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Ramadhan Diary Seeking the Love of Allah "The month of Ramadhan in which was revealed the Qur’an, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs of the guidance, and the Criterion (of right and wrong)..." Surah al-Bagarah 2:185 THE QUR'AN PROJECT No single article can fully convey the many treasures that Ramadhan holds for a Believer. It is a time when one cuts himself off from worldly norms and renews himself to Allah [swt] — his Creator. He disciplines his mind, heart, hands, feet, tongue and stomach to act only in accordance to that which Allah [swt] loves. In the process, the Believer’s Heart is cleansed and washed to its deepest and most innermost parts not from earthly water but from divine rain — the final revelation — The Qur'an. We can describe Ramadhan in so many ways — every description only enhancing its beauty — Itis the month of Mercy where sins are forgiven, It is the month of Salvation where people are saved from the Fire, Itis the month of Bliss where people are granted Jannah, Itis the month of Victory, Itis the month of Layl tul Qadr — The Night of Power — the night when the Qur’an was revealed and where the annual decree descends for people. Ry i ‘ ‘abulpate eee pad: ‘ ‘ Contents The Heart scsssascsccess cccgoecrusceseccsnsiscyar acarwanercaas ania cciiin weetuet eats Recommen dations..cissscsssstaisscsctensasiaivcasssaseavesitanesshonstvicuersoeiantvoens CATIEY tus vevgcasovensdaswesey sounsaaqasrsasuasuneanaaunsaqiiuanatatansel eae i yeeuiace ieee Cc mea hk Titkaat ssccovsssatccconaasas aarneiasnoan tea samaavear steaks tpamiar anand aan ieee Duas for seeking the love of Allal.......:cssesssssessessssresssssresensseee LO: Qur’an reading rOAdMAP ww. sseeseeseeesese essence Daily Checklist iossssisissscvasssssersesssssessossecsessersscuenssatienssactaresstaisivitvn What do you want to achieve this Ramadhan? Ramachan wishlist. Dua littcannmas AREER Ramadhan Diary sisiisstiiensiicsearianainainneiseiiiiaieiede Dua for istikharaliccccciniiiniianmnnnnonaaaiadaiinyS Best dura for forgiveness....sesssssssesssssesssssnesssesesssenssnsrensssssanees ene?) Dua’s from the Qur’an........csccsssseecseseessessereesssseessreeseaneeseanee OO. Examples of duia’s in QUINOOL..escsccsecses cs teeeecs asses cseseseseassseee OD Download: POPS iannuissniamnmennnnnna ar NOO Qur'an Project App... Dua for breaking fast/Laylatul Qadir... seen OO The Heart This is the month to realise the state of our hearts. Are we yearning for Jannah or content with the life of this world. Are we restless and simply cannot wait to meet Allah [swt] or is this thought the furthest thing from our minds. The Prophet [saw] said: saa iis ohh sw of gag deus dh cat dh aw csi ta “Whoever loves to meet Allah, Allah loves to meet him and whoever hates to meet Allah, Allah hates to meet him.”* The Prophet [saw] [also. said]: saa) aby sh hy ad ecb dade estes 30 cigs J ii Deg FH Sp das 1 “When death attends the Believer, he will be given the good news of the pleasure of Allah and His honouring him, so that nothing will be more beloved to him than that which is before him and he will love to meet Allah and Allah will love to meet him.” Indeed, the issues around the heart are paramount. If it is sound the whole body is sound, if it is corrupt the whole body is corrupt. Allah [swt] does not look at our bodies [exterior] but he looks at the state of the heart. Indeed it is the heart that in reality communicates with Allah [swt] — If it is therefore diseased, corrupt, dead or alive [in varying de- grees] will determine the outcome of any dua we make and any worship that we perform. The Prophet [saw] said, »¥ ob ls jae Conti ¥ chi Si tity and know that Allah does not answer a dua [supplication] that comes from a careless and inattentive heart.”s @ Dhikr — Increase in your Rememberance of Allah [swt]. When you will remember Him — He will remember you. Your proximity [qurb] to Allah [swt] is in proportion to your remembrance of Him [so your