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eh =>) +H+ + S> ys oa 2 OS Bl" Fi TM I Le 2006 CATALOGO TECNICO «8 A NUESTROS CLIENTES Desde 1925, los Productos B.B, han sido Cuidadosa- mente fabricados Para proveer las Necesidades de la industria en todo e} Mundo. Los tornillog de ajuste BB. Procedimientos A2LA, que garantizan Iq alta Calidad de nuestros tornillos de juste. Cualquier Sugerencia o Mundo” Tornilleria del ios al servicio de los distribuidores de “Mas de 80 afios 1925 - 2006 “Mas 3 ‘WWW.GATATORNILLOS.COM.AR ‘COMPROMISO CON LOS DISTRIBUIDORES: Service ‘Alusar ls 148 productos del linea de Brighton, ud. tend Yuera de la estanteria™ una cisponilidad de 15000 cferentes argos, ciémetros, estos de cabezas y ‘alcance de su mano Es una norma de BB para todo el mundo despachar KMD sidos ot ‘mismo dia de recibidos. Nuestros catlogos thnicos proveen un andi detatado dela toleranciafisicay dimencional de lo productos publicados. GARANTIA DE CALIDAD Los tomillos de aleacién y de aceroinoxidable los hexagonal de aleacién de BB, son ‘roducides por el proceso en trio para garantizar un continuo fur y una calidad ‘superocLos cdmetros de 1-18" en adelante son fraguados con la ayuda de inveion ‘de calor controlado. Las especificaciones quimicas, fisicas y mecdnicas, estén en los archives y a isposicién del que la requiera ‘SEGUIMIENTO Los ms modemos equipos de prueba son usados continuamente durante la produe- ibn para gaantizar la calidad que BB ha producido por mas de 70 aos. Las prucbas de dureza y tension y ls andlss de carburizacién, son algunas de las levadas a cabo ‘por BB para garantizar al consumido final un producto de probada cakdad. Las cetica- clones de estas pruebas son quardadas en archivos por un minimo de 10 afos.. NORMAS DE INGENIERIA Solamente la més ra calidad de aceo y los mas modemas ratamenios de calor son ‘usados para labrca bs prosts BB. Nuestros toils Son manutacturados ba las ‘igidas especticaciones de las normas BS, DIN, ISO y ANSI. Los controls SPC son usados @ través de todo proceso defabrcacin asoguando el primer puosto sobre la competercia, DIVERSIFICACION Deste mest nace 125 8 ea cmpraneo a poe a Dnt ‘Tes con los tomillos de mejor calidad. Los pods B etn ace con bs sme cambiaes avnces tcolge cos ena nist. Nests ams son usd ena parts aacespacles y ao- navies on compacoras, orsmucone operaones mines. En cata ugar ues reese in or enon nso es rots BB Ls toe 98 son beacon aos melas, nerd alsoore, cw rand bi 18.82), acer monte 316 (Mt) atin y Bronce sconaco, deptandone a as stenoecambaries casi eat, ENVASADO Envasado compacto sin posibidad de mezciarse y un cbxigo de bara espectico ga rantiza la integidad de fos til BB. Las clas con cantidades manejables aumertardn as ventas y reducin ls costos de inventario. Sofisticados equips Delta y Sigma son usados excusivamente para garan- ‘zarla cantidad exacta de tomilos en cada caa. La etiqueta ena ca frece una cara descipcion ric de tamaf, tipo, mately cantidad, “Todas ls calas son seladas en tbricae ideniicadas con un cbcgo de bars para ‘prevenir que se mezclen <— wan Ret ranray TESTING DIVISION SRA » WWW.GATATORNILLOS.COM.AR ‘Home of Brighton Best Testing Laboratory and export Center, Swedesboro, New Jersey. TABLE OF CONTENTS - INDICE e Dimensiones de Tornillos de Cabeza Cilindrica con Hexagono Interior (Series 1960) 5 Dimensiones de Prisioneros sin cabeza con Hexagono Interior eet 6 Dimensiones de Tornillo de Cabeza Avellanada con Hexagono Interior 7 Dimensiones de Tornillo de Cabeza Cilindrica Baja con Hexagono Interior. 7 Dimensiones de Tornillo Cabeza Botén con Hexagono Interior 8 Dimensiones de Pasadores Rectificados y Pasadores Elasticos Rectificados 8 Dimensiones de Tornillos Rectificado con Hexagono Interior . Ce 9 Dimensiones de Liaves hexagonales 10 Dimensiones de Tornillos Limitadores 10 Dimensiones de Tapones 3/4” con Hexagono Interior Dry Seal " Dimensiones de Tapones 7/8” con Hexagono Interior Flush-sea "1 Dimensiones de Prisioneros Cabeza Cuadrada 12 Dimensiones de Pasadores de Presion i 13 Dimensiones de Prisioneros Sin Cabeza con Puntas de Nylon y Laton...... 13 Dimensiones de Tornillos Cabeza Hexagonal .. 