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Digital india

Access to information will have no barriers

Massive followers on india
4l india users will follow it
Education it tele comm. Will create employement
Ecommerce and e governance will boost
Everything will in real time
Cloud services
Financial transactions and marketing will increase
Documents on cloud friendly services
Socially people will be connected
Rural india will also be connected

Girls education
Education in India is provided by the public sector as well as the private sector, with control
and funding coming from three levels: central, state, and local. Under various articles of
the Indian Constitution, free and compulsory education is provided as a fundamental right to
children between the ages of 6 and 14.
India has made progress in terms of increasing the primary education attendance rate and
expanding literacy to approximately three-quarters of the population in the 7-10 age group,
by 2011.[4] India's improved education system is often cited as one of the main contributors to
its economic development.[5] Much of the progress, especially in higher education and
scientific research, has been credited to various public institutions.
At the primary and secondary level, India has a large private school system complementing
the government run schools, with 29% of students receiving private education in the 6 to 14
age group.[6] Certain post-secondary technical schools are also private. The private education
market in India had a revenue of US$450 million in 2008, but is projected to be a US$40
billion market.

Top 5 achievments in indias in field of electronics

India is the fifth largest economy in the world and has the second largest GDP among
emerging economies. Owing to its large population, the potential consumer demand is
almost unlimited and consequently under appropriate conditions, strong growth
performance can be expected. In fact, the liberalization of the economy in 1991 has
led to rapid growth. The electronics industry, in particular, is emerging as one of the
most important industry in the Indian market.
The electronics industry in India dates back to the early 1960s. Electronics was
initially restricted to the development and maintenance of fundamental
communication systems including radio-broadcasting, telephonic and telegraphic
communication, and augmentation of defense capabilities. Until 1984, the electronics
sector was primarily government owned. The late 1980s witnessed a rapid growth of
the electronics industry due to sweeping economic changes, resulting in the
liberalization and globalization of the economy. The economic transformation was
motivated by two compelling factors - the determination to boost economic growth,
and to accelerate the development of export-oriented industries, like the electronics
The electronics industry has recorded very high growth in subsequent years. By 1991,
private investments - both foreign and domestic - were encouraged. The easing of
foreign investment norms, allowance of 100 percent foreign equity, reduction in
custom tariffs, and delicensing of several consumer electronic products attracted
remarkable amount of foreign collaboration and investment. The domestic industry
also responded favorably to the politic policies of the government. The opening of the
electronics field to private sector enabled entrepreneurs to establish industries to meet
hitherto suppressed demand.
Improvements in the electronics industry have not been limited to a particular
segment, but encompass all its sectors. Strides have been made in the areas of
commercial electronics, software, telecommunications, instrumentation, positioning
and networking systems, and defense. The result has been a significant trade growth
that began in the late 1990s.
Despite commendable achievements in the sphere of electronics, considerable
infrastructural improvements remain a priority. Water, power, telecommunications,
and transportation sectors must still be augmented so that high economic growth can
be sustained.
The Indian Electronics Industry is a text for investors who are considering India as a
potential investment opportunity. The book is designed to cover various segments of
India's electronics industry, which include telecommunications, consumer electronics,
computer hardware and software, and medical electronic systems. The authors have
examined the roles of government, major companies in electronics including the
multinationals, research organizations, and educational institutions in establishing the
This book features detailed coverage of the important aspects of the Indian electronics
industry and:

discusses the historical background of the electronic development in India

outlines tax structure, market strategies, economic policies (domestic and

foreign), and traditional areas of economic development

tracks the growth of various segments of the electronics industry including

telecommunications, consumer electronics, computer hardware and software,
and medical electronic systems

addresses the problems faced by the industries pertaining to power,

transportation, communication networks, and other environmental

presents directions and strategies for radical industrial growth in the future,
and hints at promising development in the coming years

gay marriages
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in India face legal and social
difficulties not experienced by non-LGBT persons. Sexual activity between two persons of
the same sex is criminalised,[4][5] and is punishable by incarceration. India does, however,
legally recognise Hijras as a gender separate from men or women, making the country one of
the few in the world to legally recognise a third gender.
Homosexual intercourse was made a criminal offence under Section 377 of the Indian Penal
Code, 1860. This made it an offence for a person to voluntarily have "carnal intercourse
against the order of nature." In 2009, the Delhi High Court decision in Naz Foundation v.
Govt. of NCT of Delhi found Section 377 and other legal prohibitions against private, adult,
consensual, and non-commercial same-sex conduct to be in direct violation of fundamental
rights provided by the Indian Constitution.
According to a ruling by the Indian Supreme Court, decisions of a High Court on the
constitutionality of a law apply throughout India, and not just to the territory of the state over
which the High Court in question has jurisdiction.[clarification needed][6] However, even there have
been incidents of harassment of homosexual groups

