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Hi -------,

I hope this email finds you well.

Im wondering if you are interested in doing a story on the prevalence of lower back,
rotator cuff and anterior knee injury throughout the CrossFit Games.
The 2015 CrossFit games are held in Santa Cruz, California from Tuesday, July 21 to
Sunday, July 26. The Games are the third level of competition preceded by the Open
and Regionals, which took place earlier this year.
CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program consisting mainly of aerobic
exercise, gymnastics, calisthenics, Olympic-style weightlifting, plyometrics, running
and swimming. CrossFit is designed for serious athletes who push their bodies to the
point of exhaustion, frequently resulting in joint injury. According to the Orthopedic
Journal of Sports Medicine, the three most common CrossFit injuries include lower
back pain, rotator cuff impingement and anterior knee pain.
Let me know if you are interested in pursuing a story and I can facilitate interviews
with New England Baptist Hospitals Orthopedic Surgeon and the CrossFit Games
Team Physician, Dr. Sean E. Rockett.

Hi -------,
In response to your HARO, I would like to offer you expertise from Attorney Arthur P.
Bergeron of Mirick OConnell.
Arthur is an ideal spokesman for your topic regarding dealing with grieving clients.
His 30 years of experience have been focused on elder law, estate planning,
probate and trust administration and land use matters. Arthur counsels senior
citizens and their loved ones regarding elder law and special needs planning, asset
protection and Medicaid planning. He works with individuals in all areas of estate
planning, including wills, trusts, durable powers of attorney, health care proxies and
living wells.
Arthur has worked with numerous clients applicable to your request. He restructured
assets for a married couple so that, following the death of a spouse, most spousal
assets were immediately protected for nursing home purposes. Arthur also assisted
a parent in qualifying for MassHealth while protecting the home of a child who had
cared for the parent before the parent entered a nursing home.
I hope you find this information helpful. Please let me know if you are interested in
speaking with Arthur further about this topic, and I would be happy to put you in


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