14 Dimensiones de Tuercas Hexagonales . Be voces 4 Dimensiones de Arandela Plana de Acero USS 45 Dimensiones de Arandela Plana de Acero SAE Tratamiento Térmico Zincado Blanco 15 Dimensiones de Arandela Plana de Acero Tratamiento Térmico Zincado Blanco 15 Dimensiones de Tuercas Hexagonales Oc Dimensiones de Tuercas Autofrenantes con inserto de Nylon 16 Dimensiones de Tornillos Métricos Cabeza Cilindradas con Hexagono interior ........ 47 Dimensiones de Tornillos Métricos Cabeza Cilindrica con Hexagono interior 18 Dimensiones de Tornillos Métricos Cabeza Avellanada con Hexagono Interior : 19 Dimensiones de Tornillos Métricos Cabeza Cilindrica Baja con Hexagono interior 19 Dimensiones de Tornillos Métricos Cabeza Botén con Hexagono interior................ 20 Dimensiones de Pasadores Métricos Rectificados 20 Dimensiones de Llaves Hexagonales Métricas 2 Dimensiones de Tornillos Métricos de Cuerpo Rectificado con Hexagono Interior 2 Dimensiones de Tornillos Cabeza Hexagonal Métrico 23 Dimensiones de Tuercas Hexagonales. 24 Dimensiones de Arandelas Planas .......... 24 Dimensiones de Arandelas de Presién _ 24 Carga sugerida para Tornillos de cabeza Cilindrica con Hexagono interno (Series 1960) 25 Cargas sugeridas para otros Tornillos de Acero Aleado con (Hex. Interno).. : . 5 Carga sugerida para Distintos Materiales de Tornillos 26 n de Llaves Hexagonales Métricas co sosssstnissente . 26 Comparacién entre To indrica con Hexagono Interior (Series 1936 y 1960) .... 27, Pulgadas o Milimetros vc . 28 Comparacién de Pasos de Rosca 29 Sistema Internacional de Medidas aplicado en elementos de fijacion mecanicos e 2 WWW.GATATORNILLOS.COM.AR Qs FIT3A HARDNESS RC 38-43 i) ae —o min. nuded angie 0 1 2 3 4 01120 5 0.1250 6 8 0 2 22280) 3.375 24762) 3.750 2.7262) 4.125 2.9762) 4.500 3.2262) 4.875 3.4762) 5.250 3.7262) 5.425 3.9762) 6.000 4.897 5211 5.584 5.958 4.000 2232 2481 2730 2979 3.228 3.478 an7 3.976 1375 | tv 1800 | 1-2 2025 | 134 2250 | 134 2475 | 2.04 2.700 | 2-14 2925 | 2.v4 3.150 | 294 3375 | 234 3.400 | 31/4 1.750 2250 2.750 2.750 3.000 0.870 0.995 1.120 1.245; 1.370 1.820 1745 1.870 1.995 0.760 | 0015 0.855 | 0.031 0950 | 0.031 1.045 | 0.081 1.149 | 0.031 1.235 | 0091 1.330 | 0.031 1.425 | 0.031 @ str trmsn ANE NGIB 8308 LATUATSA Al dimensions in inches 5 GA-TA * WWW.GATATORNILLOS.COM.AR CLASS FIT 3A HARDNESS RC 45-53 OVAL POINT CUP POINT (KNURL) rT FLAT POINT HALF DOG POINT suont fucer CONE POINT suans cxaar aos Pemwestace T e r t Wa Engegomon ‘eOerniop | copand Fonctnes! | Fito al ooPoit Capatty | lamas ieter | Lane Thon em ex ioe ie ‘arin | ar Win sane Tomo | oars 9.033 [0.027 ous aor oy ay a aro | come Sua [oass ‘oeer|o0us| oon ‘| 3) S000 | oss 8.047 | 0.039 0087 oom | 3] 4 o.oo | 0050 0.054 | 0.045 0.08 027 a | sao ‘9.1120 | 0050 0.061 [0.081 oars 090 7 sar 01250 | vie 0.067 |o.057 0.083 O33 7 | sea 1380 | ie 0.074 | 0.064 0.092 0.038 7 | ane oso | 5/64 9.07 |.076 0109 043 | ane To o.1900 | v3 0.102 Jo.08e e137 oa wane u 0280 | 7 0122 |anne O56 ons x | sre lst oats | saz 0172 ose 8203 Sos wo | an ‘360370 | 376 0.219 ore. 0.350 0.09 z0_| 76 Ime oars | — Far 0252 [ora 0297 atte soa v2 aso0o | V4 0391 0270 o3u 0130 soo | 9 se oaaso | she eam oa ous O hee ow | 16 3407500 | “a8 0.450 | 0.425 0562 3196 1700_| “3a 708750 0-530 [0.502 Ouse [062] 0227 3.000} 3] hve 1.0000 0.409 |o.579 0750 9360 ‘p00 | 70 hve 1.1250 8.609 | 0.655 au oa Stoo | hiaa_12500 | ‘se 0767 0733 Jose 0323 7700_| 1.10 fe 1.3730 | — sie 038.808 aT ‘O35e 7700 [1.174 five ¥s000 | ava 0926 | 0.886 1125) 1108 | 0.388 soo | va For addtional information refer to ASME / ANSI B 18.3 1986 ‘All dimensions in inches 3. —e_: i Tanai Cana Biomater Nom. | “Meme” ine 7 | Sie] 088 oa s | saz | tos oes ¢ | daz | to. on & | ee | Me one w | "ve | tas Ms CLASS FIT 3A, wa |e ls HARDNESS RC 45-53, ans | sr lar 4 m2 | 228308 va | 360 a0 @] ste | an en © oe ae | 305365 me | a ay v2 sto one ZA-TA WEAR area FIT3A HARDNESS RC 36-43 aor | 3a2 com | oo | ans coe | sors om | sors fis | tos ois | Sos are | cons oi | sors oz | sos tam | ams | For addtional axe | cons information refer to tay | bos ASME/ANSIB 18:3 32s | Son O33 | $3 | 1906 8asTM Fea5 oa | re ons | owe | oon toe |’ 1000 | oa | oan CLASS FIT 3A HARDNESS RC 36-43. my To gle www. GATATORN ILLOS.COM.AR CLASS FIT 3A HARDNESS RC 36-43 Serge D ‘countersink permisible x ‘Size Head orBasic | Diameter ‘Serew Diameter [Max | Min. © 0.0800 | 0.114 | o.104 1 0.0730 | 0.138 | 0.129 2 0.0860 | 0166 | 0.154 3 0.0990 | 0.188 | 0.176 4 1120 | 0213 }0.201 |0.059 | 0.051 | o015 |1/16 0.082| o.095 5 0.1250 | 0238 |0.226 |0.066 | 0.058 | 0.015 |s/4 0.078| 0.044 8 0.1380 | 0.262 }0.250 |0.073 | 0.063 | 0.015 |s/4 0.078| 0.044 8 01640 | 0312 |0.29 |0.087 | ao77 | 001s a2 0.004) 0.052 10 0.1900 | 0.961 [0.347 |o.101 | 091 | 0.020 | 18 0.125) 0.070 | 0015| 0.010) For additional v4 02500 | 0437 |0419 [0.132 | ot22 | oaa1 |s2 0.156] 0.087 | 0000] 0015 | ‘oman ster to sre 03125 | 0547 | 0527 |0.168 | 0.182 | 0.031 |916 0.186] 0.105 | 0.020) oo15 98 03750 | 0.656 |0.696 [0.199 | 0.185 | o.031 |792 0.219] 0.122 | 0.020| 0.015 | ASME/ANSIB 183 1966 & ASTM FE35 v2 05000 | 0875 |oas: ozs | o245 | 0046 |se ost2| 0:75 | 0000 | 0020 5% 04250 | 1.000 |o.s70 joss | o3it | oe |e osrs| 210 | 0090 | onze For adionl SURFACE HARDNESS. RC 60 min ‘information cferto CCORE HARDNESS RC 50-58 + ANSIB882 1978 SURFACE FINSH 8 MU max. QO 2 ‘Al dimensions in i inches x Cos aewrtma mint cd ‘me om tem rot | cro | tnt | ed ap = 4 cee | tmpner | coven [tegen] Oe aon cares ne eae | Aly a oo Tia eas 30005 Donss does] dose ona | pane gone] 00 varcont Sori corm oore| art ooet|oane ooo] 1300 Ya conan Sonu Gone ooney| oan ore east corz| Yao via o1ase tase Giaet ovaar| i290 ovo] eect cote) 3200 saa ose asm oxsm oxs71| 0180 01400082 o@20) 5000 Miecios Sees Otans Otan| oteo 170 |oou2 oaxs| 7200 ‘7a ease Sasto east) o2sm| ozen ozme| eo eost| wzam | zvee| oz snesatas| Oatas eats oaiac| 302 oavo| ies oam| tame | zisee| tose an oxrs0 ari 0376 o2rse| 0348 o3s0| 0125 00 | an | a | 102 neous dans saaes oanes| one Oaoe | iss omse| aevee | a | vez ‘in eso ‘23010 osott osoor| sass or |arer mms) — staoo | ta | eae ua Saas 95260 oazel oszsn| ott oses| aoe com| memeo | a | vez0 4 are azne or oe| are arrs| 0250 omme| —rrmo | xe | snus © 3m cara ‘amo aavet oaver| oaua Guo | ozs9 eter! tatooo | wm | “wn fer) Yoote toot tawoe| evo one) eass orzs| zocme | ‘ye | sete WWW.GATATORNILLOS.COM.AR CLASS FIT 3A HARDNESS RC 36-43 jay pe 2008 7 ® Koy Hees ‘ment Radius : Min. in va 0250 | 0.2080] 0260 | 0375 | 0567 | cies [oi77 | o1s7 | We 0128 | ooo ‘0.008 sxe 0312 | 02105| 02085 | 043s | o4ta | 0219 |0200 | ores | sae ose | 0117 | oo17 | oor one 0015 0.188 0.020 0.234 102s 2a: 0.030 037s 0.040 0.469 0.080 0.856 0.080 Oot 98 0375 | o3790| ori | osee | 0543 | 0250 |0240 | 0209 | are 0.188 0.020 ve 0800 | 0.4980] 0.4960 | 0750 | 0729 | 0312 |oace | oz | 14 0250 ooze 5@ 065 | o6290| osz10 | os7s | 095s | os7s |os6s | oats | sie ose ose ‘4 0750 | 07480| 07460 | 1.000 | 0977 | 0500 | 0.490 | 0421 | a8 0.375 0.039 1 1.000 sat | 1287 | 0625 |ost0 | 0527 | v2 o500 0.050 14 1.250 1780 | 1723 | 0.780 |0735 | 0633 | se 025 0.060 @x 1.800 | 1.4980/ 1.4900 | 2125 | 2.095 | 1.000 |0.980 | ose | 7 0875 94 1780 | 17480) 17460 | 2975 | 2345 | 1125 | 1.105 | 0948 | 1 1.000 | 0.750 | 0.080 | 0070 22000 | 19980] 1.9960 | 2750 | 2720 | 1280 |1230 | 1.056 | 1-14 1.250 | oss7 | 0.080 | 0080 F e ‘Shoulder Neck ‘Thread wr 7 Length Max. Basie Wa 0.280 | azar | —0.083 | ~10 01900 | ae] o.142} 0195 | 008s | 0.003 | O.i7 | 0375 Jooste ost2 | 0289 | 0063 | 14 02500| 20 | oxea| o1e| 0100 | 0.008 | 0022 | 0498 8 os7s | o3s2 | oo | s1e oss) 18 | o29| o237| 111 | ocat | oos | 0500 ve 0800 | 0477 | 0093 | ae os7so| 18 | o304| o201| 0125 | 003s | 0.029 | 0625 se 62s | osc2 | oss | v2 0800) 13 | o414| o3e7| ors4 | oo | cave | 0750 34 0750 | 0727 | oo | se oss0| 11 | ose! osc2| ore2 | cos: | cos | 087s 1 1000 | 0977 | 0125 | 34 o7s0| 10 | o6s6| asi6| 0.200 | 0.055 | oo | 1.000 14 1250} 1227 | 0125 | 7 08750| 9 | 0750| 0726 | 0222 | ooe2 | aos | 1.125 jor-v2 1500 | 147a | 0125 | 11250| 7 | ose! osae| 0286 | 0072 | 0086 | 1.500 $04 1750 | 1.728 | 1a | 1-14 12500| 7 | 1.080| 1059 | 0206 | oo72 | aos | 1750 2 2000| 1978 | os | 112 1500] 6 | 1307| 127| 033 | o102 | aos | 2000 For additional information refer to ASME / ANSI B 18.3 & ASTM A574. — . ZA-TA WWW.GATATORNILLOS.COM.AR > MATERIAL - HIGH GRADE ALLOY STEEL HARDNESS Ro48 < 3/8 45 > 3/8, ¥ = = rach ize Norn Nosinal eer Srength a aT eh azo | ars] 1319 | aah av 17 sas | ous | tate | zen aa PA ao_| ‘ow | Vase | deus = 7 vie “asrs—] 1780} 3 000 Sar 7 sie cm | tas | aie om 2 as omr_| 2000 | 375 es a Te “arr —a3s | ase 703 v8 fas | aa | 3050 730 108 oe iaet_| 3378 | a0a7 En ise Sar 3507] 3300 —| 4135 tar Te ans tao | 3790 | 400 a ua mm aima_| 3000 | fers | vost a0. ua aso} 3350 —} 3380} 