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MAAT MAGICK A Guide to Self Initiation NEMA . A tI Z | mm | | jon by Kenneth Grant Wt Foreword by Jan Fries \; r } | WON aCe ea OTe tent @WerseR Books ne pu in 195 by ed Whee Weer Ue {ort Rech, ME ‘Wied fice a 3s Cones See ‘arn, MAGHIO conden Capigh © 1995 Mage tna ‘At rere Noa of hs pian may ered ‘rately ban men cc han ‘6 nla ponent an en ‘ee sn monet tom ihn prin wri ow Be ‘cine Reveoen nay gue el pe Lay Care Cty Cad Naber Mat magi pide mint Nema Inco Mga eee ane IP Mag Beans tno Tae BFLSLNAG 1S maven -da0 sy ‘cP sevosrasans a Cover an er th odes Ma, Meo Arse. Borenc aly Used by fermi f Sea Rese, NY Tt pe Gn edn the Unie St Aen 08 07 06 05 04 Pere ses Reranenee aI CONTENTS LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Heart thanks ad gant yrus Mounder, or maa expert, suggestions, and support: Kenneth Grant, fo encouragement, editorial help and Magical mentoring Louis Marini, fr publishing Moat material eri ‘lp, and longer frends Donald Michael Kraig, for encourgementand eda helps J Fries andthe European Maat Neewok, for encour ‘gene andinsaeaion; Eri lah, Denny Sargent, Rob Cary, Joe Engle anc ‘ll Blam, fe Mandrake, Am, andthe Horus Moat Lode (Gary Sera, forinercing me to Aleister Cry ‘Lee, Bil, Sue, apd Jul, without whom Magick would Ihe been miter pole nor necessary. ‘ToGrynneth,illan, Steven, Andrew, Amana anal the clden inthe weed~may they ive in twith a wider an deeper consciousness, INTRODUCTION ‘Moat was known tothe ancient Egyptians as the Goddess of Truth sn hice. The present book ences communication frm the [iges eel with special rear w sefntann imo Her Mseries- Teil to place Maat Maik i ks true context nd per spective without evoking all ses of seemingly untelated events shih man many decades. Ie is ver silly crafted work, pos Sesung allt nd Jepth ot immediatly apparent Howevet the ‘Aton eo Ma ofthe lever “1° warns us that we ate skiing Crowley teri. "Ten years afte Crows death, in 1947, buch of eters writ ten by his" magical son,” Frater Ach, revealed that he teriory ‘rasa vertable min and that coneroveny over the Mies of Maat wa he fne which eventually lensed the two men. [Not ong before Crows death ape rtally avis to the ‘eran emtinglerween thes to eat magicians, Lake Crowley ‘when Man's Aeon woul! dawn. Weed War Iwas grinding thal, a contrary to che epi of general recng, Croley dared that the war had nyt begun He was efersng of outer turbulent ‘ea abeal as the Acon of Horus-inaugurate by his recipe of The Bako the Lwin 1904-eealy got underway A ede abashed, Lae again when he thous the Aeon of Mant woul apes. He ee, Maat can wa” Mat di wat, but nea ong eta 8 Crowiey expected. The year flowing Crowe's death chat sin 1048, FrnerAchad anunced che Inger ofthe Aeon of Mast ina nein of documents incaded inthe corrpordence woemen- toned, [sabe thes documents wth some care when, vena Tame ae them, and Ach’ plaublargurents and erence all tb pended me thar he might be right bur something wa cing. ‘Thar oumthing wes the tanamnton which Nema, prophet ee the author ofthis book, recewed fom an extraterrestrial otty famed N’Ate, sone ster urs ele appears in this book at Liter rinse Pacis, «simple straightforward statement por ses noe ofthe oturus completes inherent in Ach s prod: ‘maton. yr contains pun merapbyal an pal ps [Nema allaly ring thse 0 che fore a wear proving eart ‘manual of picts! magical working Sor thowe wth a ceremonial “ene” Iisa hee the theory and the practic of «magia ature which in ts fullsedewdopmen meres as a prounaly msec erence of Truth sipped of eery cncetable gamor—ofall magick, In fact. None but Nema, wring today, couk! encompass 0 vast tgs of nigh in vo ethghca manner. In recent lene to me, Nera described her Astral temple: “My Asral Temple (an anksshaped sandstone structure ssn the Pain ofthe Stn desert of and of pik vender (maine?) colo, through which shine «mid of sears and galasies... I dicowered aims ‘The description reminded me, inevitably, of an experince shared by members, peice, of Naw at Laden 1958 just por franstsions from a soure we called the Mauve Zone. The faperience ined « structure shaped lke the asrogih of ‘Ventas neain shape tan ant sign at made noire was ‘of massive proportions and vertalyroced a ray angle i a ‘mawehued desert of drifting sand which rippled like waer under» Sealy brea. Unto the tp ofthe sign thee flowed three curved stream of light, Huidhhie and intensely bright. This sgn wat ‘renualy need and adopted by the Lodge ss magical cl. Temay or may nat be sigan chat we sw in te vas lan scape, partly immersed in the sand, what appeared tobe several similar structure, cei upperparts aloe visible. They resembled halfmoons with a triple fretongue plang on thc domes. Nema, ‘who knew sothing about them, was the fist person describe Se tals analogous in espect ofthe two chi features-theanbshaped ‘erature andthe color ofthe deer. Tear owing tothe Lodge experienc, andthe lnner Contacts which tesablshed in ts aftermath, that came view the struc tures inthe light of recitations of temples of Initiation, a hough [had oe though of them im connection with Maat I tnded, they did have such connection, then the New lis Lae stabled upon a magia one in wehich-neary twenty ears as, 1974-Nema received Like mae Prcrmbss ‘One ofthe more profound and yet practical lessons to be de tive fom Maat Magick sur, that we donot have "wat" or ‘Maat Foe those wh lve and work NOW inthe Light of Maat, Her com is alreay at hand. The concept of successional aeons i shown to bea micosceeion: weve in dhe acon we poject all about us, 38 ‘cur “ie” as out "worl" Ie flows cata we ces projecting we ‘shall ender ourselves walble to Mast, Herc. That ovr Trath sd the Truth of what we ceases prot. Kenneth Grane London FOREWORD In Ancient yp, Malu was perso sche pues of rth and ure, Truth! The very ide raises some kncety questions. Whats truth? What, more precy, your teh? Who ae you, and what ‘your eres? Whats your Troe Will, an how ean you do Such queions can accompany people as thei shadows do, through if. Great queuions which can upc, confuse, errange sa enlighten. Questons you can contemplate frequently and an ‘ver ocasinaly, suits your mood and work. Though Maat Mag ‘ekisvery concerned wth them, Joes nt pretend ase them “Truth may seem ikea simple a when observed from a safe die ‘ancr, buton dose quarters is extremely hart define. “There ae lots af subjecrve traths inthis wo, buf thee ae bjecve ers several thousand years of philosophical efor have fale revel cher. in my opinion-which isa good a yous and anybody cla’s-trh depends on the pinto view onthe abetve ‘realty of the observe, and on certain conditions, sch a time, ‘lac, andthe wilt be done. ‘fou bebe something be true, his eis an active fre shapng your ely Ifyou wish to communicates rth 0 anther, yeathave toe thistrath oem the cher an understand. Can you ‘peak teu in che other person's lsnguage? Ifyou pve ape an {Gem to truth then ar nly ue fr + whle. In practice, ean be Ihand enough to determine ust what sro for oneself at ier ie, lee alone for oter people “This makes Maat Magick avery see way of selfiscovery. ‘Truth can be avery isimate experience. What was tre eteday ‘eed ot be tro ty. Truth changes, jst 2 you do. What wil you ‘be ike when the Magick of Maat changes you If ou want to find ‘out her i bok fal of inspiration and practice Nema doesnot ‘sae what Maas, but fers, as an xample, a wellstrutured sees of mindexpaning experiences. Using these tal and meditations, Jestcan open a att the consumes f Mat, nd this where the fun beg ‘Your Sean inate yours nwo Mat. Inrecent ears, the ea of “se Tnistion” ha ried the corn of many organised cuts, ores, and churches, which confer iit tion to worthy individual at sgn of petal onal grace. Have thee orgnitions forgotten that ther cares under, He the ploners of many religions and stems of atainment, were largely set tated a well ‘Maat Magick though emphases the Kes of being nied by one's True Self, should nt be dase as a cl or onder If Mat means uth, this truth depends on the inva. Who ould Ine tite another into trath? Who could confer a Grade, « Name, rena diploma, to tetiy that someone cei trchful? Who can ‘aly measure the Wiland nator of nother? Ty Maat Magick, you bein on your own and find cur about your rut al by youre fyou war teacher, ask yourself an l= fen to the answers. Ask the AllSel, and learn from the word a such asyou ea. "Nema coce woe thata great way to avoid Boredom i 0s “What wll the woe surprise me with next" Would you dare wo say that Se goes along way beyond your personality. You may ind the ‘eld responding wo your call Not that you sand onc ofa chance to be bored ify invoke Maat, Aces 0 Maat happens nx only in steual br equally in dally Me “The srious Mages ofthe lat centuries made 2 diincsion be tween “prone” and “spletual” activites, and beleved ina silar “dference between tht “Higher Sef and thes “onary human nature” Many of them divided ther dal schedule on this basis, neve realising that cel