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wo UNITED STATES NIKOLA TESLA, OF NEW YORK, N. Y., PaTENT OFFICE. » ASSIGNOR ‘0 THE TESLA ELECTRIC COMPANY, OF SAME PLACE, ELECTRO-MAGNETIC MOTOR. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No, 416,108, dated Dacomber 8, 1889. Application fled May 20,1889, Borlal Wo, 811,410, Gio model Zo all whon it may concern: Be it known that ject of the Emperor of Austria, from Smiljan, Lika, border country of ‘Austria-Hongary, re siding at New York, in the county and State of New York, havo invented certain new and useful Improvements in Electro: Magnetic Motors, of which tho following is » specitica- tion, referenco being had to the drawings ac- companying and forming a part of the same. ‘This.invention relates to that form of alter- nating-current motor invented by mo,in which there are two or more energizing -cireuits through which alternating currents differing in phase are caused to pass. I have in prior patents and applications shown various forms or types of this motor—first, motors heving two or more cnergizing-circuits of the samo ‘electrical character, and in the oporation of which the currents used differ primarily in phase; second, motors with a plurality of en- ergizing-cirouits of different clcetrical char- acter, in or by means of which the difference of phase is produced artificially, and, third, motors with a pluvality of onergizing-cireuits, the currents in one’ being induced from currents in another. I shall . liereinafter - show the application of my prosont inven- xo 35 45 tion to these seyaral types. Considering the structural and operative conditions of any one of them—as, for.cxample, that first- named—the armature which is mounted to rotate in obedience to: the ‘co-operative in- fluence or action of the energizing-cirouits has coils wound upon-it which aro closed upon themselves and in which currents are induced. by the energizing-currents with thoobjoctand result of energizing the armature-core; butnn- der any such must oxist in these motors it is obvious that a certain thne must elapse between the nianifestations of an euer- izing-eurrent, impulse in tho feld-coils, and the oorresponding magnetic stnie or phage in the armature established by the current in- duced thereby; consequently agiven maguetic influence of effect in tho field which is the di- rect result of a primary-current impulse will have become more or less weakened or lost defore the corresponding effect in the arma- tute indirectly produced has reached its maximum. This is a condition unfavorable to officiont working in certain cascs—aa, for instance, when the progress of tho'resultant poles or points of maximum attraction is very great, or when a very high nomber of alter uations is employed—for it is apparent that a stronger tendency to rotation will be main- tained if the maximum magnetic attractions or conditions in both armature and field oo- incide, the energy developed by « motor bo- ing measared by the prodact of the magnetic quantities of the armature and field. ‘The object, therefore, in this invention is to 0 construct or organize these motors that the maxima of the magnetic effects of the two clementa—the armature and field—shall more nearly coincide. This I accomplish in various ways, which I may best explain by reference to tho drawings, in which varions plans for accomplishing the desired results 70 aro illustrated, : Figure 1: This is a diagrammatic illustra- tion of amotorsystem such as! have described in my prior patents, and in which the alter- nating currents proceed from independent soureos and differ primarily in phase, A designates tho field-magnet or magnetic frame of the motor; B B, oppositely-located pole-pioces adapted to receive tho coils of one cnergizing-tireuit; and C C, similar pole- pieoes for tho coils of the other enorgizing- cirenit. These circiits aro dosignated, re- spectively, by D ¥, tho couduetor D” forming Scommon roturn to the generator G. Be- tween these poles is mounted an armataro— for oxample, & ring ot annular ‘armature, wound with ‘a sories of coils J, forming a closed eirenit or elrouits. The action or op- eration of a motor thus constructed is now well understood. It will be obsorved, how- ever, that the magnotism of poles R, for ox- ample, established by # currentimpulse in the coils thereon, procedes the magnetic effcet set up in tho armature by the induced cur- Tont in coils F. Consequently the mutual 95 attraction betweo, tho armature and field- Polosisconsidernbiy reduced. ‘Tho same con- ditions will be found to exist if, instead of assuming tho poles B or C as acting inde- pendently, wo tegnrd tha {deal resultant of both acting togethor, which is the real condi- tion. To remedy this, I construct the motor- 35 85 9° 2 416,195 field with sccondary poles B’ C’, which are situated botwoen the others. ‘Theso pole- pieces I wind with coils D’ E’, the former in derivation to the coils J), the Latter to coils E. ‘The main or primary coils Dand Bare wound for a differont sof-induotion from, that of the eoils D’ and Rf, the relations being so fixed that if the currents in D and E differ, for ex- ample, by a quarter-phase, tho currents in ro each secondary coil, as D’ K, will differ from those in its appropriate primary D or E by, say, forty-five degroes, or one-eighth of a pe- riod. Texplain the.action of this motor as fol- 15 lows: Assuming that an impulse or alterna- tion. in circuit or branch E is just beginning while in the branch D it is just falling from maximum, the conditions of a quartor-phaso difference. The ‘ideal resultant of the at- tractive forees of the two sets of poles B C therofore may be considered as progressing from poles B to poles C while the impulse in E fs rising to maximum and that in D js fall- ing to zero or minima, The polarity setup in the armature, however, Jags bebind the amanifestations of field magnetism, and hence the maximum points of attraction in arma- tureand ficld, instead of coinciding, are an- gularly displaced. This offeet is counteracled by the supplemental poles B’ C’. Tho mag- netic phases of these poles auccoed those of poles BC by tho same, or nearly the same, period of