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YOUNG PEOPLE AND TECHNOLOGY wm Young people live in a very different situation now. They do not send letters which teke days, weeks, even months to arrive. They send text massages or emails which take only minutes or even seconds to arive. They do not search things in the newspaper. They browse the intemet and find things that they ere looking for. They do not ask their parents when they have problems. They ask ‘google’ when they have problems. The youngsters are very good at technology. People call them ‘digital native’. For youngsters, it takes only minutes to learn a new technology. They are bom with the ability to master the technology. When we see how the youngsters play with all the gadgets they have at their hands: they are the experts! Even they create their own language when texting: b4, 2moro, grBl, OMG, LOL, CU, TYVM. Can you mention other words that you know?

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