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Waterloo Works Honors 100 Year Old Customer Ovrecommend (76) By Waterloo Communications (i Email article April 13, 2015 #& Print Article James Vierkant a Material Flow Engineer at Tractor Cab Assembly Operations wanted to give his grandfather Henry a special gift for his 100th birthday. Knowing his grandfather's love for John Deere it became clear that the present would be Deere themed, so he began brainstorming ideas. Growing up there was never a question of what color tractor he would find at his grandfather's farm. The Vierkant farm began using John Deere products when Henry purchased a Model 62 and continued to run green products including a Model A and two Model B's. Henry even used a 40 Hi-Crop to run errands. View Image + Henry and his Hi-Crop driving around Having been a long-time Deere fan, Henry fen? already has a room full of models, puzzles, clocks, hats and other John Deere swag at Apple Valley Assisted Living. James knew it was-going to be hard to find the perfect gift for this important birthday. James sent a request to Mike Hilby, Manager of Tractor Cab Assembly Operations, to see if he could get a certificate or a small acknowledgment for this big birthday. After hearing from Hilby about Henry's long time support of the company, the ‘Waterloo Works Leadership Team was eager to help James commemorate this major milestone for his grandfather. As a token of their gratitude for being such loyal customer, leaders signed a "R”evolutionary poster displaying the 6R through ‘9R Family of Tractors. “He was very excited to get the poster and it is now proudly hanging outside of his room,” said James. “It really made his day!” The signed poster is recognition of Henry's commitment to our brand, and demonstrates how valuable customers like Henry are to John Deere. It is essential for Deere to maintain a solid relationship with these loyal customers. It is even more important to create new loyal customers; customers who will not only run green, but stand behind it and recommend it to others. All employees play a role in creating and maintaining these loyal customers. As we drive innovation by listening to customer needs and provide each customer with a distinctive customer experience through quality and integrity, we set John Deere apart from the competition. John Deere has been committed to customer satisfaction for generations and we thank Henry for his unwavering commitment to John Deere.

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