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BSNL DNS Problems and how to solve it

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If you are a BSNL dataone user, chances are that you are facing DNS issues for t
he last few weeks or so. Their DNS servers are just unresponsive. The lookup tak
es a long duration and many times just time out. The solution? Use third party D
NS servers or run your own one like djbdns. The easiest options is to use OpenDN
S. Just reconfigure your network to use the following DNS servers:
2 Detailed instructions specific to your router are available in th
e OpenDNS website itself. After I reconfigured my Linksys router to use the abov
e 2 IP addresses, my DNS problems just vanished! Other freebies
that come with OpenDNS
are phishing filters and automatic URL correction. Even if your service provide
r s DNS servers are working fine, you can still use OpenDNS just for these two speci
al features.

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