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10 leadership quotes

we guarantee
youve never heard before
straight from the minds at Business Management Daily

The sound of a thousand footsteps behind

means Im to be
hailed or hanged.
Either way, I made a difference.

A good leader is one who patiently delivers

all the speeches people ask for
and then dares to
deliver one that nobody asked for.

When you start stating your opinions loudly,

without caring what other people think,
twice as many of them will dislike you
and your life
will be three times more exciting.

It is no accident that nature,

when delivering a summer storm, presents
the flash of brilliance before the cacophony
of noise.

A persons noblest intention is only as

virtuous as the character of those
hes chosen to help
carry out the mission.

You should follow a dream

until it diesand then,
go just a little bit farther.

History is full of so-called leaders.

The ones we remember
are the ones
who had an obsession
and let it consume them.

Often, the path to success is carved

not so much by being
pushed by a vision,
but by doggedly pursuing
that rascal called fear.

I watched a baseball teams jubilance after

the final out of the World Series.
How these adults leapt, cried,
danced like children.
And I asked myself what pinnacle in my life
would make me behave
as silly as that
and why Im not striving for it
right now.

If youre not willing to tell me what scares

you the most, why should I be willing to
follow you?

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