distance to Him is in proportion to your heedlessness [ghaflah]. Let not any moment pass except that you are engaged in one form of Dhikr or another. The best Salah, Fasting, Sadaqah ete is the one that has the best quality Dhikr in it. Tbn al-Qayyim reports from the Prophet [saw], “...let anyone who wishes to know his place with Allah [swt] behold what place he has given Allah [swt], for verily Allah [swt] will give to a servant the [same] place with Him that the servant has given to Allah [swt] within himself.”4 “dhikr [rememberance] is of two types: habitual vs. conscious, and only one of these types will bring about Allah’s recognition. Ibn al-Jawzi illustrates this: "The heedless one says “Subhan Allah” [glory to Allah] out of habit. As for the conscious one, he is constantly thinking about the wonders of creation, or the awesome nature of the Creator, and this thinking drives him to say: 'subhan Allah." So, this tasbih [glorification] is the fruit of these thoughts, and this is the tasbih of the conscious... Likewise, they think about the ugliness of past sins, and this leads them to ponder, to have anxiety, to have regret. ‘The fruit of this thought is that they say: ‘astaghfirullah.’ [I seek Allah's Forgiveness]. This is the true tasbih [glorification] and istighfar [seeking forgiveness]. As for the heedless, they merely utter these out of habit. And what a difference there is between the two types...”5 Finally - We request you make the following Dua [on Lay] tul Qadr] for The Qur'an Project Team, “O Allah, guide the Qur’an Project Team in all their decisions. Forgive their sins and shortcomings. Aceept their deeds, raise their ranks, facilitate them to spread the message of the Qur‘an to the world and when they die - let it be while You Love them.” [ameen] ‘Wabil as-Sayyib — Invoeation of God, Thu al-Qayyim [hadith reported by Tbn Abi Dunya] Tariq Mebanna ~The Qur'an and You Z Recommendations ®Set daily portion of the Qur’an — Set a target for how many times you intend to complete the Qur’an in the month of | Ramad- han [this should be at the least more than last year]. ® Memorize some new portions of the Qur’an and then pray Nawafil Salah and recite these new portions in it. @®Each day [before going to Taraweeh to pray behind the Imam and listen to approx. 1 juzz of the Qur’an] try doing any/all of the following: a) Read the English translation of that 1 juzz of the Qur'an b) Read up on the Tafsir of the 1 juzz — hence you will understand better context of the Ayat you will hear in Taraweeh — e.g. you read about the Battle of Badr, then you hear the ayat recited to you while standing before your Lord in Salah in the month of Ramadhan — the feeling is indescribable c) Linguistic Analysis - Go through and highlight words you do not know the meaning of and learn the meanings etc. # Try reading books about the following topics — Purification of the Heart and Paradise and Hell Fire. # Increase in Charity — One of the scholars said that If Allah [swt] forgave someone for quenching the thirst of a dog then imagine the reward of someone who quenches the thirst of a Believer. Recommen- dation - send money for Somalia/Eritrea ete - Ummah Welfare Trust [] or Ethar Relief [] amongst others. You may also decide to sponsor an orphan or a copy of the Qur’an Project []. (only £3 a month) # Invite others for Iftar - you will get the reward of their fast with- out their reward being decreased. # Helping local families — poor families, children whose fathers not present, etc. @ Learn new duas to recite in sajdah or ruku, ® Spend the last 10 days of Ramadhan in I’tikaf. ®Seek Layl tul Qadr on the 2ist, 23rd, 25th, 27th, 29th nights [remember — Islamically the night precedes the day] — Worship the whole night —- Make abundant Istighfar [forgiveness] and Dua. Suppli- cate much - as the following years decree for you will descend this night [will you live, get married, die etc] @ On Layl tul Qadr - The Night of Power - make the following Dua continuously $+ abs fei £2 2 96) 2h) -'Allahumma innaka afuwan tuhibul afwa fa'fu anni’, “O Allah you are Lovingly Merciful and Love to be Mer- ciful so have mercy on me.” ® How you feel in your Salah will give you an indication of the level of your Imaan and how you feel during the recitation of the Qur'an will give you an indication of the condition of your Heart. The Prophet [saw] once remarked: "Surely, these hearts get rusted as iron gets rusted in water." He was asked how the heart's rust could be rubbed off. He replied: eT Reo ec UT aT gc a death and the ey een ONT THE QUR’AN PROJECT Our aim - To produce and distribute a free and simple translation of the Qur'an which includes additional appendices beneficial for the seekers of truth. For a simple and straight forward donation please text on your mobiles 'QPRJ99 £10' to 70070 [100% donations towards printing of the ‘Qur'an Project' ] For other ways of donating: ETHAR RELIEF ETHAR is non-governmental, non-political humanitarian aid organisation that operates currently in the UK and Sudan. It deals primarily with Eritrean refugees. GSLEW yliy| Ptikaaf - Seeking closeness to Allah [swt] Allah [swt] says [in hadith Qudsi], “.......My servant does not draw near to Me with anything more beloved to Me than the obligatory duties that T have placed upon him. My servant continues to draw nearer to Me with optional deeds so that I shall love him.” [Bukhari] “So drawing closer to Allah — the Most Perfect — in this blessed month, can be achieved by fulfilling one’s obligatory duties; and also reciting the Qur’an and reflecting upon its meanings, increasing in kindness and in giving charity, in making Du’a (supplication) to Allah, attending the Taraweeh Prayer, seeking out Laylatul-Qadr (the Night of Power and Pre-Decree), a night which is better than a thousand months, attending gatherings of knowledge, and striving in those actions that will cause the heart to draw closer to its Lord and to gain His forgiveness. Our level of striving in this blessed month should be greater than our striving to worship Allah in any other month, due to the excellence and rewards that Allah has placed in it. Likewise from the great means of seeking nearness to Allah in this month is making I’tikaaf (seclusion in the mosque in order to worship Allah) — for whoever is able.’ Tbn al-Qayyim said: "Allah also prescribed I ‘tikaaf for them, the objec- tive being that the heart becomes fully preoccupied with Allah — the Most High — concentrated upon Him alone, and cut-off from being pre- occupied with the creation. Rather, the heart is only engrossed with Allah — the Most Perfect — such that loving Him, remembering Him, and turning to Him takes the place of all the heart’s anxieties and wor- ries, so that he is able to overcome them. Thus all his concerns are for Allah, and his thoughts are all directed towards remembering Him and thinking of how to attain His Pleasure and what will cause nearness to Him and what leads him to feel contended with Allah instead of people. This in turn prepares him for being at peace with Allah alone, on the day of loneliness in the grave, when there will be no one else to give comfort, nor anyone to grant solace, except Him. So this is the greater goal of T‘tikaaf.” Duas for secking the love of Allah [swt] 5 sill goal id gs ty Ge let &y cal 2s sll Sag aaa ae oe Hil ane gp aah Alle Gh Bib to hy US) aah aimee be Ba ay ah eds yi daw apr smracay stil Sell eeme tienen Liar tehay Coe Miley aie) m Wee eee rane or Pian) itis Salt O Alla AS be Ta ens nod fo ay tb pet anys 3s slab ay 24) dst A se agus iu st eet Sip Wig Guus Jy sry EM) ote fe alails Chiat RUN TU read twiya — [All three Das quoted in Jami al-Uloom wal-Hikam’ by Tbn Rajeb al-Hanbali] 10 QUR’AN READING ROADMAP Abdullah ibn Mas'ud (radiyAllahu ‘anhu) reported that the Prophet (salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, “when someone recites one letter from the Hely Qur'an he will get one good dead in aebripence and this one wacrpente wl Be equal 13 ten good