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Organization Life Cycle: A sequence of stages
of growth and development through which
organizations may pass

Organizational birth: the founding of an
organization: a dangerous life cycle stage
associated with the greatest chances of failure

Organizational growth: the life cycle stage in
which organizations develop value creation
skills and competences that allow them to
acquire additional resources

Greiners Model
Stage 1: Growth through creativity (including
Crisis of leadership
Stage 2: Growth through direction
Crisis of autonomy

Stage 3: Growth through delegation
Crisis of control
Stage 4: Growth through coordination
Crisis of red tape
Stage 5: Growth through collaboration

Organizational Decline and Death

The life cycle stage that an organization enters
when it fails to anticipate, recognize, avoid or
adapt to external or internal pressures that
threaten its long term survival

Organizational Inertia
Forces inside an organization that makes it resistant to change
Power and conflict within the organization
Functional orientation
Mechanistic structure
Organizational culture
Risk aversion
Desire to maximize rewards

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