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Trice 1 Alisha Trice Professor Raymond UWRT 1103 Writing Prompt #3 8 July 2015 Tech Savvy ‘When I was younger my mom couldn’t afford a computer. We had computers in our classroom but they were the archaic Windows desktops that just collected dust. My earliest memory with compaters was when my grandfather bought a windows desktop. Iemember playing pinball and Barbie Paradise on the game. My cousin and I would make up characters on the Aol messenger and basically trick people into believing we were someone we weren't. puiter lab class where we practiced typing and When I got jhto sixth grade I took a co learning the basiés of Microsoft Word and Powerpoint. I loved playing the typing games which were my favorite. I loved playing them so much I stayed after school sometimes (whenever I Jidn't have orchestra rehearsal) and play the games in the computer lab, My grandma told me if I wasn’t at school I would have a book in my hand or asleep. Every week in class we would have hese typing competitions and whoever typed a given paragraph the fastest would win a coupon How do you Fok nwo Con pelitum jnupercted yo YL in. ¢ Overall technology has improved my writing. It has provided a faster wa or a slice of free pizza. I would win majority of the time. wy ommunicate with otherand has given people the ability to research things they would have y Trice 2 never had access to without a whole collection of encyclopedias. As my grandfather would say “the tablet you have in your hand is the world”.

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