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Customer Service Online Chat Call Rubric

Rubric instructions: This rubric will be used by the teacher to grade the Customer Service Online
Chat Call Activity according to the specific instructions given in class. Further explanation of the
four categories (Needs improvement, Developing, Satisfactory, and Exemplary are given below)
improvement (1)

Developing (2)

Satisfactory (3)

Exemplary (4)


Messages sent by
student were on
topic and made
sense in context
Target language
and grammar was
used correctly
salutations were
used to begin and
end conversation
The tone of the
language was
formal and
vocabulary was
Instructions of the
assignment were
followed (student
sent between 1015 messages
salutations and at
least 4 questions;
the conversation
was correct sent
in a document to
the teacher)

Needs improvement- This means that the student showed some understanding of this aspect, however the concept needs to
be developed much more.
Developing- This means that the student showed progress towards achievement of this aspect, however the concept still needs
to be developed more.
Satisfactory- This means that the student showed achievement of this aspect and the concept is well developed, however there
is still room for improvement.
Exemplary- This means that the student showed mastery in this aspect and the concept is very well developed.

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