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Nov 28, 2011

Proff. Norris

I want to be a Highway Patrol Officer. So, I choose a Highway Patrol

Officer to interview him about his carrier. His name is Tarlochan singh Samra and
he working as Highway Patrol Officer in San Jose .He won award for his work in
traffic safety. He served about nine years both in highway patrolling and traffic
enforcement. He also worked as a traffic safety officer and promoted traffic safety
in community. I talked with him about his carrier and his department.

Question: Why did you become a police officer? Anybody else in the family served?
Answer: I love being a police officer since I was a kid.
My dad was a police officer for 20 years in India. He is deceased now, but he
was a great example for me.
Question: Where did you serve as a Police Officer before San Jose?
Answer: I served with Sacramento Police first and it was a great place to work.
Question: Why did you come to San Jose?
Answer: Actually, My wife was working in San Jose and we settled here.

Question: Have you ever fired your gun?
Answer: Yes, I did in Sacramento one time involved in a shooting. I was chased a car
thief. He pulled a gun and shot at me, and I shot back. But he was arrested. In San Jose, I
have pulled gun a couple of times.
Question: What is more important to you money or satisfaction?
Answer: I am looking for a high-paying job. I am looking to be satisfied in my work and
Question: What makes patrolling enjoyable?
Answer: Patrolling is changed in so many ways since I started. We help people in a variety
of ways.
Question: How has your work changed over the years?
Answer: Our work has not changed much, but the technology is different. Other things
have also changed due to the growth of the community. When I started out here we did
have the same area, But, It has grown in size, population and businesses.
Question: What would you want to suggest to anybody like me, who wanting be a
highway patrol officer?
Answer: You have to think that it not as a job, but as a career. If you don't have a passion
for law enforcement, may be you ought to think of something else. You have to deal with
bad stuff day after day to protect our community. But I really enjoy this career it makes
me happy.


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