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The technology is the product of science, this is obtained by means of instruction,
observation, practice, senses, etc. The technology aims to make it easy and comfortable
life of the human being as well as fulfill their whims and needs.
Personally technology has always been in my life, as in all activities performed every
day, they have much to do with technology.
People look to solve their environmental problems using technology or health. But I've
noticed that the more technology advances most affects our planet and society
Environmental pollution has increased due to the combustion of hydrocarbons, water
pollution, damage to the ozone layer, deforestation of the forests, the growth in world
population and global warming.
The environment is suffering severe damage from the misuse of technology, for
example, in the past there were not many cars but with the advancement of technology
have created more tools and so increased their production, this made the number of cars
increased and thus raised the level of pollution by both polluting gases released as
emissions emitted sound.


The polluting gases are released the car on one of the main problems that affect the
environment causing great damage to the ozone layer which protects us from ultraviolet
rays of the sun and not only affects us affects the whole land and our ecosystem.
Technology has allowed the construction of innovations for our comfort using natural
resources or renewable resources such pro for creating chairs, wardrobes, wood floors
need trees that create oxygen but you have to break down, they have invented various
synthetic materials mainly plastics, these take a long time to deteriorate so contaminate
the soil for a long period of time.
Also with the technology have created transport routes and communication as television
is one of the most important media today, TV conveys many messages and ideas, but
unfortunately there are people who have manipulated to take advantage of convenience,
in the case of companies selling products that have used subliminal messages inciting
people to consume their products almost by force, this involves placing hidden in their
advertising that the person does not capture the naked eye but if your mind which forces
the person to buy something they do not need or occupied, another evil that has been
done in the TV messages is that broadcasters have been sold, a well-founded case the
elections, the richest candidate pays to speak only of him, passing spots only he, and not
only that but paid to speak ill of any opponent who feel win them.
This creates an atmosphere of tension among the population or rather between
supporters of political parties that enter into such sharp conflicts which may even
Technology has also changed much health for example, has been able to solve big
problems ranging from nutrition to perform organ implants, and vaccines for diseases to
the installation of chips and robotic parts in the human body, so far so good in the sector
health but also has done wrong because they are created by the same diseases that create
the cures are mostly pharmaceutical companies and physician groups that enhance or
create symptoms ailments.
These alter natural processes or stages of normal life to something that should be given
medication. Normal processes such as aging, pregnancy, childbirth, unhappiness or


The technology has also revolutionized the world of weapons based on artifacts from
destruction, while the armies teach warfare techniques based on new technologies, and
others invent the best weapons. One example is the famous biological weapons, these
are made from viruses, bacteria and other highly contagious and virulent a terrifying
live actors.
These biological agents are genetically engineered to increase its damaging power and
cause untreatable infections in the worst case kill the victims.
Considering the above have been caused by powers between the ambition of having
who has the best technology, each competition is loaded increasingly better technologies
most countries are obscene to take advantage of perceived enemies; affecting the
environment, embracing cultures, creating a violent and fearful society to the climate
caused by all this. All these developments affect the environment and man, that's why
we have created rules for regulating environmental technology.
Solutions range from national and international policies relating to the conservation of
flora and fauna, virtual offices. The incidence of improving living conditions have
increased some people are beginning to worry about their planet and that's good because
global organizations have been created to monitor the development of technology.
These organizations try to control all the inventions and technological advances around
the world to avoid any damage that may be caused to the world or environment and try
to say no shortage of countries that make their inventions secretly that way any
organization can call them the attention.
But let's talk about the good that has brought technology. They have created alternatives
to reduce environmental pollution such as wastewater treatment consisting of a series of
physical, chemical and biological processes that are aimed at eliminating the physical,
chemical and biological contaminants in the water that humans it serves to reuse water
or at least serve environmental alternative is recycling of separating waste their
properties depending, for debris such as plastic, metal that can be used again to create
new objects, have invented cars ecological various types; like solar, the ethanol fuel,
electrical unlike normal cars do not expel polluting gases and no toxic waste and are
almost silent so it does not emit sound waves.
Have also created ecological houses miss recycled materials and non-polluting, and
instead of using energy using the sun to power the entire house, besides having a water

system which can reuse the same water that is discarded. And as these inventions there
are many more favorable to the environment and to our health.
It is ironic to see how each discovery that benefits man and makes another 100 years
advance knowledge in just 1 hour, resulting in the destruction of thousands of years of
work by nature in just a few years; thereby referring to the great disasters that have
tormented nature.
Then how technology affects the environment? I could say it depends on how clean is
the technology and the control is made on the conservation of the environment.
Although they have made some very clear steps: recycle some waste, repopulating some
species in danger of extinction, drastic measures. Everything depends on the current and
new generations of men aware of protection and generate technologies for the good of
humanity through relevant education. Emphasis on ethics, citizenship skills, the proper
use of technology and the use of natural resources.
1. It is important to know and learn about the current situation of our planet in relation
to the environment and social issues to reflect and give message to the new generations
to become aware of the rational use of technology to avoid damaging the environment
and natural resources.
2. We must know how to distinguish between good and bad technology, and choose it
according to whether or not causing damage to our health.
3. We must take into account our values to avoid damaging our environment technology
It is undeniable that technology is coming to every individual in their environment, so it
is important to give a moderate and careful use, ie, because if it is true that the scientist
has the desire to increase the knowledge of mankind, so It is that these innovations must
be regulated by ethics, and s values we have as people to avoid damaging our world to
meet its main purpose, "improving the quality of life of people".
Therefore I conclude that the technology itself is neither good nor bad, it depends on the
management to provide humans.


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