1193 360 ane gio | 370 | Gow | 250 ve83 2 aro_| 4350 | 70 | tars 2900 a 353} 2780} 7300} 1300 tao A fers | 5210 | tao | tans too 26 stoo_| 5750 | 9000 | 1.750 200 a “gas | 6380 —] 9750 —] 195 nest EA yao | 720 | via0 | tas 120000 ” aro_| ozs | izzs0_| 237s 29100 T sero | 9380] 14380} 2a “3700 leva ze | vaso | 3000 Nooo ta yaa_| tazs0 | aso | 124000 1a 17] 15350] ta00 —}—Toeeee 2 toa_| a0 | — 500 | 26000 For addtional information refer o ASME /ANSIB 18.3 1986 Key nan | et ‘w ‘Need | aes ‘ouster a a a ‘sown “oi | 027 = = ‘eas | ous * = oso | 00 ore Fe Te] — oats ae = sua | ‘orn fae8 = aaa | ovr fH = "ea —] 1078 = = = = = ve | tas #0 0 va va = sie | ta “ 2 a wat] — 1507 v7 v7 we ae ve ane | tao one ans an ‘0 im__| ai a Pn zs me " wa] as = 776 7 va Ta sme | ato va | saan a mn a | 373s an ‘8 ve a ia Te] 888 5 5 a — = va | “ars S aa 7) i = wie | S600 = i is 8 ae | eas = * Ta Tiara a | yao = 2 = via m_| tno = = A ~ T 970 = = va raat wa | ae = 2 = ia | tas = = el = ELS = = = = 2 903 = & s p T. Ap 10 WWW.GATATORNILLOS.COM.AR Bian | - om HARDNESS RC 36-43 : Ml “wat ‘ganing 3 | rossate | temapen ominat| Nomina | “'por'* | "Socke’ | engagement | Thckness ‘fou Soe | “OD | ieen | “Ste. | "Ainimam” | Mrmom (nerve) TAS i ria a 140" 062 "300 Ly ie | aos | 2 ae io S00] 250 te} 04 ta i of ar} — ao os ‘6 ‘ot a0 4+ tt Se ie oes Sn aa_| ro | ie are | st 28 os_| 2000 $ +S} the] a a 3 fe — So ive | tao | ine | 3 7 ie Tee | Stoo e190 tet sr ie Fea) 2 | ams | ite] 4 Pa ise oa | a0 For additional information refer to ANS! B1.20.3-1976. Sa eo — [MAERALALOY |] ALLOY seo T ‘Basle | Threads L Pach Tightening rie wmate | Hexagon . “oo | “op” | wen | “sae Comitere”_| figoctet Gna ibe) a a = a | ae 20 sas ie 3 ate —— 38; | “see ——f60 i. ste ‘oc_| Ser eo an ae ie a0 1880] ron_| is ane sr | sie 7 a ss | ies — Sn teo | Map| a ee | om | S00 ase Eu ee aT T. 7 = For additional information refer to ANSI B1.20.3 1976 A 8 a we Mean Nominal secton ‘Weare tna utaie | Tichness Section ‘Stree Diameter Diameter | (oye Width fae [ tan] es? [nt Noe 01 | @t20 | ona] 047g | 00ee —oaze Nes Sts | ot | Star | Same | Sea S055 Nes Stas | Stas | Sir | $2 | So Som Nes Stee | ote | ier | Sas | cor Soe ' Nevo oso | oz | aso | Oe | Seer See Lh us oz | oa | 26 | oom ov ) Sis ore | og | oar | oasr | Ooms done = ge ors | o3es | 0377 | osso | O128 dor whe Same | Sao | Sam | Sam | Bio S000 _ yy, ia io | O82 | ose | Oe | Ste Stas rar se eas | oe | one | oo | om o1as y ue 0.750 0.765 0.753 1.108 0218 0.154 1h 78 og7s | 0890 | o87e t2er | 02s = onee i no 1 1.000 1.015 1.003 1.469 0.250 0.208 “ me 1.125 1166 1.129 1.654 0.313 0.236 For addtional infomation efertoASME/ansi | 13e 13 | 13a | 13% | poe | 888 ome pizoiio | tie 4300 | tae | tam | ate | Sa Sate Alcimensonsininces | $24 1750 | i778 | zea | 28m | oat os "1 ZA I A www. .GATATORNILLOS.COM.AR a5 o1as 354 oes 442 0240 530 0.294 819 034s 707 0.500 795, 0.454 ‘578 0.6250 0.507 4 0.7500 0.620 7s 08750 0.731 1__1.0000 | 0.838 1-78 1.1250] 0.939 114 12500 1.064 1-3/8 1.3750] 1.159 1-172 _ 15000] 1284 ‘O07 0.132 0172 0212 0252 0068 ons 0.156 0.194 0.232 0270 0.309 For addtional information refer to ASME / ANS! 818.62 1972 (1983) ‘All dimensions in inches Py » GA-TA WWW.GATATORNILLOS.COM.AR CHAMFER BOTH ENDS. CONTOUR OF CH Seriowat. a € F Double Sher Lond, Mine Noma ecommendnd Se a sean | “ae wom fe! Se T Ea _ ISL | Berta Stem Soe | "cba a ae See | tee] | Te aaa | 068 aor | oor | o0ss | ones | «zs seo] a0 sies S07e | o0ee Soe | oor | oer | ogre | eo | | aeo| a0 32 8008 | a0 oma | coos | 0022 | 007 | com 1000 | S008 | | | | va 0328 | ox aoe | 0008 | 0078 | arz9 | 0128 | 2300 | 1500 | 1200 Sie Ott | a9 oe | doom | oom | oree | oo | itm | tam | }am £52 0186 | 0167 Dou8 | oor | oas2 oreo | o1se | 3000 | 2000 | 1900 3N6 ota | 0199 oie2 | cose | Gort | Oo4o | o1s2 | oer | 4ac0 | 200 | 2800 72 o219| oz 0214 | 0065 | oor | cos | 0224 | 0219 | 5,200 | 280 | 3.200 4. 