Watching porn is a crime

Increases the crime against women Porn has always been on demand in the Indian market. Watching the
uncivilized form of pornographic videos, increases the viewer's craving for similar actions within the society.
Today, most of the people have an easy access to porn through their smart phones and by watching them
frequently, they get obsessed over it. When such people see women around them, they fail to control their
feelings and this leads to the crime against women in form of rape or molestation.

Treats sex as a commodity In India, the sale and distribution of pornographic material is strictly illegal.
Today, people are treated as objects and they are sold in the market. Pornographic videos treat sex as a
commodity and it can be exploited commercially. If the exploitation of sex is accepted in the society, then the
concept of commercialization is also accepted to maximize profit.
Increases child molestation Watching the porn is a major crime as it contributes to the increase in child
molestation. In a recent study which was conducted on child molesters, around 87% of those who molested
girls, admitted to the continuous use of watching pornographic videos. This facilitates child molestation in

several ways. Usually, pedophiles use pornographic photos or videos to demonstrate the act that they want
from the victims.
Incite kids to act out Today, most of the parents go for work and kids are left alone in the house. In such
situations, most of the kids have an easy access to the pornographic content which is available online. Kids
often imitate what they have seen on television or internet. One of the studies suggests that watching a porn
can incite a child to act out sexually against the other younger or smaller kids.
Increases the rate of population As discussed earlier, watching a porn content in private can lead to an
increase in crime. The crime mostly includes rape cases. These rapes can cause unwanted pregnancies and it
leads to an increase in the population of our country. Banning the pornographic content in India, can
indirectly reduce the rate of increasing population.
No Watching porn in private should not be a crime
No interconnection Till date, no scientific study has established that there is a connection between viewing
porn and increasing crime. If we connect rape with porn, we should witness rape on our streets everyday.
Rape is merely considered as a symptom of social chaos.

Stricter laws India is a country which lacks behind in stricter cyber laws. Instead of declaring the viewing o
porn as a crime, the government should exercise necessary actions to control it. Children below 18 years of
age should not have an access to any of the pornographic content. Such sites should be blocked for kids who
are below 18 years of age. Porn videos can effect the kids negatively.
Freedom India is a democratic country and every citizen above the age of 18 should have the freedom to
access the pornographic content in private. Instead of classifying it as a crime, the government should allow
the functioning of pornographic websites with a control.
Sharing is a crime Consumption of pornography is not an offense but sharing them is a great crime.
According to the IT Act, if the consumer shares a pornographic content with others, he is charged under the
Section 67 of the IT Act. So, till the time someone is watching it within the four walls of his room, it should
not be a social concern.
India is one of the countries in the world which has the maximum viewership of porn websites.

Watching porn in private is not a crime as long as it is not committed by a child below 18 years of age. Every
adult in our country has the right to access pornographic material but within their limits. It should not create
any sort of negative impact on the society.

Yes, freedom is definitely precious but few people do not know to use it responsibly. And because of such
irresponsible men in our society, the women and kids have to pay for it. To stop such situations, stricter cyber
laws should come into force.
Though watching a porn in private should not be crime!
RE: Watching porn in private should not be a crime!
Ayush Agarwal 07-11-2015 06:12 AM
I believe watching porn in private should not be crime. Thats because India is a democratic country where

People have rights and knowledge whats good for them personally. Banning porn is like depriving them of
their right, Moreover, there are many other things like alcohol, tobacco which should be banned first as these
affect health of the person but I dont find anything wrong in wathing porn in private. Although it somehow
curbs the crave of men for sex. Watching porn in public in groups, or any other type of porn watching which
affects society and community can be banned, but watching porn privately has no harm to anyone except
some razy minds exist but know that every problem has a solution and banning is not a right solution.
RE: Watching porn in private should not be a crime!
Deepa Kaushik 07-11-2015 06:18 AM
When we discuss the topic pornography, we need to understand the three scenarios- the production and
distribution, the access and control, and finally the viewership which comes to the end-user. We need to
analyse and work over all these three areas to check pornography into our society.
In this high-tech world with a wide use of Internet, we cannot perform a complete restriction of the porn
content which is very easily accesible through Internet. We can only ban such contents being created withion
the geographical boundaries ofour country. When it comes to the access anmd control, this is the area where
we need to work first. We can filter the web contents along with the black-marketed videos of such contents
and keep a complete restriction of the pornographic content.

