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Big Idea of the Series: When one repents, God rebuilds a new life in them.!

Nehemiah Week 1!
Bible Reference: Nehemiah 1:4-11!
Topic: Repentance!
Big Idea of the Message: Repenting of sins is the foundation of God restoring ones

Nehemiah Week 2!
Bible Reference: Nehemiah 4:1-5!
Topic: Opposition!
Big Idea of the Message: There will be people who will question the new life God is
building in you.!

Nehemiah Week 3!
Bible Reference: Nehemiah 4:15-23!
Topic: Teamwork/Accountability!
Big Idea of the Message: As God rebuilds our lives, we must have friends who will help
us succeed.!

Nehemiah Week 4!
Bible Reference: Nehemiah 6:15-19!
Topic: Celebration, Repentance!
Big Idea of the Message: When we allow God to rebuild our lives, people will begin to
recognize His hand.!

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