0280 | 0266 Sass | ass | oar2 | Sou | a3se | Sina | 7700 | too | son 56 0312| 032s | 0321 | 0308 | ooo | ow | doer | o2t8 | o2a | 11300 | too | oe0 re 0375| ose | o3es | o3ea | 000s | Oars | car | ose | 03% | 12800 | 10.000 | 10.100 1 76 0438 | 0.486 | 044 | 0430 | 0.095 | 0017 | o077 | o44s | 0437 | 20000 | 12,000 | 12,200 v2 9500 | 0521 | 0813 | o4as | 0.110 | o.025 | cose | os10 | 0500 | 25800 | 15500 | 16.800 si 0628 | ogso | 0640 | 0808 | 0125 | oos0 | ozs | o6a6 | cass | aemoc | teano se a7s0 | oreo | o.res | a7a0 | oso | aaso | atso | ove | 0.750 | sono | 23200 | For additonal information refer to ANS! B18.8.2 1978 ne DIAMETER A ‘Al dimensions in inches, 13 ZtA-TA WWW.GATATORNILLOS.COM.AR > .COM.AR ‘Nomina Size o Batic Major Dia wat Across iat Across Thietness ‘rThrvad Flat ‘corers Wants Basie] Max] Win. | Wax. | Win | Gavie | Max | Min, 14 02800 | 776 | oxse | onze |-asos | case) 72 | ome | one sé 03125 | 12 | 0500 | o4s9 | os77 | os77 | 1764 | 0273 | o2s8 ‘a 03750} ans | 0562 | ossi | 0650 | 068 | aves | 0377 | 0320 me oas7s | t1n6| 0586 | 0675 | 0704 | 0768 | ae | 0385 | 0365 v2 oso | a4 | 0750 | 0736 | oses | oso | 718 | ome | o4z7 16 05625 | 78 | 875 | ose | 1.010 | ogee | sia | o496 | 0479 ‘@ 06250 | 1576| 0938 | 0922 | 1.083 | 1051 | a5e4 | 0559 | 0595 407500 | 1-18 | 1.125 | 1088 | 1.290 | 1.240 | ave | 0565 | 0617 ms 08750 | 1-56) 1312 | 1260 | 1516 | 1447 | 34 | 0776 | o724 11.0000 | 1-12 | 1500 | 1450 | 1.732 | 1.653 | ssi | oss7 | asst se 1.1250 | 1-117 1.688 | 1831 | 1940 | 1850 | s1a2 | 099 | casas v4 12800 | 4-7 | 1875 | 1912 | 2165 | 2066 | 1-116 | 1094 | 1.030 98 13780 | 21718) 2062 | 1904 | 23a2 | 2273 |1-184| 1206 | 1138 s-12__ 15000 | 24 | 2250 | 2.175 | 2508 | 2480 | rae | 1317 | 1245 | 2792 | 090 | 0.08 For additional information refer to ANSI B18.2.2 1983 & SAE J995 ‘All dimensions in inches a GA-TA ~~ WWW.GAT GATATORNILLOS. .COM.AR NOMINAL OUTSIDE INSIDE ‘THICKNESS: WASHER SIZE DIALIN. DIA.IN. MIN. MAX. a wa a6 "055/072 5/6 718 we .064/.080 we 1 m6 .064/.080 me 1A va .064/.080 V2 138 m6 .097/.121 6 12 5/8 .097/.121 5/8 194 2/32 122/146 4 2 13/16 122/.146 8 2-4 15/16 -136/.160 1 212 rine -136/.160 18 2-3/4 1/4 -136/.160 1-4 3 198 -136/.160 1-3/8 34 12 -136/.160 12 312 1-5/8 136/.160 For adonal information refer ANS! 818.221 1983 HARONESS RC 3-45 OUTSIDE INSIDE ‘THICKNESS DIA.IN. DIALIN. 5/8 982 -055/.072 me 1732 .055/.072 136 1yyaz .055/.072 ”. 59/64 15/32 .055/.072 16 W732 097/121 1.316 19/32 097/.121 15/16 2/32 122/.146 1.15/32 13/16 122/.146 19/4 15/16 136/.160 2 1-16 -136/.160 1-78 24 Va -136/.160 14 212 1-3/8 -136/.160 1-3/8 2.3/4 12 -136/.160 1.12 3 1.5/8 £136/.160, Fr adétiona information refer to ANSI B1822.1 1983 HARDNESS ‘NOMINAL OUTSIDE INSIDE ‘NOMINAL OUTSIDE INSIDE RC 38-46 WASHER SIZE DIAMETER DIA. MAX. WASHER SIZE DIAMETER: DIA. MAX. va 487 260 va 1.264 765 5/6 (583 322 8 1.455 & 29 3/8 680 385 1 1.647 1.015 m6 16 450 ve 1.838 14a VW 869 512 Vs (2.028 1.272 6 ‘965 ‘374 rae 2210 1399 e 5/8 1.072 640 1a 2.409 1524 Fer ada ioraton fro ANS B18 1980 15 aA I IN WWW.GATATORNILLOS.COM.AR Rockwell C24-32 AISI C1037 IF! 100/101-107 Class 28 Thread w CLAMP WIDTHACROSSFLATS | THICKNESS LOAD SIZE MAX MIN MAX MIN LB.(1) 1/4-20 438 428 22600 (212 2,850 14-28 438 428 2260212 3,250 5/16-18 500 489 273258 4,700 5/16-24 500.489 273258 5,200 ae-16 562 551 337 320 6.950 38-24 5620551 337 320 7,900 TN6-14 688 675 385 365 9,600 76-20 688 675 385 365 10,700 W213 -750 736 448427 12,800 45 112-20 “750 736 448427 14,400 50 9/16-12 875 861 496473 16,400 70 9/16-18 875 861 496473 18,300 70 5/811 938 922 559535 20,300 90 58-18 938 922 559535, 23,000 90 9/4-10 1.125 1.088 665 30,100 210 155 94-16 1.125 1.088 665 33,600 210 155 718-9 1312 1.269 776 41,600 3125 225 71-14 1312 1.269 776 45,800 3125 225 1-8 1.500 1.450 887 54,600 462.5 360 114 1.500 1.450 887 61,100 500.0 362.5 ri fa Rockwell C25-34 AISI C1137 NYLON 250° MAX Class 28 Thread —w w c AXIAL TENSILE , SIZE | WIDTHACROSSFLATS) THICKNESS | WIDTH ACROSS |STRENGTHLBS.Min)) LBS/1000 MAX MIN MAX _MIN | CORNERS(Min) 1/4-20 440.428 328298 482 5,700 8.80 14-28 440.428 328.298 6,000 516-18 ‘502.492 359-329 552 9,000 11.80 516-24 ‘502.492 359.329 9,500 38-16 564553 468.438 622 14,000 18.20 3/8-24 564553 468.438 15,500 7N6-14 690 679 468 438 766 18,000 22.00 76-20 690 679 488438 19,600 12-13 752741 609579 837 25,000 43.50 1/2-20 7520741 1609-579 26,700 96-12 ‘B77 865 656 626 978 32,000 71.00 916-18 ‘877.865 656 626 34,000 5/811 940-928 765 735 1.051 42,000 86.00 5/818 940 928 765-735 45,700 34-10 | 1.064 1.053 "890.860 1.191 150,500 121.00 34-16 | 1.064 1.053 890-860 56,000 78-9 1.252 1.240 1999969 1.403 189,300 194.00 TIB-A4 1.252 1.240 999 969 76,400 Oy) 18 1.440 1.428 © |1.078 1.016 1.615 90,900 285.00 1-14 1.440 1.428 = (|1.078 