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Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome to proposal seminar of Charis Wahyu entitled

First of all I woud like to thank to Bu Endang Sasanti as Supervisor and Bu Eni
Maharsi as
Co-Supervisor for coming in this seminar proposal... My Name is Izzam as the
moderator and
) as the Note-taker..
... and before we start the presentation from the presenter, I would like to
inform you this proposal seminar will be divided into three sessions.
First, is presentation from the presenter, Second, it is question and answer
session from the audience to presenter, and The Last session is
suggestions and comments from Supervisor and Co-Supervisor...
Okay, lets begin the first session with the presentation from the presenter...
Now well open the question and answer session from audience to our
presenter, we limit three questions only in this session... is there any? Maybe
question, comment, or suggestion. Please stand up and your name..
---(Sesi Tanya Jawab)
After this we move to suggestion and comment session from Supervisor and
Co-Supervisor, for Bu Endang please time is yours.. then for Bu Eni Maharsi...
---(Suggestion and comments)
Well, Ladies and gentlemen, thats all of our proposal seminar today, please
give applause to the presenter...
...and Thank You

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