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Wilfredo Vega

Ms. Trickett

Good without God

God has always been around, and everyone usually would know about him, but the
people who dont arent bad people. People who know about god but choose not to believe in
him are usually not bad. You can be a good person and not believe in God because some people
go there whole lives not being taught about God, people wont do bad things, or think about bad
things, and people who believe in God have started problems. God can make people good, but
people who live their lives without God doesnt make them anymore bad or good than a religious
, some people go there whole lives not being taught about God. Some people just never
got the opportunity to learn about God, yet they are still good people because most people know
the difference between right and wrong. Those people can be good or they can be bad but if they
have no idea what is God then how could someone say they are bad, and its because they dont
have God in their life.

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