1.016 100,000 WWW.GATATORNILLOS.COM.AR ™ THREAD CLASS 4g 6g HARDNESS RC 38-43 [rene | aoe: | chem a | Se Btls fee] a 2 [ase eats | 300 | 269 | 030 180 a8 | os: | 010 | ona | eee tt ae fae] ite | ae seas Salita] Sed oh eed asa moe 6.00 0.80 300 os 028 | 020 se) ee) Se Toad (any aces tela x 2) omen) Os | te fies oad il ia ee tee se a a | es | Be sale pe oe oe S| ee fe 2967 45.00 42 | 3000 | 2967 | 300 | 220 | 1500 | orc |e as 3 | St | ais peasant | ot ese] | | For additional information refer to ASME / ANS! B18.3.1M 1986 Admersons ees ASTM ASTAN-SS Minimum Ultimate Tensile Loads: oe Mirna Snare aeieetge tl cm a wiasoae mar vas was att ar as aa titres was cat was us ss ate ase ier Pe ws wate ses | ORS ss Mext 20.10 24.50 195 | terias ses ae a thors =e ma = marie sss s w | 3 = = = = a =s | & = a o = PH pi ie i 17 WAMANAT eR eee oqgq=-7 ame * THREAD CLASS 4g 6g HARDNESS RC 45-53 — 8 } a OVAL POINT CUP POINT FLAT POINT DOG POINT CONE POINT (KNURL) wit | \ Me w 180.4029 180.4026 104028 1804027 DINS16 DINS13 DINS1S DINSt4 7 7 Lt Y [== [ea ‘ame Pont Noma Angi 90 ep, fr se erage oni Theva Loni eg Pit we Sect reat ‘Ov ‘erm | taass | “Sue mucus rib g. Team ncn Storr Laon [Biome Wom = we 18 [os | o7 so 120 3 0s 04 a [oe | 38 mi 3 raped zs | ous | $3 is} i y os | 13 bes 225 ‘ te OY a for | ie 300 5 1 tt s |os | 3s ass 37s é 13 ‘|e | € $0430 : 10 a fis] s $e 600 0 200 wo dis | 3 ta 730 2 29 w dis] é sa 30 6 ie we |e] 12801200 x io » |2s | 0 ‘380 500 % 50 =e |e fe tao 1800 x sm ‘All dimensions milimeters For additonal information reer to ANSI B18.3.6.M 1986 ISO 4029 Torsional Strength Requirements For Socket Set Screws af ‘Shortest Nominal Screw Lengths ‘Subjecttto Torque Testing For Cupand ‘Cone and Flat RBSRSmousepna 10 12 16 25 25 BUBERSeeousse ig ‘Tightening torques are only recommenced for proper aplicalions, Refer to your engine S A T. a *WWW.GATATORNILLOS.COM.AR WikcAD cLAss 49 60 HARDNESS RC 38-43 ° A 4” J r-| F Head Diameter Head Height | Nominal j Hexagon | Key Fillet Size or | Fuush- | Socket | Engage- | Socket | Extension | Basic | ness | sie | ment | Wal | Above D Screw | Thresd ‘Absolute | Rater- | Toler: t Diameter] Pitch Min, | ence | ance Nom. | Min. | Min. | Max 3 | os | 30] 206] e72| 535 | 186) 030) 20 | 11 | 028 | 028 4 | 07 | 40] 382| 896] 780 | 248| 030 | 25 15 | 045 | 0.35 s [oe | so| eaz/s20| 995 |'ai0| 03s | 30 | 19 | a0 6 |t 6.0| 692|1344| 11.70 | 372) 035 | 40 | 22 | 0.70] 080 | 8 | tas | Go| $m| nse | sooo | tae | oa | So) Go | Ste | eo. | yo | 15 | 100] 9.78] 2240] 1950 | 620/050) 60 | 36 | 1.62 | 080 2 | 1.78 | 12.0|11.73] 2688 | 2340 | 744) 060 | 80 | 43 | 1.80] 090 M4 | 2 | 0 |13.73} 3024 | 28.18 | a12| 070 | 100 | 47 | 142 | 1.00 1s | 2 | 160|15.73| 3360) 2896 | 880) 080 | 100 | 48 | 220 | 1.00 20 25 | 200 |19.67| 40.32 | 34.60 | 10.16 | 1.00 | 120 56 | 220 | 1.20 For adeitional information refer lo ASME / ANSI B18,3.5 1986 DIN 7991 Ail dimensions milimeters THREAD CLASS 4g 69 HARDNESS RC 33-39 D sasstona iomaton rerio ON 7564 40.7 | M6x0.7 | mext.0 Maxt.25 ’ vox.80 4.00 | 5.00 0 10.00 3.2 | 7.00] 6.80 42 | aso) 8.27 80 |10.00| 9.74 7.78 | 13.00 | 12.70 9.78 | 16.00 | 1 ~~ WWW.GATATORNILLOS.CO! 28 35 40 THREAD CLASS 4g 69 A HARDNESS RC 38-43 ob Shght at and/or bermanbie ] T [2 a low € | r\@)] © fell: 4 | ise 2 || Under Head Fiat | -—— Nominal | | Has | Hexagon | Key | wat | transi] June: | Masxienan Sia Hoad Head | Side | Socket | Engage: | Thick-| Transition | tion | ture | Standard or Basic |_Diameter | Hoiant | eight | Size | ment | ness | Diameter | Length | Radius | Length ‘Screw Thread ; | + amar | Pach | max. | min. | mas. | min som | min | rin [mas | min.) mus. | min | nom | 308 | 570] s40]/1.65]143/ 038] 2 | 108 |o20| 36] a2] 0s: |o1| 12 | 4 | 07 | 760| 7.24|220|1.98] 038 | 25 | 130 |030| 47| 44| 060/020) 20 5 | 08 | 980| o14/275|280| 050| 3° | 186 |038| s7| ss| 080 |020| 30 6 | 1 _ |1080|1007|330|300/ 080] « | 208 |o7| 68| 65/068 |o25| 30 8 | 1.28 |1400]13.87/440/405| 080! 