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Research Based Learning Strategies:

1. Cooperative Learning Groups: are when students work together to
accomplish shared goals and when positive structures are in place to support
that process (Johnson & Johnson, 1999).
2. Identifying Similarities and differences: the ability to break a concept into its
similar and dissimilar characteristics allows students to understand (and
often solve) complex problems by analyzing them in a more simpler way.
3. Nonlinguistic Representations/Graphic Organizers: when learners acquire
and retain knowledge non-linguistically, through visual imagery, kinesthetic
or whole-body modes, auditory experiences, and so forth.
4. Homework and Practice: should be approached not as an afterthought to the
school day, but as a focused strategy for increasing understanding.
5. Advanced Organizers: is a tool to help students retain and remember new
learning material.
6. Cues and Questions: the tools and strategies use to set the stage for learning.
It teaches and guides students from the known to the unknown, familiar
territory to new concepts.

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