Coming to restriction on the end-user that is making watching porn to be crime is a very important step. Porn
content whether seen in public or in private, produces the same effect on the mind and emotions of the
individual. In the current situation of our country, when the sexual related crimes are ever- increasing, it is
very necessary to keep a close check on every aspect which increases the animal instinct within the
individuals in the society. Keeping the safety and security of women and children in mind, we should be
affirmative towards this decision of watching the porn in private to be a crime.

Yoga Torchbearer of a religion or a provider of health benefits?

Yoga got a strong identity on the global platform when Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of
India, called for observing an International Yoga day.
Recently, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced the celebration of International Yoga
Day on June 21 at Rajpath in Delhi. Though, the program has been put under a lot of
controversies, more than 30,000 people are going to be a part of this grand celebration.
The All India Personal Muslim Law Board protested against the practice of Surya Namaskar,
which would be held during the Yoga day celebrations. They also demanded that yoga should
not be made compulsory in schools or colleges. The Muslim community urged that the Modi
government should not force people to participate in this celebration.
Yoga is a religion
1.Concept of Surya Namaskar Surya Namaskar is an important concept which is followed
in Hinduism. People belonging from Hindu community consider Sun as their supreme God
and worshiping sun is their main custom. Thus, yoga promotes Hinduism by adopting the
concept of Surya Namaskar.
2.Yoga Sutra Patanjali's Yoga Sutra is an ancient text and is mostly used in all the yoga
classes today. It portrays a set of moral codes which are to be followed by a yogi. Bhakti

yoga, which is a branch of yoga, practices chanting to deities, praying etc.

3.Spiritual Growth Yoga and Hinduism took birth from the Vedas. Religion is considered
to be an unorganized system of faith and worship. Yoga encourages spirituality in a way that
it is matched with many other religious practices.
a - A lifestyle that provides health benefits
1.Weight loss This is what, most of the people want. Pranayam is a way to loose weight
with the help of yoga. With a regular practice of yoga, our body becomes more sensitive to
the kind of food that our body asks for. This also helps to loose the weight.
2.Inner peace Most of the people love to spend their free time in a peaceful environment.
Yoga is one of the best ways to achieve a calm and peaceful mind. Yoga along with
meditation helps to a create a strong inner peace within ourselves.
3.Better relationships Yoga can also help to improve the relationships with parents, spouse
or kids. A relaxed mind can handle a relationship very calmly. Thus, it can strengthen the
bond that exist between two people.
4.Increased energy Doing multi tasking in a day can be quite exhaustive. A few minutes of
yoga everyday can give you a fresh feel and can keep you energetic throughout the day.
5.Improved immunity Our system is a combination of mind, body and soul. An ailment in
the body can affect the mind whereas a tension in the mind can affect the body. Yoga
massages the organs and helps to strengthen the muscles of the body. It helps to release the
stress and improve the immunity.
Though yoga and Hinduism have received its roots from Vedas, it does not promote the
concept of any religion.
Yoga is the best medicine for all the ailments and it frees a person from any sort of disease.
Yoga is a continuous process and thus, practicing it, generates more benefits.
Keeping aside the religious concerns about yoga, people from all walks of life should adopt
the concept of yoga into their life.

Will Swachh Bharat Campaign Succeed?

PM Narendra Modi urged local masses to fulfill Mahatma Gandhi`s dream of Clean India. He
launched the Swachh Bharat Campaign at Rajpath in New Delhi. He called it as a paid
homage to Mahatma Gandhi and former PM Lal Bahadur Shastri, on their birth anniversary.