parttime magic only worked during the ‘magical pats ofthe dy. ‘Nema’ work beaks with these tadions of separation. To Maat, adi tral aspects oie are equally ab and each mo. ‘nent sa unigue chanar oles, toenjo, and 0 work change as you wall ‘This makes questions of cosmology as nportant a doing the dies, and in Nema's Magick, you wil find a healthy balance of beth Ince ofthe ist eters receved fom her, La delighted xo learn how to change density using the word “TPSOS,”siebyside wth commments on how the peas were growing in the garden. Both ‘Seas are relevant tru, andj to form a langer vison, Yel eth Mat Mg es ain dl he Ann Baan igen Th ere oe: Ma Benceeerelichenemsenneherenetie'tt nee cee Tae Wi cen en iru Wl ion Sacer frp Ss lao Tit Gieaetepren ey acipeasachong no shadestgliden heae rene ist aera eld co Mat a pom bea tate aeer eee emus Fpounfom uta uk orcs keg psa Soy Trcsnestiminsecindsiornisacinon 1S renin Ses omer tres dnc te wi Saibtrdont tok capuaain mle guny cfm te The el hayes eg adjustment, honesty.” Though the Ancient Egyptians represented elias iene tay cl whe Naxos aa Teel Ma ected he ral snp snoeyentoe noah hea oad ae er oe oe Seo bs eran watered So eee {alecheae perng dented eal roman ‘to the place of yesterday,” to the memory of the origin. In our mod- rata cits whee a wl aes oi Teeeetenee Meese. ee arate thames ia a on ‘well, and aligns past and future through the worddeeds of the present. Tater guets elses de et say ek hon hr ne noel ey Mabel cies ene peeled cree on srsieShutu alae aienicen dec ag Grote tle ct trenel Th eee mel Caiigraniens (One who does wll returns othe place of esenay ais commanded: do good for him who does good that he my Algood This isto thank him fr doing This isto hold bak before you shoot This isto gve asks wo the Lond of Work" “Thus goes the Peas’ Comping,” popular poem on the conflet ‘of Maat and corruption, 2000 mc: The ese es hat you act for others oer actor ou, which makes ll activity enlightened selfineres. This Mas regulated not only the relations among peo ‘le, bur alo the obligations of humans and gods. “The wage of one ‘who acs is hat others act or im. This the Mast of Gx Here the emphasis les on activity. twas the doing. te acing tin accord with truth and honesty, which was supposed to keep the Enypuan culation sored and inact. By the same mouth iis cur doing that shapes the advent of the ‘Acon of Mast, giving les and new meaning os maniesation. Tn old Eypt, people lived in Mast when they ordered thet Lifestyle in contort with chet caste and is eadisons: Modeen “Magicians have no caste and ery ew trains Instead of regula ‘toms, they have avery eiky concept which posules chat there i sucha thing ata sel, whichis supposed to find and dots True Wil ‘Whar isthe nature of your self? What isthe mature of your ruth? (Whats your Mastin tion tothe worl? “True Will comes tobe when sl anaumes Masks and dances its “There isa certain Mastin the way a wukure strengthens swig a8 ss 90 ely a arm acres, sealing fe above ‘the woe in steady fight "From he "Rens Conant” opr ces 200: Tanti by thn Sone Machen nd Baan de Aon Age Ber la ‘Ge Le eng Gn, 1980p. 30 Acar ran ao nate Jon Aman, Ms Gee ed Unneteer mA Age nce ‘Be Vea 1990 ll, Chapa ep. 8h, 6-82 $ret Ona Temp Abn a RD ‘Ther isa Mastin the ups ad downs inthe he ofa bat. ‘Ther it a Mantin the aracture and beauty of pier’ eh at ie sespond les and wind ad rai "There isa Mastin the wisdom ofthe hive. “There lea Maat the mund that bcbold thee made ‘Common, the Eeypsan culture wed rwo symbol fo chet Masten. One the wero feather, hearing bid souk smage n flighe “The feaher les the aways, and air was fen associated with ‘Maat "Maat breathed” wat acommon expression, of" Maat gives the sto breathe” while ack of Maat was wel known to mariestat “Tack of breath popular metaphor for oppression, fee and re sercson Indeed, breath and tath havea lol common, a8 you ‘may realize when you do the breathing exeteies given inthis book “The way ou breathe, and truth you belee a the ime may inf ence cach oer “The cer symbol looks ike a lat, horsonal rectangle with a slanted edge tothe lft 3. It has been interpreted a rule, fe measuring rd, withthe explanation that Maat was the honest ‘meanue of the elds "Now the measuring ods from Egyptian tomb al lack the edge ofthe synbol. Toy, most Eyoloptsieverpet the symbol asthe ‘oundation under the throne, ad indeed such trope foundations ‘ecu with some frequency in Egypeian pings In this verse, Maat would be the foundation of the throne, the Enrthing tha gives valli to the gods Ifyou lik symbols, pease ‘onder that thee are to ways up the throne. One wy it ep, the other a rad ascent. As you devel seri for Mat, ou ‘maycome to recopiae that these ways ate model of change. Ween see evuion asa praual processor at a series of disinc steps. Mat conecourness makes we of both Sr of devekopment ‘once. This book, instance, fers a wy of sep bystep evaltion, ‘each sage of development appearing oof the insights and expe SWE A Bale The ff ead Thea plese ‘noes ofthe st This would make Maat Magick predictable way of ttainment. the ame inet aces fo past and fcure aes ‘oF conciousness, which makes the practice unpeedicae, indeed. tes bein an nd on Earth witha laugh arg and art be dove. "As the father life mearenest tothe bight, the Earthing ‘ngs the wsion into flesh, and forms the world anew. The book hold in your hands functions equally as feather and foundation. “Maat Maric is the diilled er ofthe hive, a drop of nectar thatcan change your word. Bees share their nectar, and feed each ‘the, finding communion a they pass the ei from mouth 0 ‘mouth. As you para, pas on what you lan, sharing the sects Stthetimetobe, By the sae meu, a Fes Feanbfur/M PART THEORY MAAT, THE DIVINE ILLUSION \MAAT IS THE EGYPTIAN NETER, GODDESS OF TRUTH, justice, righteousness, measurement a alice She is depicted as A beaunfl young woman wearing feather he symbol i her head land. She ithe daughter of Ra, the sun god, andi the wie of “Thoth (Tet) the beaded scribe fhe pods, whom bested nthe ordering of ration. Tn the jgment al of Osiris the sin and restored King the ‘eat ofthe dense sliced on one pan ofthe balancescle of Amo |i ee acealheaded ude of the dead and the ether of Maat in the thet Ifthe heart weighs no moe than the feather andi ork ‘ered with sin, the sul gest Arena, the Epi paradise Ifthe Irearis env than the fenthe,the ere devoured by he coco Ale god Sebo or in some depictions, by Ammer x chimera beast. “The term nate means “principle” ad indates chat the Exp tian Initiates regarded their pantheon, noe a gods inthe sense of immortal persons to be worshipped, but at eas aa qualities tbe Ihonored and practiced. “The Nik’s flooding required an annual remeasurement of fies and property ine; truth and ster im mcsurement were ‘eld ia igh raed as consequence. This regard for uth exended to oedinaryspech nd business dealing, as evidenced in the Nege tive Confession ofthe Papyrus of Ne Uwe not done init. have ne made igh the bushel have not aed deci have not tered falehood. have ot et my mouth in mation apie any man have not made mcf deaf unt the won of ght and eh. "have not multiplied my spech beyond whar should eae ‘There are ttl of 42 sins ite inthe Negative Confession, ay ‘of which are rete to rth, Maat isthe mast abstactf the ner, ‘perfect patton fo the ue pal of Magick ‘Aleister Crowley defines Magick a the Science and Ar of “ausing Change to occur in conformity wth WAIL This s a wide ing your neighbors from the eneeles you rien our work and he “Gleaner have on peuple anew, Bunshments an be done dean out and dedcate «house apartment, fie, torn Ihleany structure o place eat needs it ‘Youcan cary proteatve eld abou ou as you move through ‘your daly if. After ou've banished a paceene frst, mete tion, or anyother purpose, and when the wotkng is completed, imagine the boundaries of the space shrinking around you nt it fis your frm. This ratio i useful in terporaiyinslating our Jdeeloping “extrtsenss” frm information ovetiad adi ine lang yur sncreasingeneay fom detection by undestbles ‘Banishing on Level 10 has nother ood asec, which is being ‘minor Pit Inintion Ordeal Most intiason nthe denser levels te preceded or accompanied by ordeals. ‘There once was a farmer who owned a mule that eied being trsned wo harness ot plow. The farmer went 9 town and hired ‘moleskinne otra the mule: the muesknner agreed come Ti farm the lowing day. Ashe farmer approached ee oral the neat morning he aw the muleskinner sing alength of two brit a bash the mule between the eat. “Wha doy tik you've dng” yl he fame. “1 heed decorated place, wearing robe or ping re, nd making od per ‘ures even sata Not only necessary ngage folic sxtions, is recesary t9 be sincere and totally evolved in the Proce. any Magical working done superficially trates ce scampi fil nd posly backfire on the Magickin ‘On Level 9, a banished spacetime functions ata stable home ‘ase amid Flowing and locuning landscape i keeps your ate ‘ion fee rom the diractons ofthe tal plane. (On Level 8 