deeds, | do not say Alif Laam Meem is a letter, but Alifis a letter, Laam is a leter and Meem is a letter CTirmithi] Ig Dave Date Dae AN NISAA 348 JAL MA’IDAK ax | ¢ FUSSILAT AN NARA 3 ‘AN NAS: Cade sate eal Used a miswak before each Salah Prayed Fajr on time [and prayed the 2 Sunnah) Completed my morning Dhikr Prayed at least one Salah in the Masjid [men] Made the Dhikr after every Salah Prayed 12 Rakah of Sunnah throughout day Prayed Dhuha Salah [at least 2 or 4 Rakahs} Enjoined at least one good and forbade one evil Read the Tafsir of at least one ayat Read one new hadecth Listened to a lecture series on MP3 player Minimum — Read one page of Quran Made one Muslim smile Hugged and kissed my Parents Did not argue or backbite anyone Gawe money for Chatity — even if little amount - Made Dua for the Prophet [saw] Made Istighfar and Tawbah [100 times} Pondered 10 minutes about struggling for the Deen Learnt one new fact about the Human Body Reflected on Allah [swt] creation ‘Thought about my own Death and the Day of Judgement Send food or gift to my neighbour Made my afternoon Dhike Prayed Taraweeh Recited last 2 ayats of Surah al-Baqarah ‘Recited Surah Mulk before I slept - ‘Went to sleep in Wudu Prayed atleast 2zakah- Tahajjud Made sincere Istighfar during Tahajjud time “Made Dua for the Muslim Ummah Made Dua for my Parents Peayed Witt Salah ‘Used a miswak before each Salah Recited Surah al-Kahf Bathed, applicd my best perfume [men] and oiled my hair ‘Sent much Salutations on the Prophet [saw] Prayed 4 Rakah Sunnah after Jummah Patd Salah ‘Sought to make Dua in the last hour of Friday [before Maghrib) “Attended at least one study circle ‘Memorized at least 3 new ayat of the Quran [try daily] Memorized one new dua WHAT DO YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE THIS RAMADAN? Imagine this is your last Ramadhan, what would you like to achieve? Chose DU’A LIST DU’A LIST MAGHRIE PAnecSpoy = Oo UUOI Hives tme haverpne sat Kae ewe SunOOR Speeooe6 ania AM THF IARO 2 Payer ti fruns Vegetables Guirw Posen Day la FAIR AQ eo fone. Duk rece micas, DHUHR ASR 02s ak Res Tea ‘Anas (radiyAllahu ‘anhu) reponed that the Messenger of Allah GalAllahu alayhi wa prawyour Sallam) said, “Have suhoor, There is blessing in suhoor.” [Bukhari] SUHOOR GEO wwe su rasan 2 Sean Tore ‘AL BAQARAH 141 See UEP 18 Rb” 0 2" 2 re fi B 2 De M4 e ee 15 Fa 48 6 1 3 3 4 5 Bs 7 6 7 8 9 7 7 19 ce ee » 9” 9" a 10” 10.0" n u” nu B a 8 os s & : i : E [REMINDERS) g “Anu ibn al Ag (adalah ‘aphu)repored thar che Messenger of Aah Galli alah wa ® — sallam) said, “The difference between our fasting and the fasting of the people of the Book & lies in the eating of suhoor.” (Muslim) 19 2 [STOR TERAVER)TIME] Sah noe [z[s[e[e[e[a[=[e] fans Fotis Duy Os aye ame DHUHR Oe RaSh Sas ‘PESEIENT is relaved char Abu ‘Amu aah ‘Shaybant | acy aTay Tahu ‘anhud said, “The owner of this VRESIPE house (an icated the hause of, ) said, ‘asked the Prophet wh Mate get was mos loved by Ala and he sad, TERI E Dope Bn ARMS “Then what?” He sai en devotion to parents.” He said, “Then what?” He said, “jihad in the way of Allah,” (Bukhari) Two. AL BAQARAB SUNNAN TO BRING faint” aiiied 20 2 0 12" 2 ie IP B Pe os 4 ae a 5 1 2 3 4 5° 5 5 v 6 7 8 9 7 7 19 e im 2» 9” 9" a 10” 10.0" n u” nu B s : i : E REMINDERS) Nanared Abu Hurairah (radiyAllahu ‘anku): The Propher (salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, “When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of the heaven are opened and the gates of Hell are closed and the devils are chained.” (eukhan) a1 3 [STORTERAVER)TIME] eangeScey == ooadsaes les __Caime Posts Duty is faye ae Na DHUHR Pays be Nae Surah ‘Sakhral-Ghamidi and other companions (iadiyAllahu ‘anhum) reported thar the Prophet stavup (salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said “O Allah bless the eally part of the day for my oe Ummah,” (Abs Dawud, an-Masa' GOCE two AL BAQARAH 253 ‘AL IMRAN ga iat anja 22 Rb” 0 2° 2 & ‘ i: B 2 De M4 % ge 15 Pa 4" 6 wo wmnd KRM RW ne Qm B88 | 7 7 19 e ee 2» 9” 9" a 10” 100" 2 u” nu B s 6 : : ; E [REMINDERS) 3 The Prophet (salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)said: “The Fast and the Qui‘an are two intercessors for the servant of Allah on the Day of Resunection. The fast wil say, “O Lord, | prevented i him fron his food and desires during the day. Lecme intercede for him. The Quian will say § —‘Iprevented him from sleeping at night. Let me intercede for him.’ And their intercession will 23 Sas aenceceay ote Se Revaf esa (QUAM TAHAYLD Prayer sme, FAR tae . BHUFR Payee 7 Never she [aot Suraah PSE Abdulah bin Una fad anh) sal “A man asked he Pophet(slATahu ala SMILE & wa sallam) said ‘what is the best act of Islam? He said, “To feed others and to gi SPREAD greetings of salam to those whom you know and re those whom you do nor know SALAAM [huiduan d: Musliml “Your smite for your brother is charity GOCE wo 1 AL IMRAN 93 SUNNAN TO BRIG AN NISAA 23 VOUCLOSERTO > JAUTUAE Cane 2” 0 2" 2 & ‘ : ik B 2 a M4 e ge 15 Fa 48 6 omy DM kw NE a Bee es] 7 7 19 Pe ie » 9” 9" a 10” 100" 2 u” nu B s & : i : E [REMINDERS) Narrated Sahl bin Sad (iadiyAllahu ‘anhu): The Propher (salAlahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, Paradise has eight gates, and ong of themis called Ar-Rayyan through which none will enter a. ut those who Observe fasting.” The Propher also said, “If a person spends two different 2% kinds of something (for Allah's Cause), he will be called fiom the gates of Paradise.” [Bukhari Oe 25 [STOR TERAVER)TIME] Seagogea ooagsaes Veseables Cane Face Duy Peay sme: Noval DHUHR GEN Aisha adialaha anha) narrares that the Prophet (salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said ‘He who is regular in offering twelve sunnah raka at (of salar), Allah subhanahu wa ta ala ER sl ul For fy hin 4 house ti pataclises FOUR raka'at before dhuhs, TWO rakaar after a after maghrib, TWO taka at after ‘sha and TWO taka at before ae ‘ont’ jrwo AN NISAA 24 SUNNAN TO BRING AN NISAA 447 VoucLosTRTO 2 LN He] 26 0 2" Q * S aS & ty 3 ic 8 w a a 8 HR = R 8 e wo wmid KRM RW Dn Qn ea | 5 2 7 7 19 & ee » 9” 9" a 10” 10.0" 2 u” nu B IDUETTODAYS ODOM 5 Nanated by Abu Huvaitah (radiyAllahy ‘anhu): The Prophet (alAllahu ‘alayhi wa_sallam) said: "Whoever establishes prayers during the nights of Ramadan faithfully out af sincere faith and hoping wo attam Allah's rewards (not for showing off), all is past sins wil be forgiven.” [Bakhand 27 6 Sa07 FRA oosscaces cae DHUHR hee ea RaSh Saas “He who has intended a good deed and has nor done It, Allah writes it down with INTEND TO Himself as a full good deed, but if he has intended it and has done it, Allah writes it aeFoLtow down wih Hinselt as Fiom ten good deeds co seven hundred times, o} many times over, ‘THROUGH Burtif he has intended a bad deed and has not done it, Allah writes it down with Himself a2 afl good deed, bute as inended i anc has done, Aah wes down as one bad deed.” [Bulhani & Muslin) GOCE two 1 ‘AN NISAA 148 SUNNAN TO BRING AL Ma’IDaK 81 iia” aed 28 Rb? 0 2" 2 ne 1. ie B 2 2 4 3° 3 3" 5 4° 4 48 16 oe 5 5 7 6” 6 6" 18 Gis 7 te 19 8” & lee a» o 9 9" a 0" 100" n u" nu" B De Te? ODOT het (salAllahe “alayhi wa sallam) said, ions, Allal is notin need of his leaving 5)" (Bukhatd Nanated Abu Hurairah (radiyAllahu ‘anhu): The Rivest secs natene ur forge speech and ey his Food and dink tee, allah wil noraccept hs fast 7 Saas SMnoeaeay oosscces bayer we Na DHUHR Payer be Neel Surah TEREETENT Aisha (radivallahu ‘anha) reported: "The Prophet (salATahu “alayhi wa sallam) used co 0,70 Sleep in the eatly pait of the night, wake up (for worship) during its last part,” [Bukhas, BARLY Muslim & others} ‘ AL MA’IDAH 82 stare AL AN*AM 110 aaa EN Hee] Paneer 30 0 2" Q » ie aS & ty 3 cs 8 w a a 8 HR = R 8 Oo wm Hun kw NS a Bee es] S 2 7 7 19 ee ie » 9” 9" a 10” 100" 2 u” nu B IDUETTODAYS SODOHEE 5 Nanared Abu Hurairah (tadiyAllahu ‘anhu),: The Propher (salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, (Allah said), ‘Every good deed of Adam's son is for him