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Imbalanced Nutrition: Less than Body Requirement

D > Received on bed with complaints of difficulty swallowing and loss of appetite
> Pale conjunctivae
> Weight = 40 kg, Height = 5 feet 6 inches
> Dry mucous membranes
> Consumes only 10% of food given
> Mouth sores noted
> Increased bowel sounds, 45 to 50 per minute in every quadrant
A > Assessed ability to swallow and oral cavity
> Assessed height and weight
> Encouraged to increase oral fluid intake
> Encouraged to increase intake of foods rich in iron and vitamin C
> Encouraged small frequent feedings
> Instructed to avoid caffeinated and carbonated drinks
> Emphasized importance of oral hygiene
> Educated significant others and patient in establishing a regular eating pattern
R > Able to consume 100% of food given during the shift
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less than Body Requirement
D > Received on bed
> Weight = 70 kg, Height = 5 feet
> On bed most of the time
> Needs moderate assistance in activities of daily living
> With visible skin folds
> With decreased bowel sounds, 2 to 4 per minute in every quadrant
A > Assessed height and weight
> Encouraged regular exercise and ambulation
> Encouraged monitoring of food intake
> Encouraged to increase intake of foods rich in fiber
R > Patient was able to exercise for 30 minutes during the shift

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