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Stuart Park Restoration

Autumn 2015

A Titahi Bay Community Group Initiative

Welcome to 2015 planting season and a busy one it will be, with four times the
tree then last year to get in the ground!
There are over 1500 trees on my
front lawn and 500 more on the
neighbours back lawn. I only asked
next door if I could put a couple of
trees over the fence so we need
everyone to help with planting so I
can clear their back yard (till next
year!). Bring the kids, the neighbours kids , the dog, the husband,
I don't care what order you prioritise them, just bring them all!

Seedlings pricked out Sept 2014

Park gorse entrance to Stuart Park 2014

After planting in the gorse bank we

will do our first landscape planting.
The entrance to the park was waste
high gorse last year. This year it will
be planted with coastal species
such as Mingimingi, Tauhinu,
Coastal Flax & Cabbage tree. These
plants where all grown from seed
gathered just up the track and the
cabbage tree seed from Taupo

Six months later, ready for planting ...

Park Entrance ready for planting...

The back yard nursery has been

most successful, producing over
2000 trees in its first year. This
considerably exceeding my goal of
350, having never grown a tree
Part of the success being that our
coastal species have less then a
year to establish before the nor
westers and long summer dry, so
give them shelter, a nice pot of
potting mix and bingo - 2000
The local stick insects like Olearia Paniculata
healthy trees!
Maximum growth was achieved by having a shade house down at Wildlings in
Elsdon (and Astrid on watering duties all summer!)

Olearia Paniculata from seed gather south of Stuart Park

The most extraordinary growth were from the Ngaios. These where potted up in
the first week of November 2014 are now half a metre tall! What's more impressive, they are only growing in a pot the size of a coffee mug! They are a true
super tree in every sense, from the speed that they grow to being able to handle
drought, gale force nor westers of summer without the loss of one tree!
Breaking news... We have planting spades so don't bother bringing a spade unless you have a favourite tool of your own. Super thanks PCC Team & Ngti
John Hornblow
2368 624

Root system of Mingimingi. It knows it needs to get its

roots down before the nor westers and summer dry ...

2015 Planting Season

The 2014 planting was successful considering Wellington had the worst drought on record and that we were
planting an exposed site which at times, was little more then rock and dust! With all that to contend with, we had 100% success with the Ngaio and Rata & 60% success with the Taupata. Few of the mix of other species have survived.
This year will again see a large number of Ngaio and Taupata being planted to colonise the gorse and a mixture of other species in some of the new sites.
Thanks to PCC Village Plan team and Ngti Toa we have a good
collection of quality spades. Leaved the old shovel at home, just
bring the kids (and any bored kids kicking round your street).
1 - Gorse Bank filling in the gaps.
Ngaio, Taupata

Our first planting job is to replant any failed trees on the gorse
bank. All replacements will be Ngaio as every one survived the
drought on this exposed site. A number of Taupata where
polished off by drought and gales only to sprout and come away
again, these sites could be supplemented with a Ngaio if you
We will then plant around the edge of the gorse with a mixture
of Ngaio and Taupata to stop any further incursion of gorse into
the park. Our resident Hare likes a feed of crunchy Taupata so
we have a selection of large trees which will each receive a

Ngaio Myoporum laetum. - drought proof, wind proof, hare proof...

The Stuart Park super tree!

2 - Tuna Terrace Border

Ngaio, Taupata

We have trimmed the gorse back along the boarder and we will
now cap it with a row of Ngaio and Taupata. This will hopefully
stop any further incursion of gorse into the park. Behind the
fence line are two areas of grass. Any spare Ngaio and Taupata
will be planted in here.
3 - Entrance Way
Mingimingi, Tauhinu, Costal Flax, Cabbage Tree, Olearia, Manuka

This will be one of the bigger jobs due to the 500 plus plants
and variable soil depth. The plan is to plant outside the
entranceway and inside the fence along to the sheep trough.
Any spare plants can be planted on the south side of the track.
500 plants have been grown specifically for this exposed site
and are the species you can see when walking down the track
from Mako View.
There will be an addition of some Oleria, Manuka and Cabbage tree
along the fence line.
If we get any funding we may hire a post hole borer for this job,
its a lot of trees and we may find it hard going in the rocky soil
(ops, sorry, variable soil depth).

