entail recognition and effort of all relevant parties ranging from educational
authorities to teachers.
The study implies a need of institutional support to teachers in materials development. An
awareness needs to be developed among administrators of the necessity to keep updating
textbooks, and encourage and empower teachers to choose the most appropriate textbooks
available for their classes (Hedge, 2000) and to use their textbooks actively. Provision of
resources and facilities would be necessary. Furthermore, more in-service training
opportunities need to be created for teachers to keep updating their perceptions and upgrading
their expertise.
The study also suggests the need for teachers steady and persistent efforts to localize,
personalize and individualize textbooks (McDonough and Shaw, 1993: 96). Teachers need to
build awareness of what teaching resources provide and of the care that needs to be taken in
selecting and exploiting them (Hedge, 2000). In the adaptation process, they should take
account of course objectives and students needs. Their effort, small or substantial, would
help enhance their professional competence. To make their effort more effective, a possible
solution may be to encourage collaborative materials adaptation. Joint team efforts may
provide teachers with opportunities to share experience and expertise, to exchange various
skills, talents and points of view, to pool their perceptions and experience and to build
teachers resources, thus reducing the amount of individual work. With a supportive team
culture established, the institutional understanding and support is more likely to occur.
Moreover, as Breen (1989) suggested, students views on the textbook are worth canvassing.
It should be acknowledged that there are some limitations of this research. This research was
focused on a group of teachers materials adaptation on a teacher training course, not teachers
in normal situations, where the situation might be different. For example, adding, which
was most commonly used by the trainees, may be more difficult to carry out in a poorly
resourced teaching situation, where time is much more at a premium. Teachers in normal
situations may therefore not make so elaborate efforts to adapt their textbooks, and they may
not be as conscious of the adaptations as the trainees were. As far as the effects of the
materials adaptation are concerned, there is an element of novelty value, i.e. anything new is
always interesting in the short term although it may not be so effective as it appears in the
longer term. Also the interview with the students reveals students reactions to one trainees
teaching, which may not have wholly and directly resulted from the trainees materials
adaptation. The relationship between the students views and the trainees adaptation needs to
be further explored.
There may be some problems with the use of the questionnaires although they were not used

as the only source of information. The credibility of the information generated from the
questionnaires is questionable, as it relies, like all instruments of this kind, on the truthfulness
and proper understanding of the respondents. Student perceptions of effect of the teacher
trainees materials adaptation generated from the interview with a small number of students
might not be appropriately representative.
However, in spite of the above limitations, the research has dealt with a number of practical
issues concerned with teachers materials adaptation. It provides a basis for investigating
further which aspects teachers feel most difficult and need help. A more detailed and deep
research is made possible with this research as a useful starting point.

Allwright, R. (1981) What do we want teaching materials for? ELTJ, 36(1), pp. 5-18.
Apple, M. & Jungck, S. (1990) You dont have to be a teacher to teach this unit. Teaching,
technology, and gender in the classroom. American Educational Research Journal, 27
(2), pp. 227-51.
Breen, M. (1989) The evaluation cycle for language learning tasks. In R. K. Johnson (Ed.)
The Second Language Curriculum. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Cunningsworth, A. (1984) Evaluating and Selecting EFL Teaching Materials. London:
Cunningsworth, A. (1995) Choosing Your Coursebook. London: Heinemann.
Grant, N. (1987) Making the Most of Your Textbook. Essex: Longman.
Harmer, J. (2001) The Practice of English Language Teaching. Essex: Longman (3rd edn).
Hedge, T. (2000) Teaching and Learning in Language Classroom. Oxford: Oxford University
Littlejohn, A. P. (1998) The analysis of language teaching materials: inside the Trojan Horse.
In B. Tomlinson (Ed.) Materials Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Masuhara, H. (1998) What do teachers really want from coursebooks? In B. Tomlinson (ed).
Materials Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
McDonough, J. & Shaw, C. (1993) Materials and Methods in ELT. Oxford: Blackwell.
Nunan, D. (1988) The Learner-centred Curriculum. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
ONeill, R. (1981) Why use textbooks? ELTJ, 36(2), pp. 104-11.
Rea-Dickins, P. & Germaine, K. (1992) Evaluation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Richards, J. C. (1998) Beyond Training. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Shannon, P. (1987) Commercial reading materials, a technological ideology, and the
deskilling of teachers. The Elementary School Journal, 87 (3), pp. 307-29.
Sheldon, L. (1988) Evaluating ELT textbooks and materials. ELTJ, 42(4), pp. 237-46.

Swales, J. (1980) ESP: The textbook problem. ESP Journal, 1(1), pp. 11-23.
Tomlinson, B. (2001) Materials development. In R. Carter and D. Nunan (eds). The
Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Ur, P. (1996) A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Xu, G. (1992) English. Beijing: Foreign Languages Teaching and Research Press. (3rd edn)

Appendix: Questionnaire for teacher trainees

1. What book and which specific unit(s) did you teach in the teaching practice?

2. What do you think are the main advantages and disadvantages of the textbook?


3. For one of the units you taught, did you make any adaptations? If yes, could you tell what
and how? Please be as specific as possible. It would be great if you can attach a copy of
the material and /or your teaching plan.

4. Could you tell your reasons for the adaptations you made?

5. What do you think of the effects of your adaptations?

6. Were there any constraints in the process of your adaptation? In other words, are there
any factors which prevent you from adapting the way you planned?

Thanks very much for answering the questions!

The Expert Teacher course can be viewed here.
The Skills of Teacher Training course can be viewed here.

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