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Technical Definiton

Youngjin Kim

Machine Code is a kind of programming language that only the computers, CPU(Central
Process Unit) which is the head of computers to be exact, can understand. It contains
huge amounts of binary codes, 0 and 1. Because machines can only express the state of
itself by using electronic signals. When a signal comes, it becomes 1 otherwise becomes

However, most programmers cannot read machine codes as fast as human languages.
so they use higher level programming languages that looks like human languages more
than machine codes, such as C-Language, JAVA, Python, and etc. They make a code
using these languages, then use translator calls compiler to interprete it as machine codes
so computers can understand and execute. If someone makes a program using machine
codes, it needs lots of time. And it is hard to find the wrong or bugs. So generally,
programmers also using high level programming languages to make big programs.

There are few situations that needs machine codes. For example, the situation which
have to modify the codes that other programming languages cannot control. Machine
codes can access the computers process directly, so you can control even they cannot. In
that situation, you should know the machine codes and use it. Next, when you modify the
areas that humans can make better than compilers, like optimization of huge programs or
computer games. You can think that is like the translating literary works. You can translate
novels by a Google translator but it gets messy. So a human translator should do it. Thats
same with compilers and programmers. Figuratively speaking, other high level
programming languages are like excavators, and the machine codes like trowels.

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