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Single Instance to Rac Instance

-------------------------------step 1: Create a single instane in rac1.

step 2: cd $ORACLE_HOME/assistants/rconfig/sampleXMLS
step 3: cp Converttorac.xml /tmp
step 4: cd /tmp
step 5: vi converttorac.xml
<n:convert verify = yes> (options like yes=>prerequiste+convert, no=>p
rerequisite+no convert, only=>no prerequisite+convert.)
<n:SourceDBhome> /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1 </n:SourceDBhome>
<n:TargetDBhome> /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1 </n:TargetDBhome>
<n:user> sys </n:user>
<n:p/w> sys </n:p/w>
<n:Role> sysdba </n:Role>
remove the asm lines or comment the lines.
<n: Nodelist>
<n:nodename = "rac1"/>
<n:nodename = "rac2"/>
<n: InstancePrefix> dbname </n:InstancePrefix>
<n: SharedStorage type = "CFS">
<n: Target database area> /shared_data/dbname/ </n: target database area
<n: Target Flash Recovery Area> /shared_data/dbname/ </n: Target Flash R
ecovery ARea>
save and exit.
step 6: cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
./rconfig /tmp/convertToRAC.xml

The output will be displayed.

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