He urged people that it is the social responsibility of Indian citizens to accomplish Gandhiji`s
vision of Clean India by year 2019. He even said that the vision can only come true only
when 125 crore people of India work for it. Let us share our views on the matter. Will
Swachh Bharat Campaign Succeed?
It is not wise to start thinking of the results first as it is said that perform actions without
considering the results.
PM Narendra Modi came on the streets to start the mission, and this step cannot be ignored
by his many followers.
PM initiated the chain by inviting nine public figures for campaign including Sachin
Tendulkar, Shashi Tharoor, Mridula Sinha, Baba Ramdev, Anil Ambani, Salman Khan,
Priyanka Chopra, Kamal Hasan, and the entire team of Tarak Mehta ka Oolta Chashma.
Gujarat, which was a destroyed state, after a series was natural disaster, was rebuilt by
Narendra Modi, and he was successful in making it a clean and prosperous state.
Every task needs follow up and just one day working to fulfill the vision will not convert
Swachh Bharat Campaign into reality.
The celebrities will also come for one day to promote the cause and will get busy with their
schedules in future. It is the same case with every person in India.
The youngsters can only create hype on social media by sharing blogs, praising efforts of
PM, and posting his pictures. No one will take a broom and actually become a part of the
In a economy where inflation is rising, growth is slowing, jobs are declining, who has got
the time to devote to such campaigns.
More than the cleaning drive, it is the people's attitude that needs a change. If we keep
making our surroundings dirty, we can never make India clean.
PM Narendra Modi is known for his actions. Whenever he starts a mission, gives everything
to complete it. The development of Gujarat is the finest example of his work. However, this
time it is a big challenge where he needs to change mentality of crores of people living in
India. He has started well, and message is spreading well. It needs to be continued by PM

Modi by launching some or other form of measures to encourage the people for making the
vision of Swachh India a reality by 2019.

Selfies with daughters can go a long way in saving girl child!

Indian Prime Minister has promoted the initiative of Selfies with daughters to readdress the
issue of the low sex ratio in the nation. He appealed the parents to post their pictures along
with their daughters on social media.
In a recent talk show on radio, Modi spoke about the contest Beti Bachao, Selfie Banao.
India's preference for sons created an instability in the population of our country. According
to the Census report of 2011, for every 1000 boys, the report counted 914 girls, a fall from
The idea emerged in the state of Haryana, which experiences the country's worst gender
imbalance. Modi was inspired by this initiative, and thus, he launched it throughout the
nation, to combat the issue of female foeticide.
But, will this initiative go a long way in saving a girl child? Let's have a look.
Yes Initiative can go a long in saving the girl child.
Creating awareness The initiative was taken by the Modi government to boost up the
relation between the daughters and her parents. The government took this initiative to spread
awareness regarding the low sex ratio in the country. Such creative initiatives can attract the
attention of a lot of parents and thus, it would help to increase the chances of birth of girl
Ban on sex determination The sex determination in our country is increasing at an
alarming rate. The fall in the number of girls, per 1000 boys portrays a clear picture of the
falling sex ratio. Indian society prefer males over females as they believe that a women
cannot be a bread earner in the family. The initiative of Beti Bachao, Selfie Banao throws a
light on the importance of females in our society. It would help to combat the existing issue
of female foeticide in our country.
Empowerment of women Since decades, women have been considered to be weaker sex.
Time has come, to make each parent realize that every daughter is special and they deserves
equal happiness. Today, empowerment of women is taking place in various sectors. But, there
are a lot of villages, wherein the girls are not allowed to get the basic education. The initiative
highlights the importance of educating every girl child of our society.
Power of technology Technology has improved drastically in the past few years. The
initiative of Beti Bachao, Selfie Banao, is spread mostly through the help of social
networking sites. Today, almost every Indian from every part of the nation, has a Facebook or
Twitter account. Thus, launching such an initiative on social networking sites is a powerful
means to attract the people.
No We need to do much more!.
Stalking daughters There were a lot of people on the other hand, who did not support the

