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Final Draft

Group Members:
Chai Hui Min (930414-13-5636)
Voon Mun Sze (930823-13-5338)
Jessica Voon Chia Lin (931001-13-5798)
Alice Kung Ming Noor (920220-13-5516)
How To Save Our Environment
Man is slowly destroying the environment. Future generation may live in an
environment which is polluted. There are numerous methods to save our environment.
Firstly, we can practice 3R, which is recycle, reuse, and reduce. We should
separate the rubbish and throw into the recycle bins. Besides, we can send the
materials to the recycling centre. By doing so, we can lessen the amount of rubbish. We
should reuse the papers and not waste papers.
Next, we should conserve water and electricity. We can start the conservation
from house.We should use buckets to fill with water instead of using hose. Before
leaving a room, we should ensure that the lights and fans had been switched off.
Then, authorities should avoid deforestation occurs. Deforestation destroyed the
habitat of flora and fauna. Besides, deforestation causes the massive soil erosion. We
must plant new trees to replace the chopped trees.
Lastly, we should throwing the rubbish into the proper rubbish bins. Authorities
should place more rubbish bins so that the people can dispose of rubbish into the
rubbish bins.
In conclusion, we are destroying the world for future generation. We need to save
our environment before the environment getting worst. Let us return the environment to
the natural together.

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