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Good Morning audience and opposition team

Our team is composed of: Speaker one, Marcelo Araneda

Speaker two, Camila Cisternas
Speaker three, Constanza Norambuena
and Summary Speaker, Nicols Perines
We are in favor of the motion homosexual people should have the same rights
as heterosexual ones.
I would like to start defining the concept of homosexuality;
Homosexuality is a sexual orientation that is defined as the interaction or
attraction affective, emotional, and sexual toward individuals of the same sex.
But. Why homosexuality is a controversial theme?
Homosexuality is a condition that often generates discrimination, in fact, up
until about 20 years ago, this sexual condition was considered a mental illness
by the World Health Organization, but after serious psychiatric research, this
absurd assertion, was discarded.
The rights of homosexuals differ of respect to the country of residence, for
example in highly developed countries such as Denmark, Netherlands and New
Zealand, all the inhabitants of the country have the same rights, regardless of
their sexual orientation.
Rights as a marriage between persons of the same sex and adoption by gay
couples, are legal in these countries. This talks about an inclusive, equal and
developed society for all its inhabitants.
On the other hand, in some countries the homosexuals did not have the same
rights as everyone else, and in others are persecuted by their condition, , sent
to prison, and up to sentenced to death
An example where the homosexuals dont have the same rights as the other is
our country, Chile. In Chile the equal marriage and adoption by gay couples, is
not allowed.
Considering the results of the 2012 census, in Chile exist 810,189 gay or
bisexuals men and 853,271 lesbians or bisexuals women. Census in 2012
showed in addition that 20,747 women and 14,229 men recognize live with a
same-sex partner in Chile
In addition to the many protests that support the rights of homosexuals in
Chile, Where in the last protest was attended by more than 50,000 people, is a
clear demonstration that in our country should be legalized the equal marriage
and adoption for gay couples . THE PEOPLE ARE DEMANDING THEIR RIGHTS!
To finish i would like to pose a question to the group against, ,

why homosexuals should have fewer rights than the other, if they are human
beings equal to all?

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