campaign. AIPWA secretary Kavita Krishnan, asked people not to share the selfies with
daughters as Modi has a record of stalking daughters. Modi was involved in the Snoopgate
controversy of 2013, wherein he was accussed of monitoring and following the movements of
a girl.
Corruption After the scariest rape incident that took place in 2012, people believed that
there would be a change regarding the safety of women in our country. But, even today, at
least one rape case is being reported everyday. Today, India is considered to be a place which
is not safe for the women. How can we expect the success of such an initiative in a country
which has the highest rate of corruption and criminal records?
Better use of communication media The Modi government could have used any other
mode of communication rather than using the social networking sites. Social networking sites
do not carry only the Modi followers. Launching an initiative on such a platform can attract a
lot of controversies. After the initiative was launched, Nishrin Jafri who is the daughter of the
late Congress leader, Ehsan Jafri, posted a picture of hers along with her father. Mr Jafrei was
murdered by the mobs during the Gujrat riots of 2002 which took place under the leadership
of Mr. Narendra Modi. This drew a lot of negative comments and views about the initiative.
Before the launch of Beti Bachao, Selfie Banao, there were a lot of other initiatives which
were launched for the welfare of the women. But where are those initiatives now? Are people
still talking about them? The answer is a big NO.
In India, whether it is a news or an initiative, people talk about it hardly for two days or
maximum for a week.
Such an initiative may create an enthusiasm among the people just for a few days and later
on, people tend to forget it slowly. Even today women are facing the issue of gender
inequality at some point of their life. And this would continue to happen, in a country like
India. This is definitely a welcome move but a selfie can not be the only device to bring about
a change!

Increasing no. of Engineering Colleges is a boon to the society.

- Yes, increasing number of Engineering Colleges is a boon to the society as they provide a
platform for the intellectual people of the country.
- As there is an increase in the number of Engineering Colleges students can get various
options to pursue their desired area.
- Engineering college increases the efficiency of the students by honing their skills which is
better for their personality development.
- They make more people employable.
- Increase in number of Engineering Colleges does not guarantee the quality of engineers
India requires today.
- The number of Engineering Colleges is increasing but the number of job vacancies has

decreased proportionately creating a dearth of jobs.

- Indias literacy rate is decreasing and people need more primary education as they cannot
afford the luxuries of the engineering college, imparting primary education would mean more
educated people.
- Rather than focussing on the number of Engineering, the target should be the qulity of
education imparted, trainer to student ratio.
- Focussing on increasing number of engineering colleges means not training the people in
other fields.
It is true that engineering colleges are the need of the hour as they hone the skills of the
students making them a powerful asset for India. But the other fact is that 63% of the
population is still illiterate. It is only making the coming time worse for India. People should
be imparted primary education which would result in more educated young men and women,
which in turn will help in overall development of the country. We should also focus on
training our population in various fields so that it is not an unbalanced growth.

In May 2015, Food Safety Regulators from Uttar Pradesh, India found that samples of Maggi
2 Minute Noodles had unexpectedly high levels of monosodium glutamate, as well as up to
17 times the permissible limit of lead.[8][9][10][11] On 3 June 2015, the New DelhiGovernment
banned the sale of Maggi in New Delhi stores for 15 days due to these findings.[12] On June 4,
2015, the Gujarat FDA banned the noodles for 30 days after 27 out of 39 samples were
detected with objectionable levels of metallic lead, among other things.[13] Assam had banned
sale, distribution and storage of Maggi's "extra delicious chicken noodles" variety for 30 days
since June 4, 2015 after tests carried out at the state public health laboratory concluded the
particular variety to contain added MSG and excessively high lead content.[14] Some of India's
biggest retailers like Future Group which includes Big Bazaar, Easyday and Nilgiris have
imposed a nationwide ban on Maggi.[15] Thereafter multiple state authorities in India found an
unacceptable amount of lead and it has been banned in more than 5 other states in India.
On June 4, 2015 the government of Tamil Nadu also banned maggi due to unacceptable
amount of lead and other components.[17] On June 5 the Andhra Pradesh Government Banned
Maggi .[18] Maggi will not be banned in Karnataka for now, declared minister for health and
family welfare U T Khader during a press meet on June 26.[19]
On June 5, 2015, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) ordered a recall of
all nine approved variants of Maggi instant noodles and oats masala noodles from India,
suggesting them unsafe and hazardous for human consumption.[20] On the same day, Food
Safety Agency of United Kingdom launched an investigation to find levels of lead in Maggi
noodles.[21] On June 6, 2015 the Central Government of India banned nationwide sale of
Maggi noodles for an indefinite period. Nepal indefinitely banned Maggi over concerns about
lead levels in the product.[22] Maggi noodles has been withdrawn in five African nationsKenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and South Sudan by a super-market chain after a
complaint by the Consumer Federation of Kenya.[23]

It was revealed later that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had refused
import of the noodles in January 2015 on grounds similar to the reasons for ban in India.
Ironically, the Bombay High Court allowed the export of Maggi while the ban in India

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