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Overview of Living and Non Living Things

As they work towards achievement of the Level 3 standards in

science, students use their senses to explore the world around
them. They investigate features of their environment and
distinguish between living and non-living things. They use general
and science specific language to describe characteristics of their
pets, both plant and animal, and the different ways in which they
care for them.
Students identify similarities and differences between their pets,
including their needs, and place them into groups according to
given criteria.
When planning this unit, it may be useful to incorporate ideas and
strategies from The Science Continuum P-10 critical teaching
idea Living things.
Some things are alive, others are not alive but were once,
and some things were never alive.
Living things have basic needs such as air, water, food and
shelter if they are to survive.
Different animals have different characteristics that help
them to survive.
Plants require water and nutrients to grow.
Germination is the first stage in the growth and life cycle of a
plant from seed.

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