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Daina Duncan

July 15/2015
Genius Hour
For my Genius Hour project I chose to inquire about the new curriculum and how it
would affect teachers who had been teaching for a number of years. The question that I came up
with was How will the new curriculum change the way that teachers teach. Since this is a
hypothetical question because the new curriculum has not been fully implemented yet my prof
suggested that I do a small survey that asked a couple of questions.
I came up with a small questionnaire that involved five questions and I sent it to three
teachers that I knew. I sent the questionnaire to my prof (Gallit) whom I know has already
embraced the new curriculum and has done inquire based learning in her classes before. I also
sent my survey to my SA who has been teaching for sixteen years. She filled the survey out but
apologized for her short answers, as she hasnt had much success at getting clarity around the
new curriculum (Appendix A). My SA is the other spectrum of how I see my prof teaching in
her classroom. My SA is very old school in her teaching style. Although when I did my
practicum in her class we were using the new curriculum in Science and Social Studies, which I
very much enjoyed.
The third person that I sent the survey to was my girlfriend who teaches at South Ridge
private school in South Surrey. When I sent her the survey to fill out she was willing to do it
although she had heard nothing about a new curriculum. I found this really interesting as the
new curriculum has been such a focal point for me during my time in PDP. She was interested to
learn more about the new curriculum. I sent her the link to the new curriculum web site but I
havent been able to log into it for the last week. This makes me think that the curriculum is
being reviewed again.

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