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Tanay singh

Wash clothes whenever and


Outline of the presentation

About the product
Key features of the product
Specifications of the product
How to use the product
Benefits of the product

About the product

The Scrubba wash bag is the lightest and
smallest washing machine in the world

About the product cont.

The scrubba wash bag is the only bag with
hundred hundreds of internal Scrubba nodules
that efficiently clean your clothes in minutes.

As a modern and convenient take on the old

fashioned washboard.
The scrubba wash bag enables you to achieve
machine quality wash in just 3-4 minutes.

Key features of the product

Pocket size wash bag

Wash clothes in 3-4 minutes
Perfect for travelling and camping
Ultra flexible internal board
Durable waterproof fabric

Specification of the product

Weight : 145g
Flat dimensions : 54cm*32cm
Packed dimensions : 16cm*6cm*6cm
Color : green and blue

How to use it ????

Fill the clothes
Roll and clip

Steps to be

Benefits of the product

With the Scrubba wash bag, you will:

pack lighter
travel cleaner
save money on laundry (often 7-8 Euro per load)
no longer need to wash in dirty sinks

Benefits of the product cont..

No longer worry about laundry services losing
your clothes
Perfect for holidaymakers, business travelers
As the new bright green Scrubba wash bag
weighs less than 145g (5 oz.) and folds to pocketsize it is small enough to take anywhere.

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