time as elapses betwoon tho effect of the poles B C and the corresponding in- 35 duced effect in the armature; hence tho mag- netic conditions of poles B’ CO’ and of the armatare more nearly coincide and a bettor result is obtained. As poles B’ C’ act in con- junction with the poles in the armature es- tablished by polos B (, so in turn poles C3 act similarly with the poles set up by B’ C’, respectively. Under auch conditions the re- tardation of the magnetic effect of the arma- tare and that of tho Socondary polos will bring 45 the maximum of the two more nearly into coincidence and a. correspondingly-stronger torque or magnetic attraction socured, Tn such o disposition as is shown in’ Fig. 1 it will be obsorved that as the adjacent pole- picees of either cireult aro of like polarity they will havo a certain weakening effect upon one another. I therefore prefor to ro- move the socondaty poles from the direct in- fluence of the others. ‘This I may do by con- structing a motor with two independent sets of fields, and with either ono or twoarmatures clectrically connected, or by using two arma- tures and one field. ‘These modifications will be illustrated horeinafter. io - Fig. 2 is a diagrammatic illustration of a motor and systom in which the difference of phase is artifleinlly produced. Thereare two coils D D in one branch and two coils E E in the other branch of the main cireuit from the gonerator G. Theso two circuits or branches are of different selt-induction, one, as D, being higher than the other. For con- 20 40 venionce I have indicated this by making coils D much larger than coils E. By reason of this difference in the electrical character of the two cirenits the phases of current in one are retarded to a grenterextent than the other. Let this difference be thirty degrees. . A motor thus constructed will rotate undor the action of an alternating current; but as happens in the case previously described the corresponding magnetic effects pf the arma- ture and field do not coincide owing to the time that elapses between # given magnotic effect in the armature and the condition of 80 the ficld that produces it, I therefore em- ploy the seoondary or supplemental poles B’ G. Thero being thirty degrees difference of phase between tho currents in colls D E, the magnetic offects of poles B’ (” should corre- 85 spond to that produced by a current differing from the curront in coils D or E by fifteen degrees. “his I may accomplish by winding each supplemental pole B’ C’ with two coils 2 WW’. The coils Hare included in a derived cir- cuit having the same self-induction as circuit D, and coils I’ in a circuit having the samo self-induction as circuit Ego that if these cir- cuits differ by thirty dogrocs tho magnetism of poles Bi’ C’ will correspond to that produced. by a current differing from that in either D or E by fifteen degrees. ‘This is trae in all other cases. For example, if in. Fig. 1 the goils D’ E’ be replaced by the coils HH’ in. SInded in derived circuits the magnotism of the poles B’ C’ will correspond in effect or phase, if it may’ be so termed, to that pro- duced by a current differing from that in either cireuit D or E by forty-five degrees, or one-eighth of 2 period. ‘This invention as applied to a derived-cir- cuit motoris illustrated in Figs. 3 and4, Tho former is an eud view of the motor with the armature in section and a diagram of connes- tions, arid Fig. 4 a vortical section through the field. These figures are also drawn to show one of the dispositions of two ficlds that may be adopted in carrying ont the invention. The poles BB GC are in one field, the re- maining poles inthe other. ‘The former are wound with primary coils I J and secondary coils I’ J’, tho lattor with coils L. ‘The pri- mary coils LJ are in derived circuits, between which, by reason of their different self-indue- tion, thero is @ difference of phase, say, of thirty degrees. The coils I’ K are in circuit with one another, as also are coils J’ I, and thero should bea differenco of phaso betwoon tho currents in coils K and L and their corre- sponding primaries of, say, fifteen degrees. If the poles B Caro at right angles, the arma- ture-coils should be connected directly across, or a single armature-core wound from end to end may be usod; but if the poles B C be in line thero should bean angalar displacoment of the armature-eoil, as will be wall under stood. ‘The operation will bo understood from the foregoing. ‘The maximum magnetic condition 7° 1S go = 130 416,195 8 of a pair of poles, as B’ B’, coiticides closely with the maximum effect in the armature, which lags behind tho corresponding condi- tion in poles B B. § _ Phere are many othor ways of carrying out this invention, but they all involve the same broad principle of construction and operation. In using oxpressions ‘herein to indicate a: coincidence of the magnetic-phases or offocts ro in ono set of field-magnots with those set up in the arniature by the other I rofor only to approximate results; but this of course will ‘be understood. ‘What I claim is— 1. Tnanaltornating-current motor, the com- 15 bination, with an armature wound with closed coils, of main and supplemental ficld magnets or poles, one set of which is adapted to ex- hibit their maxiinam magnetic effect sinul- taneously with that set up in the armatare by the action of the other, as set forth. 2, In an clectro-magnotio motor, the combi- nation, with an armature, ote Blavality of field or enorgizing coils included, respectively, in main oircuita adaptod to produce a gived 35 difference of phase and supplemental or sec- ondary circuits adapted to produce an inter- modiate difference of phase, as set forth. NIKOLA TESLA. ‘Witmessea: R. J. Stoney, Jr., JOHN GILLESPIE. (No Model.) 3 Sheets—Sheet 1. N. TESLA. ELECTRO MAGNETIO MOTOR. No. 416,195, Patented Dec. 3, 1889, TRtrefees t Trventor Cipthact IEE Gerba Teale Akorneys. (No Moaol. ) 3 Bheots—Bheet 2. N. TES. . ELECTRO MAGNETIC MOTOR. : No: 416,195. Patented Dec. 3, 1889. witorneys. {No Model.) 3,Sheets—Sheet 3. N, TESLA. ELECTRO MAGNETIO MOTOR. No. 416,195, Patented Dec, 3, 1889. Bg: 3 Y Y Y ’

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