SSB Lecturate

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Lectures are conducted on the third day of the services selection board. The SSB
lectures are for duration of 5 minutes. The candidate is to pick up a chit from
a box of many chits, on which is written a topic. The candidate gets around thr
ee to five minutes to prepare after which he is to deliver a lecture to an audie
nce of your own batch mates. The most important thing is to deliver the speech i
n an uninterrupted and confident manner. To achieve this, my sincere advice is t
o stop seeing the people sitting ahead of you as people of great knowledge or wi
sdom. Just imagine that they are some bunch of illiterate peasants who have no c
lue about what you are talking. So talk confidently and tell anything and everyt
hing you know about. By using your hands and head to have a fine body language w
ill enable you to show that you are a very confident person
Believe that those people sitting ahead of you are unaware of the information th
at you are going to give so make a bold statement by speaking loudly and confide
ntly. Wrong facts will not fetch negative marks so go ahead and bombard with .

The best way to prepare for the lectures is by updating yourself on all the curr
ent events. My sincere advice is to go through the entire Outlook, India today,
The Week, etc., magazines of the last two to three months.

India s stand on terrorism

Global economic recession

Growth of women in this century

Unemployment and job cuts

Privatization in armed forces

India s support to Srilanka in war against LTTE

100% literacy in India


India s increasing relationship with the US and decreasing relation with Ru

Development of electronics in the world today

Digitalization entering even the toilets

Compulsory education to all

Compulsory military service

Judicial system in India

Military training for police personal

Kargil conflict

Cross border terrorism

Population of India

Panchayatraj and Rural development

Agriculture- backbone of the nation

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