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Austin Kahlow

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Biographical Research Paper
August, 5th 2015

Stephen Hawking

Elementary Physics
Howard Demars

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Stephen Hawking is a multiple award-winning physicist who grew
up in England, and is recognized all around the world for his theories
about Cosmology, Quantum physics, Singularities, and most famously
his theories of black holes. He is also well known because he is an
influential and imaginative open-minded person who has been a huge
universal theorist and has been diagnosed with a crippling disease. He
has won some incredible awards including being Lucasian Professor of
mathematics at University of Cambridge in England In 1979. This chair
goes back to 1663 and the second one to hold it was Sir Isaac Newton.
He was also given the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2007. The
Presidential Medal of freedom is the highest civilian award in the
United States. He was given the Wolf Prize in physics, not to mention
many others.
Stephen was born in Oxford, England on January 8th, 1942.
Stephens parents were both very educated but not very wealthy
people. In fact, his dad was a professor at Oxford University. At a
young age, Stephen was not a very good student, but over time, he
realized he needed money to go to school so he worked to get a
scholarship. Stephen was also a part of the rowing team at Oxford
which they took great pride in and Stephen had finally found a social
life for himself. Stephens father had always encouraged Stephen to be
interested in the study of medicine but Stephen was too highly

interested in mathematics to go that route. Stephen was always very

curious and would take apart clocks and radios to try to understand
how they worked. Oxford did not have a mathematics program so he
decided to study physics, and this is where it all began. After finishing
his first class BA at
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Oxford, he went on to study more and got his PHD in Cosmology
at Trinity Hall in Cambridge. This is where Hawking studied under Fred
Hoyle, who was the most distinguished English astronomer of all time.
Stephen Hawking is said to be one of the greatest minds since
Einstein. Hawking applied theories of singularities and quantum
mechanics to Einsteins theory of general relativity in an attempt to
describe the Universe. Stephen said, My goal is simple, It is complete
understanding of the Universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all.
Stephen Hawking was more into theory than observation so he would
always be contemplating things in his own head. This is what made
him brilliant. Hawking had worked to prove that black holes emit
radiation when everyone else disagreed and thought that black holes
would just absorb and demolish everything. This radiation became
known as Hawking radiation.
At the ripe age of 21, Hawking started showing signs of
clumsiness. He was then diagnosed with ALS, (Amyotrophic Lateral
Sclerosis), otherwise known as Lou Gehrigs disease. This disease is

very serious and leads people to be completely paralized over time.

Stephen was shocked and upset when he was diagnosed, as anyone
would be, but this did not stop him. He had just gotten married and
this woman he says gave him something to live for. Hawking became
optimistic about his condition and realized it could be worse. ALS is a
progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the
brain and spinal chord. This means there is a disconnect between the
spinal chord and muscles which

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results in a lack of muscle nourishment and atrophy. The expected life
span for someone with this disease is about 5 years, however some
live longer. Stephen Hawking did not let this bring him down. Hawking
has a tiny amount of movement, which he can use to write to a
computer and then have read out by use of a voice
synthesizer. Stephen has also made it clear that he wants everyone to
think and imagine things about space, and he always wants to put
things in terms everyone can understand. He has written a few
famous books including a few childrens books with his Daughter Lucy.
His most popular book of context is called, A Brief History in Time.
Which he attempts to explain the universe and natural phenomenons
that are a part of it. Hawking also has a great sense of humor and
loves to continue to exercise his mind. He has appeared on TV shows,

particularly comedy, as well as documentaries. In 2009 Hawking was

invited to be able to fly in a plane that can replicate zero gravity which
was something he was always interested in. Hawking also thinks that
in the future we will have to explore space to continue to survive due
to limiting resources and he is obviously interested in the idea that
there are other forms of life, such as aliens.
Stephen Hawking is an amazing man who will be remembered for
a very long time. His reign of intelligence, imagination, and integrity
will not be forgotten. After dealing with Lou Gehrigs disease most of
his life and still accomplishing great things brings compassion and
appreciation. It is amazing that there are people that are this driven.
Hawking is still active in his field as a spokesperson but has officially
retired because of his condition and the fact that hes very old.
Hawking will go
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down as one of the most influential physicists of all time. There is still
so much to be learned about our universe and this is only the
beginning. Stephen Hawking you have been a great inspiration to us

Works Cited

(n.d.). Retrieved August 5, 2015, from

(n.d.). Retrieved August 5, 2015, from
McGrath, J. (n.d.). Retrieved August 5, 2015, from
Stephen Hawking. (n.d.). Retrieved August 5, 2015,
(n.d.). Retrieved August 5, 2015, from

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