except fasting: it is For Me. and I shall eward (ihe fasting person) for [tr Very the smell of che mouth oF a fasting person is better to Allah chan the smell of musk.” [Bukhari 31 8 Sa0H FRAN nS ooasaces teas DHUHR: Faye: be Pray time Noe Suma aot Suresh “Amr Bin Abasah (radivallahu ‘anhu) reported that the Prophet (salAllaha alayhi wa SET ALARM Sallam) said: ~The closest a (believing) servant is to his Lord is in the last part of the EASE SAD ight. IF you can be among those who extol Allah during chat hour, do so." [Tire sn QRFHE Nil GOCE rw SUNNAN TO BRIG AL A’RAH 87 Vou cLosrn To 32 2" 0 2° B ria 1 at B 2 22 l4 3° 3 3 5 4 4 4% 16 5° 5. of My 6; a = a Gis 7G Z Be 8 8 a 9” 9 BS a 10” 10 10° 22 uw” nut B Tana TOnOwET ERE et ie car yrra ron agoodesranTosng? ? Sa07 FRA BQnoeeeay (QIYAMTAHSAYLD Payer sme. ooascaces FAR tours BHUFR Pays be 7 Novel a eat Surah TET Abs Una (adiyallahu ‘ard Telated that the the Propher (salAllahu “alayht wa pray sallam) said, ‘urge you to perlorm giyam at night, because it was the consistent way of the righteous people who preceded itis : Means of coming closer 10 Your Lord, it isa means of explating your wrongdoings, and it a resuaint against sinning” Torche At Tabata, tr otets, Vertied vo be basa by af aia] AL A’RAH 88 ‘AL ANEAL4O 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 al 23 baa /hiwa sallam) was the be 0 2 re 1 ‘<0 » ae 2 oe 0 % 38 3 0 ~ 4 4 4° se 55" 6° 6 6" ihe 7 te ge g (ge <0 0 a 2 |2- ) ~ . 10 0" 0 ” ue Hue DUES BODOWE .__Nanated ibn ‘Abbas (radiyAllahu ‘anhuy: The Propher (salAllahu ‘ala a most generous amongst the people, and he used to be more so-in the month of Ramadan when Gabriel visited him, and Gabriel used ro meet him on eve it it of Ramadan ill the hen Gabriel MAGHRIE OuuUD UUOUU Ooocd0se Roya fm Neo alae QAM TAELAIUD avert DHUHR Prayer sme Nave Suk TARE, Anas and Sahl Bin Sa‘d (radiyallahu ‘anhu} reported: "We used to pray Jumw'ah and then AIL take a nap (during the Prophet's time,)” (Bubhari GEOOEE wo 1, ALANEAL gs SUNNAN To BRING AT TAUBA 92 You CLOSER TO. 2 Sony? 36 ne 0 2° 1° 11 2 22 32 3 32 e 4 4 52 5 §2 6° 6 6 e 7 gf 8 [Be 9° 9 9° 0 3 S sS 0 20 3 14 15 16 Yi 18 19 al ue nue B DUES BODOWES The Prophet (salAllahu “alayhi wa sallam) said: “The five daily prayers, from one Jumu'ah to the next and from one Ramadan to the next are explation for (sins committed) in between, Se, s@long as you avoid major ss [Mtn] S 37 Il [STORTERAVER)TIME] Oooo tone DHUHR: hanes . hee Res aa TET Abu FHurayra GadiyATahy yan) Teported thar the Messenger of Allah (salAllahu ‘aaah wa sallam) said, imighty will say on the Day of Rising, Where are those wi as BARE loved one ecticiten Ne ag ly majesty? Today, on the day when there is no shade LAH but My shade, I will shade them,” (austin few AT TAUBA93 Somairomme me foams EMULE tha 38 bp 0 2° 2 1° 1 oe B 2 2 a8 14 3 3 Be 15 4 4 4° 16 De 5 52 7 6° 6 6" 18 7 7 72 19 ge 8 8° 20 9” 99° ai " 10 0" 2 u” uu B DUS OES? ODOWE Abu Se al hud (adyllghu ‘anhu) repgned thatthe Messenger of Alf GalAlahu ‘alayh| wa sallam) said, "No slave fasts one day in the way of Allah withour Allch putting as his face seventy years’ jouney away from the Fire on account of that day,” (Bekha & Muslim} ad 12 Sa0 FRA ns ooasaces Peay sme: Neat DHUHR Ce SET Abu Farah (adalah “anhu) reported thar ihe Messenger 9 ofAlah (alAahu alayhi BORGIVE &€ 3 sallam) said, “Actions ate presented every Monda hursday, and Allah then FOR THE forgives every man who does not associate anything win ae one fora man who has EOF rancor for his brother. He says, ‘Wait until these owo reconciie!” [Msn] GOCE rw HUD 6 SUNNAN TO BRING ‘YUSUF 52 Vou cLostn To 40 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 23 Lea ESAS het GeabAllahuslayhi wa salam) tamadan faithfully out of sincere Be 9B 3 1 ‘<0 » ae 2 oe 32 3 3 0 ~ 4 4 4° a + Be: 6° 6 6" if 7 te ge & (ge <0 0 a 2 = =) ~ > 10 0" 0 ” uw Hue DESY BODOWEY .