banishment help quit the ongoing chattering of ‘the mind. We rately note the continuous monelogueof rational: ieaton our mind delivers ous but oes on und we een the at of slence lene grows from the regu practice of mantra mea ‘ation and pranayama breathing discipline, butte egning ft leper can be aided by banishmens- ‘On Level 7, banishment sos hab, peeadce nd comfort ‘ener the acre spacetime in the universe at lag, and ves yous act stand from which o move the wor In perieminy the ba ishment ritual you gather the ens and respon of Magickal power i yur hands. You alone have the authority actin the ara youve banished an authoiy yu can share with colleagues in ‘group working) and you alone mas answer theres fou ‘tions, ‘Wich growing experience yl in tht she abridged oem of Mantra mediation isthe form ofthe Feather and Fame Rit sul which ihe main mean ofexashing your link withthe Mast ‘current. There sa general Magickal Current flowing through the universe rom the Big Bang t the Big Crunch. Each Acom and its Word sapsine i character frequency/signal on the general Curren, tuing tothe level ofthe comploty of consecurnes ralabe among humanity atthe time. The Feather and Flame ital ibinthe Prcace Secon. “Magick sa ceute.You explore each level of decreasing density une you earn enough about and through pve lew! to bring your ‘new reaiations back w Level 1 in se and practice, The return 2 re! 10 calle “Earching our Magick; without, our cmt re main open and no power Flows through 0 do the work. Both banishing and meditating are Farthing atv, ina much as your body gestures and your mouth speaks words or your thy st al for a period of ime ad slows ts Breathing in symp: thy with che depths of conaciousess you reach wih your mantra All psa cual isa form of Earting in that your physical body ‘moves shout and your mouth opesks edie words “Another, and peshaps more important ene of Earting es in applying your new way flocking at fe in your daily actions. This Anchors your sainments and eablahes them aa permanent part ‘Of youel alo begins the proces of changlaythe weed around ‘ou in conforraty wich WL “The Magical process, then, your awareness ascends the eves of density oa level of greater arity than Level 10; you 2c {gute new infomation on thar rarer level che information provides, ‘routereate, atu tha will express the inormation on Level 10, You perform the ital you record the detalls: you apply the prin es ofthe new information in your dally fe; record ress cack of same; shar you findings with you collegues, in person, on screen, in rine. Repeat the procesrand try ot the rituals of your colleagues. Shae your findings with the creative ritualist) Magick can and does wrkaa disance through space and ime waa the quantum connection” ofall exitence. Magik ean influence ‘ther people and events through talismans and Magical Links. The ‘rimary mean of manifesting Magick nthe world of Level 10, how er, emalnsthe Magickian’s You ae the strongest and most a ‘hortiv ranaltor of your own wsons a ou expres them hat cor in ondary ving you bunch rips of change in your erviton: tment A single actor encounter in Level 10, done precy terms of am, power ad apeness, can rg cascade of events hat Ihave freangng fects, sometimes of lobal magritode. Thee are four bal kind of ral Daily practice and discipline rites for the development of the Ma ‘sckian's tenth, sensi cemering ad openmindednes. Seaton elebraton rivals ro mark the sation onthe Wheel of the Year atthe Solstice and Euinowes, the cros-quarers (October 3, February 2, April 30, and Angst 1) and significant annie saris: These seve to eit you t the sactime conditions of Level 10, and permit you to tice the enerpes and forms most harmo- ius wth the me. Initiator or informationsecking rituals. These ine alee ‘ments of reception, lke tances divination, medial mind, nd iwocains of goes and forces. This typeof eremony can. firms the preparation ofthe Maickian wo reve new information nd aes formal invitation tthe information dese riety or communica In ches te, you sca an sian ‘rfl forthe who want mark Mepaseage ora make Je ‘ison with a ceremony of some formality. Ti type of re inces handing healings, “paaning,"ordetcatingerewbor to sp ‘tually, wakes ad funerals, puberty celebrations, hous banishing and Hesing, Magician ae lt ce tobe one wolves or member of Magickal ‘onder that are tadsnaly ranked ao gras or deren, The Mar fickian has 2 reputation of being aloof and vermote, a igure of my ‘ery ater than a figure of warmth-like a Wican High Priestess or igh Prise This image leone; Magician re iterated with scr as ayone ele ‘Maat es thre eves of Magical competence: Tritt, Ade, and rit. The Init is busy leaning the wales behind appear ances the Adept is busy assisting these realist appear the Priest sts others comprehend realty through dct experience As yeu ascend the level of iinishingdensty/incteaing a sry, you become falar with them learning het truths a ules ‘of operation, Your into competence advance ascot + do our concern and interes. There ae several diy practices beyond ‘mediation ad banishment tha ve found belpfulin establishing» 00d grounding in Level 10. Lite Rsh vl Helos by Aleister Crowle. Performed fur times 2 day a sunrise, noon, sunset and midnight this orton wo the Sun reminds you of yout Bae i space and ie while directing your a tention 0 the Solar energies of Level 6. Food Magick. This comin faceting, preparing. and eating fod wish arenes oft eg and vires ad charang th Map ‘cal energy to vitae yourself and your fellow dies. Italo keeps you mindful of your place on the fo chain"! ~The Ganges Oration. 1 ue tis in all watery cumstances taking 4 drink, washing hands, dibes, clothes, oor, ec, walking oF Aang over abridge that crosses aver or steam aking a bath oF ‘homer, waning. ec. Hal to thee, © Mother Ganges, who flows ever around the world and eran ever thy source. Puy us ow | py thee, fe ‘he ongoing tal off, How hae Gang ~The kp of Magical Record. Don'teven sik abour relying ce your memory alone record the information ad evens that nk ton bring A seandand spzal notebook and a bllpint pen oe ‘enc areal you need. Wee in Kevery dy asa tmare of scpine. [Record aryrhing you jag pertinent your Magick-new concees learned, tule performed, ests observed, inspirations, visions, ce Your Magickal records your bestfriend. With comprehension ofthe principles of Level 1, you should beable to setyourelfa regimen of practices ro help your ow ini: tory progress. "Thank compe Loe Marie LEVEL 9 YESOD / FOUNDATION [EXISTENCE ON LEVEL9 IS MORE FLUID THAN ON LEVEL 10, though there are many corespondences among forms nave 10 ‘oth levels. Space, tie, and the objets within them behave ier ‘tare more casi and subject quik changes than onthe me teil ee of des Part of Level 9 has been called the Astral Planes. Sleping reams our here a do daydreams ad decd Quc) dreaming. ‘The lamer pectic lo called envnoing imaging, rimming, nd constitutes an important part of Magick. To make Maric, the ‘Mage must imayine the image of Jest, the linguistic connections espe a eal (Change occurs constandly inthe universe, with of without ‘human knowlege o approval In order wo cae “ehange oct «conformity with Will you needa conscious awareness of your de sired change, in as mich deal, depeh, and texture as posible. ‘Vague wishes and vaporous generalities ctey no powet and doa now how to mans. T recomend the bulling of your Asal Tempe a + good traning projet nts course yal segue» working pace on Level ul srengthen your powers ofvisualzaton and perepion, end ‘youll come ro recognise your own se of imaping Is important thar you can recognise your own products and projections that youre te frie with the characteris ofthe images ou re ste, 40 yu can recognie strange astral form when you encouter ther. could be argued that you create all astral imagery you pe= ‘crv, but this nt true on Level 9. Besides the ngian Racial Un- onscous, there are india and group eties that ae defintely ‘tours in this phere. ‘Although each individual has a small personal vesble on Level 9, your pertnal astral space opens on avast common ate, akin co ftonal cyberspace thats shared by al human and ochen ‘Before you eck conc with astral Beings, cdo any tating in the common spac, well construct yout erg fn your pes scnal vestibule. Begin by conducting banishment in your temple on Level 10, we evisioning youre ing the same words and doing the same ‘cons in lank gray fog. After the banishment, et your physical body comforaly bt remin nding in Level 9. "Norie the presturegrowing against the sles of your feet athe fo soiifin beneath them Ise in lide wisps and cure about ‘your ankley une you determine the landscape in which Your temple leeo be erected Once you've picked setting, lok dows and noice thatthe fg i gn olor, texture and obiy in a wave ada from Beneath your fet Sand grain siftand she, grass fle «bres, rocks rae and tumble ward a mountain slope, rots twist from fren glnt, or windblown waves fam up aay bch. On the ata planes, you can shape your