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Grace Fellowship Church

and Pastor Jim Rickard

Pastor Jim Rickard

are hosting the

2015 Bible
Being Fishers of Men,
Science and the Bible!

2015 Bible Conference

with special guest speakers:
Pastor Bill Wenstrom,
Wenstrom Ministries, Iowa
The witness of Christ
through our lives.

Dr. Vaughn Mancha

Fairhope, Alabama
Science and Bible

Prior to planting his current church in the Fall of

2001, Pastor Rickard established a satellite
church for the McLaughlin ministry in the
Albany, New York area. He ministered there for
two years prior to starting Grace Fellowship

23 Messenger St.
Plainville, MA 02762
(508) 695-0561

Thursday Sunday
September 17-20, 2015

Pastor Rickard was ordained by Pastor Robert

McLaughlin, Pastor of Grace Bible Church,
Somerset, Massachusetts in the fall of 1998.
Prior to that Pastor Rickard had been a student
of the Word of God for over 20 years. His
background was primarily focused on learning
the Word of God from the original languages of
scripture. His spiritual upbringing was based on
the teachings of Pastor R.B. Thieme Jr. of
Berachah Church, Houston, Texas and Dallas
Theological Seminary (founded by Lewis Sperry
Chafer). Pastor Rickard continues that heritage
by teaching the Word of God utilizing the I.C.E.
principle and historical grammatical exegesis
and interpretation of the Scriptures.

Free Conference Grace Offerings Accepted.

Grace offerings will be collected each night
to cover the expenses of the conference.

Prior to entering the ministry full time, Pastor

Rickard received a Bachelors of Science in
Human Resources Management from the University of Massachusetts. He held several
positions in Human Resources, including
senior level global management positions in
the High Technology, Retail and Toy industries.

Dr. Vaughn Mancha

Dr. Vaughn Mancha is a family practitioner
with a thirst for scientific evidences that
synchronize the Bible with science. He seeks
to share his education with others in order to
strengthen their faith and provide them with
defenses against false teachings in the hopes
they will boldly pursue the Gospel in an irenic
manner among a skeptical world. He is the
president of the Mobile Area Reasonable Faith
I grew up believing in Christ from a young age
and was always wanting to know the meat of
the Word taught in its original languages and in
historical context. Later in life I started to engage
atheists and fellow believers in debate forums
who were challenging me to read and refine my
thoughts to Demolish arguments and every
pretension that sets itself up against
the knowledge of God: - 2 Cor 10.
BS in biology, FSU University
Medical Degree, UAB
Residency UAB Family Medicine Montgomery, AL
Family practitioner for 22 years. Involved in
clinical research for 11 of those years.

Thursday, Sept. 17, 7:30 pm

Pastor Rickard
How to be an effective
witness for Christ.
Exploring the realities of life today
and how to be the
ambassador for Christ that
He has intended you to be.
Friday, Sept, 18, 7:30 pm
Pastor Wenstrom
The witness of your life.
Demonstrating the Love of God
through your daily life experiences,
to the glory of God.
Saturday, Sept 19, 7:30 pm
Dr. Mancha
Science and the Bible.
Q and A format.
Showing how the Bible and Science
truly support each other. How to
effectively refute those who say
science discredits the Bible.
Sunday, Sept 20, 10:00 am
Pastor Rickard
Mark 16:15,
Go into all the world and preach
the gospel to all creation.
Conference Summary

Pastor William Wenstrom, Jr.

Pastor William E. Wenstrom, Jr. is the pastor

of Wenstrom Bible Ministries in Marion, Iowa.
In 1998, he was ordained by Pastor Robert
McLaughlin of Grace Bible Church in Somerset,
Massachusetts. He moved from the Massachusetts area in August of 2001 and began a church
in the Eastern Iowa area which he
pastored until 2010. In August of 2010, he
began another church in Marion, IA which he
is currently pastoring.
Pastor Wenstrom has recorded more than
2,500 hours of lectures. He has written over
fourteen hundred articles pertaining to various
theological subjects, Biblical figures and Greek
word studies. He also has expositions on
Genesis, First John, First Timothy, Ephesians,
Exodus, Jonah, Philemon, Philippians,
Romans, Titus and Daniel that can be found
on his website at
Pastor Wenstroms teaching is based on the
original languages of Scripture in the light of
their historical context in which the Bible was
In addition, he is an accomplished musician,
singing and playing guitar and composing his
own original Christian music.

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