__ Nanated by Abu Huvairah GadiyAlfahu “anhud; The Pro a said "Whoever establishes prayers during the nights of & fa an hoping o ata Albh's rewards (not For showing of? a is Pas sis il be corgiven.” [euiha 41 13 SoG FRAN ns SOngenegy oases Feayet sme Naat DHUHR Payer be Fray time: Neel Surah RaSh Sash ‘EETERENT bn “Umar (adiyAllahy ‘anhu) said, “F someone fears his Lord and maintains ties of BBEREW.. kinship, his term of lite will be prolonged, he will have abundant wealth and his people RetNstite se Will love him.” [Busha " PRIEND- SHIP Abu'd-Darda (radiyAllalu ‘anhu) said, “Shall | cell you about something better for you than sadaga and fasting? improving the stare of relations berween one another, Hatred is what shaves things away,” tauknarit GOO rwo YUSUF 53 SUNNAN TO BRING amRAHIM 52 VouCLoSTRTO 2 42 2 0 2% ie 1 2° 2 Be 32 3 £ 44 a 5 5° 6 6 6 e 7 oe a 8: [ee 9° 9 9° 0 é S S an 20 3 14 15 16 17 18 9 al 0 ~ ue uu B DUES BODOWEY aS ‘Abu Usayd GadhyAllahu anhu) said, "We were with the Messenger of Allah, (salAllahu alayhi wa sal, when a man asked, Messenger of Allah is thee ay act of dutifulness which 1 le replied, ‘Yes, There ave four things: Supplication can do fr ny parent after thet death ing genious (0 friends a for them, asking Forgiveness for them, fulfilling the and be of theirs, You anly have ties of kinshipy rough your parents” [Bukhari 43 14 [STORTERAVER)TIME] BORoaeeay ooaseaces faye ame Na DHUHR Payer be Neer Surah RSPR) Abbas (adiyAllahu ‘anhu) said, "f any Muslim obeys Allah regarding his parents, BE EXTRA Allah will open two gates of the Garden for him, If there is only one parent, then one ee gate be opened, Fone of them is angry, then Allah will noc be pleased with him until panmnrrs that parencis pleased with him,” He was asked, “Even if they wrong him?” “Even if they wrong him" he replied, [Bukhari ‘Ali thm Abi Talib (radiyAllahu ‘anhu) names that the Messenger of allah (salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “There is no obedience in disobedience ta Allah, obedience is orly in ma’ uf (what is goodness).” [Mus GOCE two 1 AL HIE, SUNNAN To Bava aM WAHL 28 aie” Safe Be 0 2° 2 1° 1 ie B 2 2 a8 14 3 3 32 5 4 4 4° 16 oe 5 52 7 6° 6 6" 18 7 7 If 19 ge g [Re 20 oS 9 oF ai ° 10 0" 2 u” uu B DUS OES? ODO EE Every night Allah has people whom He redeems from the Fe. imam Ahmad (y/ay0) nanaved fiom the hadeeth of Abu Umaamah (adiyAllahu ‘anhu), that the Prophet GsalAliahu “alayhi va sll) sac At every Breaking of the fas allah has people whom He redeem, ia Mindht sat thre «© norton wong wit ns tinea a was eissed e'sahcch by «Albans Im Sahech Tahoe ot 5 SoG FRA Ss poe Oooo teas ia DHUHR Aare Ra) Saas DIRETEREETI hg Messen of Allah GalAlaf alah wa sallan) sald. "Ramadan has come 10 you. mengage {ll isk a month of bless ‘Allah covers you with blessing, for He sends down svete paayets In cAdsh Woks t you jeompetion Kingood Wes, INpUATO Mey, asi sins an 'ALLAH "‘cleeds), and boasts about you to Hs angels So show Auk Hoodies fom youse fc ie unfortunate one is he who is deptived in (this month) Of the mercy yy, the Exalted.” [Tabarani) of Allah, the Two SUNNAN TO BRING AL KAHE 74 aie” sBanyct 46 3 14 15 16 17 18 9 2 23 Lea ES ae Ivis related that Zayd ibn Thabir (radiyAllahy ‘anhu) said, “We used to have suhoor with the pe 0 2" ie 1 2 2 Be 32 3 Be 2 42 52 5 5 iad 6 6 i 7 8" & fe 9° 9 9° e 100" un uu DU OLE ROO LE ® ——-Propher (alAllahu"alayhl wa sallam). Then he stood & ‘Pew one was there between the adhan and suhoor?” D For the paiayer.” Anas sail, “I said, said, ‘Enough io recite fifty ayas. 47 16 [STORTDRAYER)TIME] BMneaeays ooascaces (QUAM TAHAYLD Shere ia, FAR faye ame Na DHUHR Faye be Fray time: Neel Surah [fest Suraah ‘TESTI | Bara ibn Azib WadiyAllahw anhu) reported, “When the Propher GalAllahu alayhi wa Max pu'asillam) went to bed, he laid down on his right side, Then he said, © Allah, have tumed BEFORE. my face to You and I have suendered my self to You and | have commirred my back SLEEPING (9 You out of fear and desire for You, Thete is no place of safety or refuge froin You except with You. | have believed in Your book which You tevealed and