environment in any way you ‘hoot. Youcan ste your temple anywbere you can unagin: fom f= tila places on thi plane, onthe moon or another planet, ot it ‘aces impo on Level 10. For astance, sy own Astral Temples located on the Plain of Sars, where the lavender sands are shining in thee Jepchs with fa sears and galases, and where is aways sunrise ‘Yur Astral Temgle can be acl rsa, ue ot frees; the ony limi is your own taste and abi. Establish the deals of ‘your environment in ae many seasons as takes wo be eat Lay a ‘your foreground; midground, and background feacures ina sphere ‘round you, a sphere that hat no boundaries when you'e inside Set your atmosphere, sky, and lighting if any. Let distant fearores {deine shoraon or hase, give mlground fearuresthe same degree of arty you have in your Level 10 sight, and make foreground fea tues dealed and rearured: Every time you ene this astral pace, ‘ak the ime to seth everything ia you've made it This reir ‘ores the arength of the image: fou notice changes in Youre ronment that you diet consciously mabe, you can check foe ‘thinking them nto existence. Yu can scl the mass with the ease ‘of thought good dear complete the exterior ofthe temple be foc shaping titer. “Another method ist enison the bulding materials, then levitate the stoves, morta, tiles, et int place. Fra truly rococo approch, you can exvision into being whole crew of wrkers with {ools, and create ast of Mueprints for your imaged construction ‘boss. The major problem wich this ix is chat astral constructs take on life of thet own and gun independence from ther ce snot fs beer do the wok yourself and have your temple the way Tes also possible ro visual your wel as comple formed “More yourelf round it esablsh itn deal om ll sides, op and ‘orto. On Level 9, you cn inerpenetrae objet a ens with sourasta ody fh hover die underground weber tunneling. nd ‘hung oale withthe speed of though. Take ime bere fle ‘th every external eure of your temple and fx itn your memory. ‘Once the exterior of your temple is firmly establised, open ts oorwny and walk inside” Form the fle wall xg, and Far shins according ro your tase Since the astral planes are lel, you an have the inside ofthe temple ager than the outside if you $0 prefer. Aguin take your time todo thorough ob onthe interioe. Tr Maat Magick, sell vo ince feather somewhere inthe furnishings. Tn the oune of constructing your temple ince an ieee with the common astral region. This could be a doorway ge “Magick Miro a tarsporte deck-some hid of opening cconling tw-yourate, ge enough for youto passthrough and abe to bese ‘ured agin unauthoraed ery. ‘When you've completed the intro ofyour Astral Temple, per ‘orm tee ink our wtral tos and alka wth your pln tols and ala You coud epeat the ral in your phys temple, do ‘them in your Astral Temple and in you physcl temple simultane cou, "Once you have our Astral Temple, us i regula. Although its good todo your runs on Levels 10 and 9 simultaneous, you ‘an use your Asral Temple when you'e away fr your psa ‘one. Your physal body can be sting quel with its ees coved ‘wil your astral body i dancing anal canengin stan Level 9 isemple. “Avword of warning don let this Level capacity make you ley ‘on Level 10. Magick sto be earthed to be complete and emer sec” astral work needs pial ken wore or later. There a some ude ofthe High Arc who “ony work on the astra” as they puri This isa contradiction in terms and thingie excise ‘chai Magihiara ue to rane tt ick eal work "Now that you have yout temple established cm Level 9, and ave ttt 9 your sal temple, theresa lgeal sequence At se For thore who ar explring Level 9 for the fis time 1s tse fo use a Magick Miro, rytal ball or cher serving means on nel 9 Ie could be a reflecting poo in your temple courtyard, & treat window fring the eral common spat, «walled thio Screen TV, a das bronse mito, ofan image that meets your reeds. On Level 10, abvays keep your Magical Record ac hand then you work on Level. Devs your own method or acting your sryng device and ‘remain n nomind while watching it You can imply activate then ait to se what appears or you can cll specific images appropriate to. given concept, such as an astrcogial sgn ora godform, or 2 ‘ince ee: Crete asymbol or us ne from aon and send ‘hough your serving device ito che common spe ‘When the images give you information, write ie down in your “Magical Record, slong witha thorough description ofthe image: ‘ature clo, background, your interal impressions and responses Ask ors name of number at entiation from the comainict ‘eget and record tor iter ana In your first explorations of Level 8, wotk within our temple, serving through you instruments and coordinating with you Level TO rituals by performing them simultaneously on Level 9. When You ‘meditate on Level 10, do soon Level 9 als. Aree, enter your Asta Temple as you fll alep, and record your dreams in our “Magia Record immediately upon awakening Tniation is nota guaran of sainthood, no isi hard re ‘Thete maybe ocasions when you fel that you're under astral a ‘ack ther fom natives of Level 9 ot from someone tying to reach ‘ou through the aural commons. For anonymous sours envision yourself ur rounded ty 2 damsondshan aura, a hard exeshape impenetrable by anything ouside of youre, but ‘pen to your own purposes Sea wth the symbols ofthe Bye of Hor and the Feather of Mast by ‘imagining hem lowing in your beat chal. ‘When you know the source, wrt the name ona pee of pet place rberweencwo small mirrors facing each other and wep them {aluminum 6, shy side. Atte sme tine, envision the pet som for thing encased in a mirrored egg als sealed withthe Eye of “Horus an the Feather of Mast As final wich, follow the aice of Aleister Crowley and got a comedy movie and dissolve the situ ton i age. ‘As you gun experenc on Level 9, you ean expand your range cof ccvtes ty weurig ino the astral commons in yout own fem, rin that fan animal ot Bed, we fa places Level 10 throuch the commons, o speak withthe dead. We dea second time when ‘we eave cur astral bok nthe same way as we've lft out psa [odie a physical death. Some peopl linger in Level 9 fr one ee sn or another, past che usual forty days thee are ies when we “an help the featulin thei tlw. “There are further operations on Level 9 that are appropriate sfrer aang ination on rare level. Level he waging aes or ‘shaping the manifestations determined by work onthe higher levels Iedeserves enough of your time ad effort gain aia with fe LEVEL8 HOD / SPLENDOR {AS THE NINTH LEVEL OF DENSITY DEALS WITH DREAMS, ‘mages, adnan, Level 8 home to concep, etoning, loge sndlaietion. Number and thei rdatonahie ae native Level [Saar che scenic method and the sry of Qabalah, the rel ‘onship ofthe meaning of words to numbers, ‘Study and experiment are wil 0 the practice of Magick Making llowanees for the vocabularies of times past, and the swokdvews that shaped chem, you can discern eternal truths that {ppear inal the wetngs of nse Tradition. The mow impor ‘ant thing guard agains in your reading ofthe Intaed Trad tion is eral. Biblical fundamentalists ae literalists. They “confuse the plans" by treating metaphors and symbole as saight escripson Tes easy forthe Magickal neophyte ofl into the sare rp. ‘The mialesoflgendary Mages, such as Metin, suspend or break haley; Semon Magus atemptsto iy the Sorcerers Apprentice ‘ant stop his animated brooms, and Aleister Crowley turns Victor NNeakungint aime, Right “These things are tue on Levels 9, 8,or7, bu not on Level 10, ‘AsT've mentioned, the levels of density we're discussing are das ‘atin pone on scotia, andthe aspect fone lean a ‘on chet eves Sachs the case with PSI ae, which wos onthe Interne between Levels 9 and 10. Magick ues, ater than beaks x pend th la fret dn Low lc a Wont tly ey ae carina eed o> cwiekn epeines "Ale hh csr he nfomaon lb a heat std Taken pc be madam oth mein ind ‘Seon and wth here a por sce oxen Inthe rate of Maps wl cre pnp ses ‘nde pr a edcoding Ber en cn yn st Tater soso he din ed ‘Cee ey ayant wera alee oe ‘Se nro cng ata fal le he co omit oom Invention unde tion of nt hme ley, ian ng ieaey woken ar Yor nd ade tober tcl ec eps oa wrk Thr Sevvor lad ws et ro lo i os tle tc oid he hie an ees ek Sethe conmecion anon pitas ste plop cence “each man eden ee uch ind cen Chere open Te i ecient ener inet wns pi: Ml pa ome epg nw aml Cpe oer an cing hing he ‘Win yu bg teats tana fad Tron yl scr ow Goa or nw te ssh Toahen sca ela eo el rn snow ‘then ethan bts pe mpc ef a Gama af dering he renter orto esp wth wo etme tases Te eet met hy oth a kris ne woe care of ord, Weds ch het non on ae eer Mala ae eee versions of an English Qabalah, where num: besa ged whee of te ape ad oe as fd em uprated od in he Hebrew since there isan exiting reference table of correspon- ences i Sopher Sephiroth” with which to mae immedi com parsons and che eters have tadonal umber values, Working ‘the English Qabalah requires you to compile your own table of words with matching number vales. The same holds tre foray