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Ingles 2: The inner eye theory

Keywords (q yo pienso. Las saco del abstract): involuntary laughter, theory
of mind, cognitive science, game theory, cooperation (aparece cooperator),
empathy, mental representations, nonhuman primates, falsify.
2.Purpose: En la intro establece un gap: however, few have. l. 20) none
have (l. 21)
Y luego trata de ocupar ese vaco: This hypothesis paper proposes a trigger
mechanism (l. 22 y 23)
3- INtroduction: Establece el territorio (making topic generalizations y
reviewing previous research)
Many() have elaborated. (l. 32) Some have referred to (l 33 y 34)
While some are proponents of others have proposed (I 34 a 37)
Many have noted that (l 42)
Presenta objetivos de la invest.(indicating the paper structure):
The following proposed trigger (l 44)
First, I will provide (l 83) and then examine
Then, I will examine
Finally, I will examine
( gap) The hope is that this theory will (l 90)
4- a- En making topic generalizations explica terminus con los q va a
trabajar, o que se usan habitualmente como theory of mind, folk
psychology, simulation
b- En reviewing previous research explica el experimento de la theory of
mind que se llama false belief task, con personajes Sally y Ann (BaronCohen, Leslie and Firth), y compara el desarrollo normal contrastandolo con
el de autistas (furthermore, l. 55)
c y d - ya los indique arriba
5- No s!! No puedo predecir, pero imagino q va a explicar de la misma
manera qu es cada mecanismo

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