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Determine el tipo de inventario a implementar en su

proyecto de formacin.
It is a reliable and practical exercise, it must be permanent, random inventory
management guarantees us a high percentage of reliability in the data recorded in the
system and available for manufacture or sale product depending on the type of
company. This type of inventory is scheduled by the person directly responsible for
them and as parameters for the choice of references that will be counted, some can be
A. Products that are presenting continue differences between the physical and the
registration in the system.
B. Products of higher value.
C. Easy marketing products.
D. Products with early maturity date.
E. High turnover products.
The success of this type of inventory is to make traceability of differences and
adjustment thereof immediately perform the exercise.
2. Establezca las polticas de inventario(s) para ordenar,
organizar, programar y transportar segn su proyecto de
For many firms, the number of the inventory is the largest circulating assets. It is
therefore vital to minimize it; do more with less. How to determine the level optimal if
each functional area has a different perspective of the inventory?
The inventory process within a manufacturing line is unavoidable. At the time of
carrying out the inventory count, part will be on the lines of production and another
in transit: from one machine to another, store of raw materials to production, or this
line to finished product warehouse.
It is possible to reduce inventory in the process improving the programming process,
making studies of time and movement, or by changing the layout. The basic question
is whether it is more affordable to manufacture than buy or outsource total or
partially the processing of product. Another important factor is the sync with
suppliers and distribution centers. The inventory is frequently a symptom or palliative
of areas of opportunity in the operation, an easy but expensive way to skip a difficult

The rest of the inventory that is in Accessories, raw materials, goods in process and
finished goods remains to link the functions of purchasing, production and sales at
different levels. Inventories represent a high investment and have an impact across the
enterprise. Each functional area has own objectives with respect to inventory that are
contrasted against each other:

Sales-maximizing coverage of orders.

Production-maximize coverage of raw materials; minimize change overs in
production lines; flatten the production plan and avoid spikes; maximize the
use of machinery and personal: minimize downtimes.
Shopping-minimize unit costs of raw material; identify reliable suppliers.
Finance-minimize inventory investment: reducing financial risk. Maximize
cash flow.
In general it is not possible to all areas to achieve their objectives in a way
simultaneously and the global optimum is sum of the optimal area, all
functional areas should subject their specific indicators to the General
objectives of the business plan. This is implemented through the inventory
policy. Purposes of inventory policies should be:
Set the desired level of investment in inventories.
Maintaining physical inventory levels as close as possible to what was
It provides for measures to correct the activities, so that plans can be
achieved successfully.
Applies to everything: to things, people, and events.
Determines and quickly analyzes the causes that can cause deviations,
so that not to occur in the future.
It is located the sectors responsible for the management, from the
moment in which corrective measures.
Provides information about the status of implementation of the plans,
serving as a basis to restart the planning process.
It reduces costs and saves time by avoiding errors
Your application has a direct impact on the rationality of the
Administration and as a result, in achieving the productivity of all the
resources of the company

The function of inventory control is to maintain a balance between the costs of

inventory and the level of service to internal and external customers.

3. Realice una simulacin pronostica de la demanda de los productos o servicios a

ejecutar a travs de los inventarios.









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