Tanguage- Sacha persuit has atrcted many inate, event the point of obesion. For my own purposes, Gematia serves to vei 1a cern tent ames ancl Wonks of Power ected in vision or trance. Tht ‘one ofthe reasons to kee thorugh notes in your Magickal Recon ‘ot information you nd Level 9. Is alway good est seek a tame or word from the source of vik o foe ny entity that p- pets in vision. Ifthe given word works outto have 4 mumber Hite ln Sopher ‘Sephieh with ater words titrate w the nature of he informa: ‘on contained inthe vison, you can aceptthe information 8 prob. abiyeue (Qabala has a schematic char of exitence called the Tre of Le, consisting of ten spheres and 2 paths. The spheres ate coe- sruen with the level of desry we're dscusing het; he pas re Tne tothe trump cars or Aras ofthe aot eck and each eles 1 Hevew ete. There are plethora of versions ofthe ar avalible tedy, many of them witha particular spititual sane, or pint of ‘ew. I recommend the Thath Deck, atl Th Bok of That," by ‘Alster Crowley, and The New Orcas Vendo Tat” forthe set coun ectet. ach tc cand hat an elemental astrologel creation, at wells an alchemical sgificanc: nthe small cars each emental ‘uth thee car fr ech sgn ofthe element ecepethe Aces The ‘ourtcads have double demental eerences, an the tmp repre Seotthe Zodiac sgn, the clement, ad the planes. “Als Cre 77d Or lela rg, rad Rei ee fk ech ME Sma Wee 170 "Rae Coney Te Bk Tha Bch, ME Sa Wein 14 "Law Mara and Sale Ang Cuman, The New Oar Tot Gener VE Dy Boks 19, Tarocands are poplar used for divination or fortunetellng butcher vale to the inate es far beyond this. The sevencyight cards ofthe tarot ae a book, or rather, the chapter headings of ‘ok. The cards are alo an aphabet, anda lnguage of ornmnt cation among the lvl of density f youself andthe unverse. The “Troe of Lifer alo langue. Tn Maa Magick the Dance of the Mask ste ring of art cil pence oe mais, hase onthe aro rump path ofthe tteeplanet and eg ofthe Zod. The aks are danced, or worn, ‘bythe Magician n pete commesatons, at parties om the), ‘ng speeches and doing rita. For dhe most par, the eumps de seribe postions of inary responsibly, appropiate actions and/or dagnoses of tation. In any relationship of teaching sharing information, or coun selng the person with the information to corey bas the poral ‘ity of speaking the psychological Language ofthe recipient. The Dance of the Mask pves you a complete wardrobe of personales. ‘Alter you are sue othe cther pesos ature and disposition select ‘the mask tha the person i most likely to trs, and pation. Give utelf enough time to mene youre the mark, then dace Fia/hercemor wont be abet bck the reception of he informa. ‘on you he, your nimble and atl enmigh to dance around srege without having think about "Yul occ ha cach level of denaty has is oun wocablary and chat you generally function, in mask a8 translazr of a trath ‘roma ae evel to dener lee. Thc bein fom Level 8: rely dense a tis, because you have responsibly out species {ean initiate This doesn mean balgering family and finde with Sclhkined superinty,por beng ky stern and nie not Teng any kindof misionary Subtey and delicacy isthe oder of ‘the dey. The oly way to Dace the Mask succesful remember ‘hated the maak there no dance, only dance ‘Commentary on the 22 mash is inthe Practice Section ofthis book. Level 8 concerns elf with science. The present ody of infor mation avalble to the human ace so vat and voluminous that we telvon cach ther as epee, Thee are peneralis wo trandate the work ofthe special into language understood bythe general public-Stephen Hawking Cat! Sagan, and Iaac Asimov (RLP) ‘ome to mind Magickins need grounding in ay undermanding of cntem- porary scence. The more we know about the physical universe and ‘he way events happen, the beter we can se har yin causing our propriate to your god. Tourtimes a dy-aunrs, noon, surat and idnight-perorm your deverons ro your odor according to its own proper tah ton, oraccording to way of our own devising, Whenever posable, ‘sok in your temple on Level [0 and Level 9. When cieumstances prevent this, workin your Astral Temple: Do a banishment before nd after your ei any event. “Tobepn with, you mighe want direc the tal allows: Sones: purication an yma of pase: Noon: payers for boons and blessing, thanks for fro ranted, Sunset food offerings and/or exmmunion, offerings ofthe ‘apeand vale: Midnight passionate imscation ofthe goo, sence and lost of wating Devise an amulet or symbol of our ges thar ou can were conspcumly during the day and safely during the night Seek out foppeetunties for performing deds pleasing to your yokes) recommend tha ou refrain foe Thug i the case of Kall wot shi) “Think abou the godess in the course of the dy, and as you. {all seep at night: Open youre tothe myer ofthe gles et ‘ienflame your dese for union with inv. You find yur spootancnnly invoking during theres of sunre es, and INVOCATION set Lett happen: Continue uni you experience the indwelling of the godess, Examine you ie chrough the ees ofthe godess ote what leases and dspleases hiner you about ic Observe the decsons You make and the actions you perform while being te pode), ‘then consider ther application, ify, to your normal state of on ‘sciousness. Be especialy careful abou this process when invoking Seyoem ofthe Trice an refrain frm eng nytingtha fin sole gous) before ending the rite and leaving the temple. The Feaion fr this is that you dont want the inbalance of» parler ey in your daily if ules yu ina course of devotional prac tie The gods and godess are paral if powerful entities, com- petent in thei speciale but lacking the full spectrum of the ‘ensit levels, The universe large ha al the eves, a do an brings, bur the gods persony puto pinciples. Tn addon wo experiencing the pos penonaly and adding ower to your practical Mag invocation aces you the chu ‘flow under Love withou wil sentimentality ad wll with ‘gules yan Love under wil canbe sen as selfconta inthe fice of osericinng aration, butt alo means being able oem brace the feareme the repli ofthe boing if wll rogues Love neds bli ts abject, even ab rvoeation does. This ocse* mean making excuses for someone ute attached, ot rng the raccondionofanather eran ater, means eae wl yourself love as you can wil yourself wo believe Fath can be tefl in thai she echrance and sre, but can be vests ift’s used asa shaker from spiral work and individual decisions. ‘The points wo have both faith and love submissive ro will in ‘lero prevent ether from running your le. This doesnt mean ‘thar wil prevents you from fling in veo being dean ta pat ticular pode), bit enales you to se stations lari an make Ilan decisions. There's a powerfal sal component in ‘mantic ove and eligi devon (and the two are often confused. “The astral bodies of pheromones, hormoces, and other ere ‘ions pee the phenomena of religious devon, romantic ove and aru creathiy. We think out mind or our soul dicts our actions tnd pasons; the pura of selfknowledge reveals te amazing 0. fluence four plyscal and anal chemistry on important ie dec. ‘sons, One of the features of fain so pin contol fot ves este the chemical bareages we live with. “Thee to contd sto arouse the astral secretions through act Jigs fhe physical recretons were atv. we mediate the ob ecVety we wl to veitvoke it fou times ay, make orig ‘ots and actin way plemsing tt, we eventually convince all cor bodies to participate in ich devon. ‘What canbe aroused can be dampened bu not by a direct ‘versal, Hare isthe opposite ofloesnc also involves the cone entation of aention on ts object. Hare isthe mierovimage of love love's ro enemy is indiflerence, withdrawal of atention. Sot sai ah “Attention ia the and of wil teas touch gh gest. fry, ropindierey she deisel. can be atacted pulse dk ‘ered o ditracted. Attention elles upon and directs out inet lute senses anit natural ners ae formed fom yur sur ‘val ges your character ineligeee rotons and tastes, ‘through exploration ofthe eves of density. ‘Wild ateneon ia cure of grea Magical power. nonder to [know another person wel enough assis his rhe initiation, You Ive py the con of weno to what hese nd ete una, facil expressions, body langage, ara emanations ad emaional y+ ration. In ode to nd ot what your wl sin an ambwalen sation, pay atentin 1 both your trong ter response ad Your ‘len innerdrectve, Tm invocation, sex magick and the creation of at, youratesion sms be so focused that everthing disappears into the even inthe proces: external surroundings, mental commentary, ad selfaware ea, Yu become the event Sex mack sa popular topic among Magickins since i com tines two mr inet in if. The bloga] event of competed heteroscunlintecourse resulting in pregnancy DNA‘ prime d+ rective in mulicelldae fe DNA i cunning lide god, ening with desire and rewaling with please the individuals nd pecs (tho obeys drerves. amans and ocher vertebrae have covered way A the Innes resus of ex while enjoying the enticement and rewards, consi or unconscioudy Homosenulty and masturbation, ce nan sex