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Tyriq Harris
Ms. Caruso
28 July 2015
The mock NFL Contract was used as an attempt to educate the audience on the
serious risks of participating within the NFL. The individuals who believe that the NFL making
new safety rules is breaking the tradition values of the game are my audience. Concussions are
currently one of the most prevalent injuries within the NFL. Kevin Guskiewicz a doctor who has
done research upon the long term effects of concussions, tells us that concussions can lead to
serious mental health issues in later years of life. The main mental health issue associated with
the longer term effects of concussions is Depression (Guskiewicz). Kevin Everett is a modern
day example of how dangerous the NFL can be, Kevin was a kickoff specialist for the Bills and
on the kickoff he received severe neck trauma that almost paralyzed him for life. Everett was
forced to retire due to the seriousness of his injury (Brown.) However today, there are individuals
such as Montel Owens that feel that injuries are just a part of the game and it is a risk people
have to be willing to take (Chadiha). My product was created in order to disprove this theory.
Im attempting to use satire in way that develops the mindset for the reader of Well, I wouldnt
want to sign that. By doing this it allows for the audience to truly understand the risk that these
players are signing up for. This idea needs to become more prevalent so that people like Montel
Owens can see that this just isnt a part of the game. Rather it is the lives of the people. This
will also allow for the audience to touch on a more personal basis with that of NFL players who

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have decided to retire early after first hand experience of the risk associated with that of playing
in the NFL. Through this product it should induce the feelings towards the audience that change
needs to be made. The only way to create more safety for the players is to change the rules of the
game. Even it means breaking the tradition of the game.

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Works Cited
Brown, Chris. "Kevin Everett Five Years Later ." LatestHeadlines RSS. Buffalo Bills, 7 Sept. 2012. Web.
14 July 2015.
Chadiha, Jeffri. "10 Steps to Make the Game Safer." ESPN. ESPN Internet Ventures, Aug.-Sept. 2012.
Web. 13 July 2015.
Guskiewicz, Kevin. Nine-Year Risk of Depression Diagnosis Increases With Increasing Self-Reported
Concussions in Retired Professional Football Players The American Journal of Sports Medicine.
0363-5465(2012): 10.

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