Did you know you can see last years planting on Google maps? You can see
the 4 rows cut in the gorse and the Northern Rata site.

4 - Gorse Cluster
Olearia Paniculata, Red Matipo, Kaikomako, Titoki, 5 Finger, Manuka,
Cabbage Tree

This is the first planting site in the park that will be a mixture of species other then our usual gorse blockers. There are approximately
600+ plants to go in this site and there should be good soil so planting should be easy. We will have to wait and see if the Hare is going
to broaden its diet to any of these species.
5 - Other jobs

The rata cluster will receive another 40 Northern Rata sourced

from Project Crimson.
160 flax (Phormium Tenax) to be planted around the wetland
and down the gulley towards Tuna Terrace.
This variety of Tenax was chosen for its long blade suitable for
Place tree guards and cardboard mulch mats around trees if
deemed necessary.

Typical damage from a Hare. Note the 45 cut to the stem - proof its a hare and
not rabbit.
We have two options to manage hare attacks, shot gun or tree guards.
Sadly we have to go with the boring option!

Possum Bait Stations

The bait stations in Titahi Bay are now managed by the
Titahi Bay Community Group. They are checked every three
months and refilled as required.
The increased sightings of Kereru in the bay and seedlings
such as Kohekohe and Titoki in our reserves are the result
of this pest control.

Healthy forest floor in Tuna Terrace

Kohekohe, Titoki, Red Matipo, Five Finger and Tawa.
Thanks to the kereru and other birds...

Bait stations are situated away from any walking track

and well up the tree out of reach of kids & pets.
Northern Rata
in flower...
Our Porirua Christmas
belongs up north...

The Northern Rata planted last year have thrived,

some doubling in size.
Another 40+ will be
planted this year.

For all its size, the mighty kereru is unable to defend its nest from
predation by rats.
More amazing images at and tips on
how to encourage kereru to visit your garden.

When the rain comes down

Whenever it rains I check out my
nursery boxes. These is something
magic about heavy rain in that a
seed tray that shows no sign of life
will be alive the following day...

1st February, seeds sown,

3 months later, 4cm tall Tawa

Not that grass then sell you in juice bars

Coastal Flax Phormium cookianum....
I learned my lesson last year, you dont need a seed
tray to get 100 flax! Sown 1st February, flax is always
the first to germinate...

Planting Schedule
Good news folks, we have a good supply of planting spades..
If you have your own favorite tool, bring it along...

2015 Planting Plan....

Sun 24 May Planting - Gorse Bank

Sun 7 Jun

Planting - Gorse Bank - Tuna Terrace border

Sun 21 Jun Planting - Entrance Way up to Sheep trough

Sun 5 Jul

Planting - Entrance Way along track side

Sun 19 Jul

Planting - Entrance Way / Gorse Cluster

Sun 2 Aug

Planting - Gorse Cluster

Sun 16 Aug Planting - Rata grove / Wetland flax

Planting day - 7th July 2014

Park Walk - Queens Birthday (Sunday)

Rather then walking the kids around Harvey Norman and the
Warehouse, bring them down to Stuart Park, 1:30 Sunday 31st
We will check out...

This years planting plan

Regeneration in progress - Tuna Terrace

Rare plants in Stuart Park

Planting plan for 2016 - options for next years planting

Anyone interested in having a look around the park come on
down on Queens Birthday Sunday 1:30. Meet at the style.
What's down there & how did it get there?

Bellbird in my garden, ask John for some flax

& you too will have them visit...

Takahe on Mana Island.

Wouldnt they be a cool bird to have in the park?

Park Security
We take security very
seriously at out public
planting days.
You have probably heard
of ISIS, well dont panic
folks, we have IVY.
Jeff and Cody have
worked tirelessly to train
Ivy as our park security
Ivy can detect a wide
range of suspect behaviors from people stopping to take selfies for
Facebook to sloppy tree planting.
Rumors that Ivy can be distracted by phrases such as look Ivy, rabbit...
have been dismissed by her trainers...

Housing crisis in Auckland?

Be thankful your not a gecko on Mana Island.
Check out or
look up their Facebook page.

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