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Contemporary Technique Class

There were 7 exercises that the group had to take part in.
Exercise 1
For this exercise the group needed contraction and release, extension in the arms, control
in the torso, no head drop until deepen, flexibility, difference between fluidity and sharp
movements and projection.
Maya expressed nice contraction and release, however; she needs to develop her fluidity
in this particular technique. The extension in her fingers was not as good as it could have
been. There was a clear difference between the sharp and fluid movements. She listened
to the music and counts therefore showing a good sense of musicality. Good projection
during the high release and hold, however; there was room to add more extension in the
fingers and arms.
Exercise 2
For this exercise Maya needed flexibility, core strength and accuracy.
Firstly, she showed some nice control when going down to the floor but bunched when
coming back up. She had good accuracy in the brushes but the accuracy is stronger in the
pointed brushes than in the flexed brushes.
She demonstrated very good flexibility with her chest reaching her legs but she needs to
lead with her chest not her head.
Exercise 3
In this exercise Maya needed point, sharp movements, accuracy, projection and core
She needs to make the movements clearer in the brushes. She did demonstrate nice
control however. There was a clear difference of the slow and fluid pli and the sharp
movement of the drop. There was a good point through her toes. There was good balance
during every relev. She needs to work on the extension through her arms in this particular
exercise. she performed the relev with great balance and projection.
Exercise 4
The skills needed for this exercise were accuracy and control.
There was some nice control demonstrated when pliing and the left side was the same as
the right side. Nice finish to the rolls.
Exercise 5
This exercise needed control, core strength and balance.
Maya showed a nice lunge with good balance due to her core strength being good. She
just needs to increase the control in the change from up in the air to the balance.
Three targets I would set Maya are;
Work on her fluidity when doing certain exercises and movements.
Work on her balance as this will cause other movements to suffer.
Concentrate on extended every move that needs to be extended.

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