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7 May, 2015

Francesco Pagnotta, Letter of Reference

To Whom It May Concern:
I had the pleasure of Francesco as my student in English Methods II,
EDES 461, from January, 2015 to April, 2015. As a thinker, he is
discerning and critical; as a scholar he uses language beautifully,
taking intellectual and emotional risks in his work. He demonstrated
both creativity and excellence.
I could always count on Francesco for thoughtful and critical
contributions to class discussions and debates. He is very sensitive to
issues of justice, fairness and equity, and brings that sensitivity to his
interactions with texts and ideas. He is careful to examine
interpretations, theories and responses carefully in light of his
principles, which are rigorous. In addition to classroom discussions, he
demonstrated his fine critical thinking and interpretative skills during
our class debates, which centered around contemporary issues in
education. Of the 31 students in the class, only one student asked
more questions of his peers than Francesco, and the questions were
always of a high calibre. He engaged in a sophisticated and genuine
manner with both the ideas under debate, and the people who were
In all his written work he showed great playfulness and dexterity with
language. Of particular note was his final assignment, which
showcased both his excellent writing and thinking skills, together with
his inimitable creative aplomb, in both subject matter and execution. It
was a joy to read, and a fine example of his linguistic gifts.
In short, I recommend him highly. Im sure that he will make a valuable
contribution to the field of ESL teaching and learning.
Amarou Yoder
PhD Candidate/Course Lecturer
Dept. of Integrated Studies in Education
McGill University
Montreal, QC
Phone: 514.712.5689|Email:

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