5 | 260 | 105| 92] 86| 102] 040] 40 10 | 1 |17.80]17.07|550|520| og | 6 | 312 | 145) 112\108) 102 | 040| 40 12 | 178 |21.00|20.48 [6.60 |6.2«/ 000) 8 | sie | ves \142|i82| 187 | O60 16 | 2 | 2800|2748|8.80/844| 150 10 | 520 | 226 |182\172| 187 | 0.60 For addtional information refer to ASME / ANSI B18.34 1986. ISO 7380 DIN 9427 DIMENSIONS @ 7 € HARDNESS RC 60 SURFACE oes RC 80-68 CORE Nominal | Pin Diameter Point Diameter | Height Mex] Win | Max [Min | Max 3 3008 | 3009 | 29 25 08 4008 | 4003 | 39 36 os 5008 | 5000 | 49 45 10 cos | 6003 | 58 sa rm 8 8008 | 6.003 78 7 13 0 | ro | 100s | 98 96 4 12 | 1000 | rao: [ie | v0 6 16 | 16009 | 16000 | 158 | 153 18 z | sae [20003 | 98 [103 20 2 | 25003 | 25000 | ue | 23 23 For additonal information reer to ASME / ANSI B18.8.5 8734 DIN 632. WWW.GATATORNILLOS.COM.AR APATERIALES - HIGH GRADE ALLOY STEEI| HARDNESS 48RC< M10 45RC> M10 $s | tas] sam] cases] | 3] | 3 Fe YB) ae =| 2) 2 as. | anol uae |e # » | eels | % +i | ewel be =| teal to ails 2 2 [casi ted 2/8 & | sizeleosl-oseinsoe| we |e. fae | 0: |iom {rane | cua oS |stda aam| tosis] | 3/32 | we |e | ae] as & (fae noee|sece(tae| ws | a | ce | vee | | aoe | oe » iz fees tnaaecamaoue] | | cm | 8 | 2a | Be] ae tao nas owee [ioc] cs |e | se | tas | soo | oer | 8 ist nc ne ae 25 vr | Le | 2 | 22.000| 21.930| 25.234 25.000| 80 7% | 200 | 190 | 335 | 325 | 220 5 [Resedlnenlmenitioe| oo | ce | ae || 2 | | Re & [eeslureleeniase| we | ce | ae | ae) hee 22 |s20e0}a1.40|26704|26430| 126 | 118 | 18 | amo | - | - | azo Sst [Esse tare bea sesh ,| ce || ao) as For additional information refer to ASME / ANS! B18.3.2M 1979 ISO 2936 DIN 911 Al dimensions milimeters WWW.GATATORNILLOS.COM. ogo=-aA aMSsS THREAD CLASS 4g 69 HARDNESS RC 38-43 ee atk None! z x a grea Sow | | Wood | Shoulder | = al [eee oP Ta exes | Shoulder tod tod x | Sedat” | nope | tstoain | Filet Shovider Dromerer Diomere: Weight | Radius | Sire ment | Diameter | Rodies | Diameter [ex | in| Woe | Mim | ak) Wim | Mae | Wom | Wim | Me | Bn | 0 | 6000] 5.982| 1000] 978| 450| 432] 06] 3 | 24 | 75 | 2 80 | 7987| 7.951| 1300| 1273| 550| 532| o8 | « | a3 | 92| «4 10.0 | 997| 9.951| 1600] 1473 | 7.00] 678| 10 | 5 | 42 | n2| 4 | 120 | 12.000|11.973| 1800] 1773| a00| 778| 12 | 6 | 49 | 152 | % 160 | 15.984| 15.941 | 21.00 | 2367 | 11.00 | 1073| 16 | 8 | 66 | 182) 6 | 200 | 19.980 | 19.928 30.00 | 29.67 | 1400 | 1373 20 | 10 | a8 | 224 |) 8 25.0 35.61 | 1600 | 1573 | 24 | 12 | 100 | 274 | 8 eT : ms ae = Weck ‘Trwod Diameter Length ste = TRE ac nee SERS TEE | of [tae eet |) cos leet [a cee ee ea we [isa | as |e | acs lew | soe | ae |, aoe ow | tea Me. (A 2a ae 1 UP gee | eae ate | eto lee ieee oe [ARE NESS. | 28 lebad [seer | teams tent ta teal eae For additional information refer to ASME / ANSI B18.3.3M 1986 ISO 7379 DIN 9844 Al dimensions miimeters > » GA-TA » WWW.GATATORNILLOS.COM.AR wiath wiath heros | Acros | Meee Flats Comers. _ Max | min | Max | Min | Max 482 800) 778| 924] 879 365 MB x 1 6.00) 582| 1000] 978) 1155) 1105] 415 IMB x 1.25 8.00| 7.78| 13.00] 12.73 15.01) 14.38 5.50 wioxis | 1000| 976| 1600] 1573] 18.48) 1777| 663 | M12 1.78] 1200] 11.73 | 18.00] 17.73] 2078| 2003] 776 Miax2 | 1400/1373 | 21.00] 2067] 24.25| 23.5] 9.09 6x2 | 16.00/ 1573] 24.00] 2367| 27 71| 2675| 1032 Hige=2s | st) oer] Soto] f9%0) Seca] feos] toes 4 x 3 24.00 | 23.67 | 36.00] 35.00| 4157| 39.55| 1544 M30 x35 | 30.00| 2967 | 46.00] 45.00] 5312] sos] 19.48 M36 x4 | 36.00] 3561 | 55.00| 53.60] 6351| 60.79| 23.38 Ma2x45 | 42.00] 41.38 | 65.00] 62.90] 75.06| 7171| 26.97 Mas x5 | 48.00| 47.38 | 75.00| 72.60] 86.60| 8276| 31.07 | 26.93 mss x5 | $6.00] 55.26 | 85.00| 62.20| 98.15| 93.71| 36.20 | 33.80, M64 x 6 64.00] 63.26 | 95.00 | 91.80/ 109.70} 104.65} 41.32 | 3868 M72x6 | 72.00] 71.26 | 105.00] 101.40 121.24 |115.60| 46.45 ma0x 6 | 80.00] 79.26 |115.00|111.00| 132.72| 126.54 | 51.58, Mg0x6 | 90.00] @9.13 | 130.00 |125 50] 150 11| 143.07 | 57 74 1100 x6} 100.00 | 99 13 | 145.00 | 140.00 | 167 43 | 159.60 | 63.90 For additional information reer to ANSI 818,2.31M 197: All dimensions milimeters 9 ISO 4014/17 5000p WWW.GATATORNILLOS.COI Dimensiones de Tuercas Hexagonales s if. ™ , Nomen! |— nero wein one Across | Thctnone . Tees Comers ch wx [wn | wo [wm | tm | wn aw IMrexoas] az | 20a | am | an] 120] 108 | Mewas | 400 | 30 | sez | ese | tao | 38 lMaxos | $50 | saz | e359 | sor | 200 | 205 t t lmosxoe | t00 [ saz] sa | ose | 2m | oss 2 8, |uexor” | 700 | ere | san | ves | a30 | 200 Moxos | too | tre | az | am | «70 | cao ts 1 wet’ | won | aze | sras | ves | S20 | ton Je1a5 [300 [va7a | vor | tase | a0 | 6ae Iwiowss | veo0 | ts73 | seas | writ | seo | soe oe itis] tae |r| mm | Ze | ose | ase fee fees | atom | coer | Sze | dass | atm Lit imrex2 | 2400 | 2367 | 2771 | 267s | 14a0 | 41 TF fuzox2s | Sooo | Save | Sea | Saas | tooo | tes0, a, ues | S800 | 3800 | aisy | Sess | 2tso | 2020 Jao x3 | teoo | tso0 | save | seas | 2500 | 230 |e” | S00 | sa00 | 6351 | cons | 3200 | zna0 _——— For addtional information refer o ANSI B18.24 1M 1979 pCa All dimensions milimeters. Dimensiones de Arandelas Planas can INSIDE ‘OUTSIDE THICKNES®) | | NON. WASHER DIAMETER DIAMETER —— | SIZE MAX. MIN. MAX. MIN. MAX. MIN. M5 5.78 5.50 11.00 10.57 1.75 1.20 (S) | Ms 6.87 ees | 1300 | 1287 | 1.75 120 (E> M8 9.12 8.90 18.80 18.37 2.30 1.60 SZ M-t0 11.12 1085 | 2000 | 1948 | 230 1.60 M12 13.57 13.30 25.40 24.88 2.80 2.00 M14 15.52 15.25 28.00 27.48 3.50 2.50 M-16 17.52 17.25 32.00 31.38 3.50 2.50 M-20 22.32 21.80 39.00 38.38 4.00 3.00 [HARDNESS AC3=45 M24 26.12 25.60 | 44.00 43.38 | 4.60 3.50 Dimensiones de Arandelas de Presion He ‘l INSIDE OUTSIDE NOM. WASHER: DIAMETER: DIAMETER THICKNESS SIZE MAX. MIN. MAX. MIN. M5 5.25 5.05 9.33 1.20 Mo 6.25 6.05 11.45 1.50 M8 | 8.25 8.05 14.47 1.91 M-10 10.25 10.05 17.53 2.06 M12 12.30 12.05 21.13 2.36 M14 14.70 14.22 24.10 2.80 M16 1638 | 16.08 28.52 330 f)) M-20 20.38 20.08 34.50 rey |HARONESS RC 38-46 M-24 24.38 24.08 41.96 ~~ WWW.GATATORNILLOS.COM.AR . beri SontweFovielo onaue- sae INCHES rene) ‘URAC ORR ARE ORR ° 0.0800 = 38 & 2 1 0.0730 6 65 45 43 2 0.0860 0 1 75 3 3 0.0060 15 6 1 2 ‘ 01120 2 ™ 16 18 5 0.1250 2 3 2% Py s 01360 “ rt 20 Es ® 0.1640 % 7 55 8 10 0.1900 105 120 7. * 1) mi) ve 02500 2 = 7 @ a8 03125 4 51 3 s 38 03750 3 3 2 7 ms 04375 12 148 100 109 wa 0.5000 203 20 180 m sn 0.5250 300 40 283 37 ue 0.7500 057 750 500 582 . ™ 08750 a7 1029 688 787 1 1.0000 1300 1520 1040 1080 ard 12500 2780 3080 2080 2310 “12 15000 1050 5480 3625 1000 “Bonar” “Reon are Nomina Tee Swen Yai ‘eines rarest teroraat =e ‘eae a — eege Owen rao 153,000 % 2 a El 75% de los torques listados estan realizados segin la norma ASTM 574. Las especificacion sobre la fuerza de tensién 1.22 120.000 PS! para tomilos de una medida de 0.500 y menores que estos, y de 170,000 PSI para tomilos de 0,625 Minds grandes que los mismos. Las mediciones de torques son recomendadas para aplicaciones adecuadas . Remitirse las estadisticas de Ingenieria ‘Button Head FlatHead Button Head Seow | Hat | Tightening Diamar! eps | "rue "foeee +] = | = | = i) me) ® | a 8 u | me) m | 8 8 a i| om) im | |e & = | iw | ¢ §| § 3 & S a | mm |e ¢| 2 @ a = # | sm | B ofl kf = 5 3 | ie |b | es 4 5. 1} jae w]e | § 8/8 2] 4 | =] wm | zm | se | mw ww | wo ww | ow 1 2 | nm wm) ge | ae | mo | mom] om | oe 2 | mo Mw) | m@ |» & |S | w | & m | im m\ ae | a | @| 2 @) wm | we = | ie i | i | se | ee oe | mo vo | “ee ‘i om | oR | go | ie jum ie | 2 oe] oe = = 2 |g | te | ie ioe |e me | mw | oe | uw | sone Mom | ie | sm sm | ME] OM te | dm = im | oe | oe | Sm tm | — — | ™ zi cf = * | vo | Se | som ime | = =] 5 ia | a = @ 75% co os torques tstados estén realizados sogun la norma ASTM 574, Las especicacién sobre la fuerza de tension ‘88 de 180,000 PSI para tomillos de una medida de 0.500 y menores que estos, y de 170,000 PSI para tomillos de 0,625 mas grandes que los mismos. Las mediciones de torques son recomendadas para aplicaciones adecuadas . Remitirse See ATA WWW.GATATORNILLOS.COM.AR ‘Sue 28 266 348 358 +40 +48 540 544 es2 640 aa2 836 4110 907 1030 m5 1160 1330 1244 1060 1154 798 1301 1482 1490 1220 1982 958 1558 1780 eo 1530 1249 1416 980 1882 1832 2318 1095 2130 1490 2420 2755 2328 1905 2140 1495 2430 2778 3110 2545 2885 1985 3250 3730 3440 2815 3185 2205 3596 4190 Tightening torque are only recommended for proper applications. Refer to your engineering stats ‘WETRIC KEY APPLICATION CHART ‘Socket Cap Serv Bind | Low | Fiattend | ton | Shoulder | Saettset wig | Hone Seow | “Servs M6 me ry Wa 6m ™“ 25, us “s Ma MS me me Ms. me me ™S ra me mb MS Ms me me oe oe M6 me we oe mio | mio Me 8 mio mio) mi | Miz mio | Mio mi2 m2 mis | mie mai? mi mie, m6, mao | mao mia m6 Mao maa | Mt mis 20 aa zo | Mae waa oO 130 136 a2 as GA-TA www. GATATORNILLOS. 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Mm 9847 | Be 547688 | 95.2802 | Si 135.732 ms eee %he 20.2406 | 2% = 55.5626 | 3% 96.0439 136.525 . ZA-TA ~~ WWW.GATATORNILLOS. .COM.AR METRIC PRODUCTS UNIFIED INCH PRODUCTS B.S. INCH PRODUCTS MajorDia. 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