contraception an sublimation all meas this end ‘While thee ate various ways to unencumbered pleasure on ‘evel 1, ned train sates that very cea produces ach con tame eve of dense. The vast marty of norslsal clden ‘habe Level 9, on the lowe astral planes. The Sex Magician and ‘nite artist produce Magical citen of directed and contd ‘ature, frre densities, that manifest in Level 10 i ems ther ‘than that of thee pent) “The Mats of Mastin Lier mace Pacrumbn (ee p93) e- scrbed inthe High Tongue of poetry Irsmbines Eater and West rn Sex Magick pricinesand technige, nds writen in terms of heterosexual coupling. ite ingenity can aap it for vats gen. «le ofthe forehead, the midpoint on the back ofthe hea and afew inches above the tp of the al. “The participants must agree on the purpose of the te, which can be initiator or practical. They can do iin their now: ‘mal Magickal personae, with one in godform, or with both in godform. Ifyou choote the latter course, is best t choose traditional divine coupes ke Haat Nui, Shiva Shaki or Frey Freya. or adulterous divine couples like Mars Venus oF Ogun Era. If you invoke detesasprincipes, choose opposite, polaried concep ‘Whatever the polarity arrangement, the substance and mater lal base for manifestation in Sex Magick isthe eit The eli isthe ‘ncenionally changed mearure of sexual Fics secreted during the te The elt of Sex Magic’ alchery functions strongly on Levels 10 and 9. When you fits charge and then destroy eis and that ‘which you've changed with ton Level 1a of strength i ven tots Level 9 or rae) body and to the manifestation of your si tae desire ‘You needn't ikea divine partes nor the entity of your sgl, in oder to perform sucesfl slo Sex Magic. Boch the male semen and female orpasmal fluids ate com plete siraments, though of opposite charges. When « man and ‘woman work this higher alchemy together, chetr natural polarity bie charge on ite cwn which rants ino energy ht change when conjoined. Hemnoseual and lo wotkings alto isle polarity, but of dif ferent natures. Heterosexual is the attraction of the Orber ho- ‘moseuuality isthe araction of the sein the Other andl che Oxher sn these ass autosemley under invocation ot in the dream state Autcuemulity af ones the seacion of thes or ts ance: dence, and of ranacendence forthe sel though the dsslaton of ecstasy. These categories are general and by no means seit dv Sons. Elements ofeach accompany the other. ‘Sexmagick canbe wed for intiaton ofr practical or both simultaneously. There are Eastern practices in x magick in Tors, ‘or "Kama Yoga” The Christian approach o sex magick ha ben a ‘mot entirely neptve,artemping to deny and defy the ex urge as sinful Most ofthe resus ofthis negative approach inabethe lower seal planes, fustrations balked of atten. [Neatve sex magick, or atempeed represons of the urs, ses from ahated of mater and dest. Many Christians old {ans and some Magician see Level 10a Joguning and infer the reals of pure spt They sce mater, parc the human ‘nal body ae trap fran irae to prt an anchor to tea of darkness and pain. “There are those who suspend ot forgo a “normal” sex Me s0 ‘that the energies ascend the chai of the chakas wo find thes ex pression in the creation of eauy through arto is mic isons. ‘The fal phyrcal expression of ex sal helpful to artic ceion, cremains up to ou to slect che course of action most hepfl ur ination and your art. ‘Sometimes useful to abe from sew reas during the \evseekng and image forming stages, then to practice Sex Magick (precise i tings, ftention, and execution ring the Level 10 ‘eatin tages. Often creation of new art happens whe te artists just playing with the material, iarument, acces, In chit Ihppy event. simply dedicate each spontaneous sexta act the ‘work in progres ad nish your cretion. ‘The point of Sex Magick s wo aenes one ofthe most pent ‘ores in ie tothe service of wll. fs» tue discipline, equing ‘more efcontl than the abstinence feo loathing in Sex Mag ‘ck we ecognie the work our DNA has done ensure ite combin- fing and propagating through us. We sand in swe and reverence ‘before the cunning and fre of cur ard the mow power ‘odin Level 10 with Level 4 configurations is DNA and Sex Magick [Sthe science and the at of drcting aiming and employing ts ower cuse change i onlormiey wih wl rete mm en scheint Siekataecteamaramaas iamneaeien can rete el acne errr eater ‘cated Retiree Sop athadetace hemeaat eke at eels a ihe anvapementrns cmon cna pn ieee sinia toate snare tious toy antares qiemahnenesine = getter res wa reat aaa aime namcnmisecrenn Feeiseenraseteer io epi ptentnt non weenie tn mre phucoe eeaa cassie LEVEL 6 TIPHERETH / BEAUTY USED TO INSIST THAT, BEFORE BEGINNING THE RAC. ‘oe of Maat Magia perton be established inthe Knowledge and CConmersion ofthe Hay Guarian Angel The proces ofK & Cof TGA (aterm used by Aleister Crowley from th Sac Magick of ‘Ana Mein he Mag) is the rtegeation of yur Wentiy ad the eo ‘sequent discovery of yout True Wl. Ths a proces tha ca take 1 loc of time and work, o can bea simple recognition of what ‘youve ahvays known "Now ve decided once che primary Initiation of Level 6in ‘he content of Maat Magic, with a rcommendation that ou seek gst Coke winner ier “The Holy Guardian Ange has been owen by cher nares, such as Damon, guiding spit, Higher Sel, and soon. Among the fymproms of knowing your HOA and yur Tre Will re a trong ‘seve of pupore «dest vison of the shape of our work, and a at ‘action and opin the doing of Spngoms of mt Knowing ot ‘Age and your Wl are sress and pressure, a sense of deciles dced your distractions in the ist place. Ifyou wat un “hings ‘erupt sek you Tre Will ul wat until ll reeset A ‘20d briahnen your eal fr ating neared open wich eo fewoke truth an ecognie “The revelation ofthe HCA and Tre Wil can hapen aa def- {nie even, scompanied by vistors and eee, ean bea alent “cd” a your plato view dfs toa wider and deeper perspective, ‘orizean bea gradual dawning na Srie of inv tevelions Tes elf to ep ouside your mind (ad the rest of your 0 seach youre! rom an abgctive distance ‘Your HGA las been wating fr youll yur if, earning for you, watching our fr you. courting you ina thousand sale ways Prove an opening fre and wil ub to embrace you. ‘A serong method for ataining K SC of HGA i to ake a Magickal Oath, under wines of Matto contin in you ioc: ‘om of the HA until you are united with it. A Magical Oath is strictly binding and will e manifested in one way or ante ‘There isa purpose to Your existence; there are no accidents. Your ‘main obligation in fest discover our purpose and work on ts fufliment ‘Once wou comprehend your True Wland begin to woekon it, youll dem people to you without conscious fre. Some wil have Invert acion congruent with your own thes wll diverge and sul thes may oppose wou In all ase, you'r aged wo alp each ‘nes sprit evolrion, cconting to indeal need. This does noe ‘mean tha you shoul do oer people's work o ven my that wo ‘culd. The most you need todos teach by example sua reading ‘material and raise a many questions a you answer. ‘Youll know your HGA by the clare of purpose that it brags, and by a fresh view of fe in which many ping factors fl nt ‘lc and make sense you. Be sure har you're fmiyesablished in Yara ea often bgt ex gtr Led 6 moe 4 ‘The nexstageisa return wo Level 9 and your Astral Tempe for the imocaion ofthe Forgotten Ones. These ae entities ofthe astral ‘lanes chat are roe in the precerebral brain they ae the survival “ges eat hee been layered over by the higher functions of ieee tnd ogi. The Forgoten Ones ince, bute nlite the > seine of hunger, x Fihtor light, canning communication, ‘iosy,akrism and eligon, all thove imperatives of actions ensuring survival of offpring. and species. “The pds our ancetes eshipd arrose in the Forgotten ‘Ones, gen rypal human personalities, then made nga ore powerful han humans. We create cur gods in our image a ike es. The process fcrcating al aie rom curses eed 01 ‘ales instinct behave 0 sel ant sek protection fom ratural events tha threaten the survival ofthe sell fpring, and species. “The gods and godess ofthe old putheons ned indepen: dene ie hough centunes of worship and di play a dieting role in the spitnl, moral and social lies f thet devotes. The ancene ‘ints ho a esdul power thats being reanimate by cove porary Nepagans and Magickans in new and diferent was. ‘The monotheism of Jase, Christy and Isa ectely cut ofthe enery of public worship and ble from the pagan par- theons. Thee major word religions represent an eat temp 6 transcend the anhropomorphism ofthe pagan gus ad reach ort ‘more astactundentanding of deity. The concept of an istrial Christ won the Petine/ Palin conflict wit the popular and off il defen ofthe Gnostic Chast in the eaty Chueh, dvnry was ‘nce more couched i human terme The Ancient Egyptians had decrmphaszed the aman pects cof thee divinities by ging then animal ends or symbi crows and calling them nee ot principles. Pharach Akenaten promored ‘monotheism during his rig, bur the Aen dled with him. Some [Neopagansreale their chosen pantheons ae symbols of various Principe, ahough others pers in the usual personiications. Inner to attain the next sep inthe continuum of perspec ties on divinity, fs necesary to draw the howstring of comprehen: sion tack wo an intimate agusstance wih the Forgeten Ones, en hem thee imputation © mal exe T strongly avis that you do not arte an invocation ofthe Forgotten Ones until you ae firmly exalished in Lee 6 and its ‘revelations of yur tru entity. Not nti you Fecome fia wih your own divine essence should you call up your survival unge/ Foe. soten Ones/ “demons” fo conscious awareness and integra with Your eae el ‘The Forgoten Ones ate not only stronger than one would ‘think burthey are alo the tots of demons and devils a well asthe rooes of ds Inthe tational Abra Melin Operation, aftr invoking your ‘Ange, you ae supposed to evoke and bind the demos to do yout bidding: Sos in Mane Magick, bu with «comprehension ofthe ‘metaphors of the teal actions: The Invocation of the Forgotten (Ones iin the Practice Section ofthis book. ‘Many tations of mticam speak ofthe need to dsciptine and chasse the bay in onder to conquer theaimal desires an fee the attention for prtual development. This notion is usaly par ofthe view char martes bad and pit i good, materi dry and Spares pe, mares illusion and spr is ely. Those who hold this opinion are barred from understanding themache andthe Cow ‘mos ly the unquestioned assumption that an opposing dualism the esenceof rly ‘The sureal urges ae hand wired behavior directives encoded nour DNA. They enabled our acess to survive long enough 0 cali automatically considered evi Is usually bad ide to eau troublemabers or fo make » polial satenent by culteting = spooky image-unles, of coune, i's part of a more comprehensive Tr most stuatons, fs wise Hendin with our surrcunding, to alopea type of protective caloraion with your mage 0 You can ‘rumve your work with minimal distractions. Dancing the Mask of ermal renders you inruble ‘One ofthe inbueritesof passage inf ste dentition seth one's own generation In adelescence. Secret languages ae i ‘vente, new poplar music emerges and the contemporaries tribal ‘Gos of dress, grooming ad behavior ae chosen to distinguish "he ng rom che parents “The Neopagan community sa diverse group of people of var ‘trades and background. The snnual gathering and fetal te ‘wonderful oxasons for slFexpresion through e's costume (ot Tack of ary). "Tis fa beter ave you special ga foe such occa ‘ons than to wear Hack and bedeck yourself with peragrams ami the general public ‘Should your Magick lead you into danger on the physica lsnewhere the danger eis in other people's probable rations nd actions-use our wits and mention. On theinner, init s alo a form of strength especialy if ou fel cpposton to your wrk rif you fel under pyc tack, Envisioning your aua asa diamond hand shield surounding you anally i suicient co make youre ise from Level 9 on up ‘When you ews inthis fashion, you become ls wise on Level 10. Treating an ft, ori manifesting wil, an ive anc _srengtena the wrk Making your art strong enough to stand on ts ‘own offen requires your dappeating int your art as you erafe it “The lev your penonalry intrude nto your ar, the more univers thatart becomes. As yu at becomes more univer acqate the serength to penetrate and subvert the most mdamant of personal cen sors in your audience's minds ‘Universality doesnt mean tha your characteristic touches in seve manner or Favor sink into vapid anoymity. On the contrary: [ping yous eo and personaly out ofthe ration of art permits your eve hand expees universal its unique way. Trst inthe ‘ado of our trac hand directed by Teue Will ‘Athi arpect of arent is power, the ably ro manies you wil hough appropriate means. Here gain the basic principle sto ‘came wansparent ivinble) othe Magickal Coren, impressing pen i the signal of your will asthe carer wave ofthe current pases through you. “The mote precisely yu align yours with To, withthe ongo- Ingres of thingy the more per becomes sable ou In ore torachievesih lignment you must cuerve the weed around you in onder to compreend the ature ofthe low that moves behind ‘Strength ges birth to courage. Coveney, sucessfully met alleges to courage confirm you in gente tenth Tsugaet an ‘exercise that | di for Level 5: camp out overnight alone. kyour location scoring ots degre of ulaon and inate power. I drove from Cincinnati to the Red River Gorge in the Daniel Boone Pat forest in Kentucky twas Octobe, cleat and cold 1 shioned aleaneo from 4 unk and benches, bul ee before iad positioned my seeping bag beneath it "After drumming the aun to retandnwoking Mat, Lay down tn theslesping bag and watched che tars appa. In the abence of ry lightpllation, che Milky Way was clear and deep, and many more tars were vine than ever sen 1 fe ike wae ling up nwo the stars; soon afer, | experienced th most profound trot th Te ever known. The en of packing up camp and driving home was ou the questions tis was tobe an overnight working, and. second chance of opportunity would bea longtime coming “There were animal noes from the woods strounding the meadow my camp wasn, but | sensed no rea threat frm animals ‘There were no fot oe motor nse to be hens die’ ear human intrusion. The erorcame frm the solade othe usion ana frm the immensity ofthe starlet sy. “There seamed to be butone course of ction aie tome 89 pened aml the terror, and allow the start daw me frm ‘my boy and pall ment the sky “There lowed a sere of visions of varios “allen” and pe soni encepa pss plunge ino the starchick bear of the An rome gly. When dawn came, there ws fronton the endow sass and ony sleeping bog ‘After fed the fi’ cul to ea the cf, chsh the rua site of the previous evening, andthe rot where I'd hued a stone ‘allman. The alsan was gone, and its Mack velvet wrappings wee strewn on the round around the hole beneath the fallen log where Tabard ie "The word could be considered « more dangerous place toe, cighen years later, bu chink not. The ate ofthe danger may ‘thang, but if i poised on the brink of death tal iment as teen from the begining. The more dtaced we are by the mins te oflving the ess aware we ae ofthe anmhing gulf ern ing ut In leary sutton Wt wilderness camping, eation tanks, cemeteries, et, the distractions are gone and reality sands awed ‘We ae each « unique individ, with perceptions hooghts sd dreams pvt to oursees. We ar also Socal beng, wed the presence and group aur of our fellow hurans, ot east ur fe Jew animals. We need pychic contact to thrive and survive, we count a dre punishment slary confinement or the nltion of ‘eng “bent to Covent” or shunning The next stage of humanity's development consists of a strengthening and alignment ofthe individual's connection 1 the rest of out specie. Our presen vague awareness of ther people is sharpened and extended to the degree of «second consciousness. (nei empathially and telepathically linked wo everyone else on the plane ‘Our mental input fer prevents an overload and only by f= ‘using attention on someone can we pick up atl thoughts. Strong motions and fecings sucha pain and despa, are brome wth the ment of personal experince, however. and so weal ar care fal sboutexch other welling. Mast Magick liberates your timebinding capaci, you can ‘enjoy the benefits of our “furure™ double consciousness now. You ‘an lnk wid che aura ofthe entire species andthe power inherent tn them, and aply chi clleceve power to the woking of our wl, ‘This rapport extends beyond humanity, with practic, to embrace the coumorand the chow around and within Maat’ operational te in Level 5 is “At, the Unconfned” Screngt nal ts aspects, becomes yours to the ete you ta seend all that confines you. The most important resrction/con firemen to overcome sour present notion of yours “The discovery of Tee Wil in Level 6 doesn't mat the en of your transformation. Within cach eel youl eete/encounter one ‘emote new sees. From one point of view, ou'e js uncovering farts of ours hat you've been unaware of From another pit ‘ew the initiation proces eds you create new aspect four ‘you achive gree eels of arty. tend sd with the Second ‘ow rom peonal experince “Among other thing i does to and for us, the ale god DNA. winds or clock and net our tine It determices the nyt of out ‘rages and appoints the mes of ou passage inthe sequence of sete blasulaembryo-fetusinfant toddler hil-adlescent patent Senior corpse. Each stage as its proper niaory work its benefits “hefal w comprehending parc level dena ‘When you experience an enlightening even that pertains to your current stage of maturity ad you at re from hindering en- “imbrancrs, the key turns in the lock and the door swings open aoe 57 ‘upon anew way of sein hing: When you use the assets valle ro you according your new wy of ein, you build anew spect of ywursel Tartofnitory teasformaton guning wider content re ality anda more comprehensive perspective of your concerns, your «cosmic fanetion, an your lace inthe ood