Your Prophet whom You sent, He said, Whoever says it at night and then dies, dies in fitra (natural state)."” [Bukhari] GOCE two 1 ALKAHE 75 SUNNAN TO BRING TAHA 135 nay coat 48 TODAY, 5) OGD oe 0 2 2 ie 1. B 2° 2 ge 14 3G 3 3f 5 4 42 16 5" 5 5° v7 6° é (ee 18 7 7 ie 19 re & [ge 2» 9° 9 9% a 0° 100" 2 ue uu B Dua OES? ODOR x “The Master of the Months is Ramadan, and the Master of the clays is Friday,” {bn Khuzaymah 17 Sa07 FRA aS ooascces teas DHUHR Faye: be Fray time Nae Suma [aot Sunnah ui Hurayra (radiyATahu “anhu) reporced dha the Messenger o salATlana alayhi CREST ADU TH «liyATahu “anhuy d thar the Ni F Alan (salAllah ‘alayhi PRED Awa sallam) said, There are seven whom Allah will shade with His shade on, the day when EMER! theve is no shade but Fis shade: a just leadel, a youth who giows up worshipping Allah, BRANCE OF the Mighty ar alted, a man whose heart is attached to the mosque, nwo men who Mi Exal d q Al "love each othe forthe sake of Alah, meeting and parts forth jeason akon, aman al fear Allah’, a man who gives a hand gives, and a man who thal) who refuses the advances of a noble and, beautiful woman, sayin sadaga and conceals i so that his left hand does not know what hi remembers Allah when he is alone and his eyes overflow with teats. jrwo ALANBIVAA 1 SUNNAN TO BRIG AL HAST 7B Vou cLosrn To big HME 50 TODAY, 5) EOCUS) Be 0 2 2 1° 1 be B 20 2 98 14 3 3 Be 15 4. 4 4° 16 De 5 5 17 6° 6 6" 18 7 7 92 19 ge g (Re 20 9” 99° a 10° 10 0" 2 u uu B DUS OES? ODO W EY ® cand they. fall Shea ‘on their Faces weeping, and it adds to their humility.” [Swab Alara’ (The 18 Ba07 FRAN nS BMnonaeay toes F ‘AL AzHAB Jo JNUYUNE| Keefe? 58 Be LU 12 i i 22 2 2 2 3 Be 4 42 52 5 52 6 6 6 i 7 8" race 9” 9 9% 0 3 S Ss a0 20 3 14 15 16 17 18 9 2 ue nue B DU ULES BODOWEY oad for the Night of Qa Nanated Ibn Abbas (adit lahu ‘anhu): The Prophet (salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam} said, “Look inthe last ten nights of Ramadan,’ on the night when nine o7,seven or fg rehigh remain bo east en ngs of Ramadan 23 35, especie ato ze [STOR RRAYER)TIME eos esename: Sal ‘wiik ae [uja[s[s[e[e/5[0] it Sree Nooraiaat war tatiyo Stara eee FAR AS Aga oun wettias mrss, DHUHR ASR hat erie louie RE aa ‘PESETIN raced by Abu Hurairah (radiyAllahu ‘anhu),: The Popher (salAllahu alayhi wa sallam) INCREASE said; Whoever establishes prayers curing the nights of Ramadan faithfully out of sincere NOUR faith and hoping to attain Alah's rewards (nor for showing off), all hi past sins will be PRAYERS: forgiven.” [Bukhari] jrwo AL AZHAB 31 SUNNAN TO BRING ‘YA SIN 27 YOU CLOSER To 60 pe 0 2 2 fe 1. B 2° 2 ge 14 ae 3 32 5 4 42 16 5° 5 5° v7 6° é (6 18 7 7 We 19 8" & [ge 2» 9° 9 9% a 100" 2 uw" uu B DUS OES? ODO Ee Naraied ‘Aisha (radyAllshu“anhale “With the start of the last ren days of Rarmdan the Prophet (salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) used co tighten his, waist belt and used to pray all the xy MBhvand sed keep hi family awake or he ayes tho ed 61 23 @ SIR as MAGEE CRSSeAcap Todo QUOUU tacyere vee eu ima SpoScon0 eae _ Gira a FAR aa sins cess, DHUHR ASR Cosi Rosina TESTE Abi (adjallahu “anhu) repored char the Propher (GalAllahu aayhi wa salam) said Mae DU may achat anh night during which no Muslim person woul happen to be asking, LAST gk “leh fora favo fiom hse oF che hereate,but tat Aah giants hin, And his 8 OF oe tmue every night.” [Musiim & Ahmad] “O Ak You ac Al‘Afinmse and You love afi, Farm” OA, You ate Forging en! You love Forges 20 forgive, EWES vine Gees | ees JUAN aan 62 Re 0 Be tes 1 2 2s 2 Be 32 ie £ 4 4° oe 5 Be 6. 6 6° 1S Tt Ae 8 8° 92 9 \o- 0 3 S S an 20 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 ue nu 2B Da Ey BODOWEY od for the Night of Qa Nanated Ibn Abbas (adsl lahu ‘anhu): The Prophet (salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, “Look 1 Hn, the last ten nighes of Ramadan,’ on the night when nine o1,seven or fg remigh remain bof east en ngs of Ramadan Ge 2335, espechehy) ato 63 24 [STOR JRRAYER)TIME] ent Ree Sa