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Homework 8

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Warning: The hard deadline has passed. You can attempt it, but you will not get credit for it.
You are welcome to try it as a learning exercise.

In accordance with the Coursera Honor Code, I (Juan Carlos Vega Oliver) certify that the
answers here are my own work.

Question 1
Download the problem set for this homework (in PDF format).
You should not paste the answers to the problems here, but rather you will need to download a
grading script that will test your solutions and will generate an alphanumeric code. This code is
what you will need to paste into the text box below.
Solve each problem in MATLAB. Make sure to name your solutions (that is, your M-files) as
instructed in each problem.
Download the grader (hw8.p) and save it in the same folder as your solution files.
Run the grader in MATLAB by typing the command: hw8
To get the score for your submission, select to grade "all problems" (you also have the option to
test your solution for a specific problem).
Copy the alphanumeric code generated by the grader and paste it in the text box below.
Your score will be recorded after you click "Submit Answers."

The grader runs locally on your MATLAB copy. No communication is done with the Coursera
You can submit an answer (containing the alphanumeric code generated by the grader) on
Coursera as many times as you want (well, actually up to 1000 times). Your best submitted
answer will be used to grade this homework.

Enter the alphanumeric code generated by the grader in the text box below:

In accordance with the Coursera Honor Code, I (Juan Carlos Vega Oliver) certify that the
answers here are my own work.

Submit Answers

Save Answers

You cannot submit your work until you agree to the Honor Code. Thanks!

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