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I did involved in a community service held by us at SK Paloh Hinai, Pahang.

choose the school as our project to do the community service because the school
was one of the place or area that suffered flood victims. The school areas were
full of muds everywhere and we have been divided into groups. We cleaned and
remove the muds almost all over the school as the flood reached at high level in
their school. The community service held according to our Kor Uniten subject as
one of the activity we must to do. 94 Besides, I also involved in a Carnival CFGS
as the facilitator. I handled a booth that sold variety of foods. I learned how to
manage a stall when I opened the booth and how to handled them if there was
problems. Another booth was my vendor, which my friend sold buttons and some
catalogues if anyone want to but shirt or customized them. I also learned how to
communicate with my vendor and help them if they got any problems. 162`

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