chin. ’As you achieve new levels of arity, you can return to operate fn dene eves when appropriate You bing our age, more fied viewpoint with you when you do; you wort duplicate your former sate of consciousness, but youl enjoys mote sophisticated spprecation ofthe denser levels “Tradtionaly, Level 5iss narrowing, concentration of fein the fasion of ser. Tiss applicable in Maat Magick the sol tary vision quest exercise mentioned previously To enter Level 4, ‘Ws recessary to expand. Thetis an expansion method inthe Prac tie Section. LEVEL 4 CHESED / MERCY IN DENSITY LEVEL 4, YOU BRING YOUR INITIATED SELF 10 the falls ft ate. The course of your initiation has sen you eligtened, rebalanced; and established in your phil body {nditservironment inthe ream of dreams instincts nd imaging, Inte male, n your ranoeaips wih ther people and nar _eneral, your union with your Holy Guardian Angel and the dicor ‘ry of your Tee Wil n your strength ad endurance. One of our tas the fourth rarity wo coordinate al ofthese ito you nt sted ividalty an set ther to armeonios tion, ‘The other aks ofthis evel incade awakening your Kundalini, ‘orverpent power ois fleet, and weting our thesis ofthe uni ‘ese and your plans fer improving it ‘Konda sa Hind concep that as 2 great vale in Magick 18 toa for achieving your fl potential as an agent fo change and ssahuman being. Kundalini pictured ava serpent offocethat les ‘led threcandaal ime tthe bas of the spine intimately ‘elated to the major chakras, thatthe serpent one both atte: ‘each chakra ait ses in its spinal channel, and is dawn upward by ‘he cation of ech chaka Kandalin's major channel of ascent ls called che Sushurna, which snd on ether sie bythe ds onthe tad the Pagal ‘on the right These side channels reconnected othe nostri nd their balance, which ensures the Balance ofthe Sushurmna, is ester ‘abiahed by the practic of pranayama, or Yogic beating See Pras te Section, Level 4) Pranayama is a purving, as well a balan Ing, practice, when the purification i comple, Kundalini wl ise on its own. Sometimes Kundalini rites on its own, with o cor- ‘cious effort of preparation: imaged meditation as in Crowes Liber HHH alo works. Wel discuss this moe fully inthe Practice See Before you can improve the universe, yo mus acura aes ‘ts present condition and ideny probleme. Bren though we fac ‘at ourselves inordinately, any hopes survey of cur surroundings shows that man beings singly and in varios combinations, are both our and ulate victims ofall problems and wrong 0 be righted. The rest of Nature is innocencand perfect, ules thee are riceschewhete conditions slay wr ow “The notion of improving the univer eto the serving for personal perfection natural to Level 4. If you've done your work Propel on the denser levels you begin another proces of ine: ‘on, silat thataf Level 6, butin a more comprehensive way on ‘vaster sake. Your powers of vsuliing and imaging ae more pre ‘ke and farranging Your chars that you ignited in Level 6 rade {26 strony enough ro influence everyone You meet You recognize the boundaries of your individuality and probe ‘le ifespan. You understand your limits of ine and eet atl thet find a dlgh in ce fact chat we humans, withthe ue of n- struments of observation, find ourselves in the mide ofthe range fps the cbserabe universe. Weare to ubutomic par ter what aici cluster are tous. Meditation on this pees 2 factor important to personal balance: humility. ‘Magical huey ithe accurate assessment of your strengths and weaknesses, virtues and vcs, rides and shames, and general ‘ifs othe universe. Mapckal hurley nox sifabasement, low seesteem oa clim of plese. Religious humility, onthe ctherhand “bending the kee” to God, dedaing oneself to bean ject sinner in need of divine sakation, an unworthy wrech de serving of dart “This ade ent acceptable in Magic you alone ae respons sible for your sul and your sation (Foe shove interested i the Gnostic Chris, ead che works of Geral Maen) Whe here are ‘kgs with pres abies than ours on various Levels we Jo nat trae astiue for aire, nor reaper fo edemgenn, Maat ‘Magic i Thlemic Map, “thou hanno righ bt doy WAL” ‘Ath ame tine, amen bingo erent abies ethics per st us to eacange information and eas, develop Fendships and ‘ons, Tete tharto you My own experiences lead othe etainy of 1 Divine Intelligence inherent in all things. Ke mais tin the ‘ey things aren the way things change, ain the way we coenpre Ind both. Your moral code ata Maat Magician isthe strictest possible cure of ererenese and behavior. Yur heart ent equal Maas feather in the balance wale nll scons, whe you meanest "Ws record as Teh, joe as Osis advise as ns and Nepean devour a Seb ‘Pledging your consecration to truth opens you to a trie honesty and awateess. Tales of heaven and ell ale nthe Wg of seifknowledg, where you ate certain of the pin youve caused ard the damage done. Forvenes x veligiven gift that des in aoe sorrow Level 4 i talitionally known as Mews, even though its Jupiernatareincadesjgment of eas and motives and fusice fordeeds Magickal humiiy, when practiced asic, orders your a ‘ions in conformity with wil and lve. The medtaton which call the Coumic Vion can be lpul is paging your importance in the Scheme of things. See Pacer Seton) ‘Asa selfamare inteligence, you can find in youre all the ierues and vices of or species in potential. Which of thes you've ‘cated and which you've kept dormant reflect your character an ‘personaly. In each of ur a resonance by which we Kentify with heroes ad villas, sits and sinners, the flange of bara 2 ‘on from the beautiful deed wo the hideous. All other inhabeanes of or plant ae essentially sanacen in thei inability to make moral julgmenc abour their own actions (Our species alone sands in need of improvement. This rartows the field, somewhat of posible improvements in your plans, though t ‘laces no rations on your tess 'A Magician sa alaman fr the ret ofthe species; what we do tw atan hither tates of awareness and aon direct iste we ‘ne ese who shares our genetic makeup fo good rl "order to formulate your thes ofthe universe and your plans fox improving you need to sek out enough information, cue? and Inet, upon which to Base your concksions. Read what you can of Fistor, remembering thatthe winners wrote the books hep n- toemed of curren ews, and open yourself © Akash inoration. “All tine exists imultaneouy we se distant galaxies by very ‘ld gh. nike manner, che ightand sound of younger Earth and ‘sinabsans ral our plane lke the shedding ofa snake. Our tem poral ski spirale and twee behind ws along the path of our orbit _round our sun which staeingts own couse round the galerie ‘enter, which elo moving. Ws lay ride, but the srl boc’ senses are able to percive ‘ur ghowly trace and fellow wich the peed thought to 9 pa ‘ular ie and place. Tis ability is uid by the racial memory en coded in cur DNA. Hisory books are somewhat helpful fr entifying times and people, be trust your own obervations. “The fitlevel vortex acts both a a temporal anchor fr your tesa a por our ped orogeny Mae ‘While struc that Magick begin and ends in Level deal levels Between tn and nein i course. Your experiences ‘on the various lees wll each ou ow best wk Maik in ech tne. The vortexcan be fcised on or by the level of your coke. ‘The fru isa diferent proposition. The events ofthe past have auype of slut bout them, while farur evens ar chao. This chaos ofthe fru is not anamcephous soup, bua sheaf of post tes and probable of various Jegnes of keknood. Your vortex «an ford you the iso of wha [cll the Probably Uae Tice tas a combination of fracal froth and kero extend tng round me beyond the limits of ight As instant conscious ‘ess moves along its cours inthis curly maze, creates 2 lowing ‘rand My contemporaries weave thi glowing sands with nine seal eet thin any ele header rom ode “The noes represen survival decisions in tes of ees and separt tour hatoey ts characteristic shape. Our human cable wwenves in and ou ofthe cables of ether species lant, ania mi ‘be and virus tha frm the we oie on Earth, The Earth-that {the peorher,brosphere, and atmesphere-weaves the base/ Ubckerund forthe cables ofthe tse specie, ‘Behind te glows che verte ie of mainstream reality. Fae ingot fom every nose are countess, words ofthe pats ‘ot taken. fs poser vis them astral, abo. ‘Beloe me ithe prabaliryword, io faning out from fr ture choice nodes, Whatever collective chices we mak, a pei, willbe the major guides for our course of mansream ray. As of this weang we are inte process of working through sch a chosce ode “This node began forming abou the time of Wiel War I 6 quired the heft and bl of danger inthe growth ofthe mary Industral comples, became a crnsode withthe development of ‘nuclear weapons and power plants ad has begun pet rescie tion with the calaae of Soviet Cosnmurism and the end ofthe (Cold Wa (Our present node ike most ofthe ther our species has versed, acumulited round population growth workbwide Remo.

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