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1. Are some professions better than others for women?

2. At what age do we decide about our career?
3. Changes in the Patterns of Greeting in Karachi
4. Chatting on computer: How are the young spending time on computer?
5. Computer friendships: Do people trust the invisible friend?
6. Cooking Oil Consumption Patterns and Brand Loyalty
7. Cyber Crimes in Pakistan
8. Do you think you are beautiful?
9. Female doctors in Pakistan waste their medical education by becoming
10. Healthcare Awareness and Precautions
11. How do people perceive the presentation of reality on news channels?
12. Impact of Co-education on Your Personality
13. KESC: Before and After Privatization
14. Media anchors: People’s Perceptions
15. People’s Perceptions of Political Leaders
16. Physical Fitness Consciousness
17. Regionalism, Nationalism, Pan-Islamism, or globalism: Where does your
identity lie in relation to society?
18. Should we follow copyright laws?
19. Should women be paid for household work?: Perceptions of Karachites
20. Talking to Children: Do we care about our kids?
21. Terrorists or Freedom Fighters: The Changing Perceptions of Extremists in
22. The Impact Of Oil Prices On The Industries In Pakistan
23. The Managers’ Concept of Effective Communication
24. Transport Problems In Karachi
25. What do we know about the environment crisis?
26. What genres of film are most popular with the youth of Pakistan?
27. What genres of music are most popular with the youth of Pakistan?
28. Which is the best source of knowledge--- the TV, the Book, or the Internet?
29. Who gets more love and respect --- the housewife or the earning wife?
30. Why do we go to classrooms --- for money or for education?
31. Why the prices of cars have increased in Pakistan?

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