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The History

Behind Computers

The Computer Age: The Beginning

The first computer was built in 1822 by mathematician Charles

Babbage. It was a steam driven calculating machine.

One of the first and most famous was call the Electronic
Numerical Integrator Analyzer and Computer (ENIAC). This
computer was built at the University of Philadelphia, made to do
ballistic calculations for the United States

The earliest electronic computers were not personal

in any way

The Computer Age:


Later in 1937 J.V. Atanasoff , a professor for physics and

mathematics, attempted to build the first computer gears, cams,
belts, and shafts.

Later in 1941 Atanasoff designed a computer that can solve 29

equations stimulations. That marked the first time a computer is
able to store information on its main memory.

The Computer Age: Ongoing

In 1946 John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert leaves the university

of Pennsylvania and receive funds from Census Bureau to build

The UNIVAC was the first commercial computer for business and
government applications

The Computer Age: Ongoing

In 1975 The IBM 5100 becomes the first commercially avalible

portable computer

The Computer Age: Ongoing

In 1976 Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak start on Apple computers

on April Fools Day and roll on with the Apple I with a single
circuit board

And the following year Apple II was invented

9 years later Apple created Apple Lisa

The Computer Age: Ongoing

In October 1991, IBM released its ThinkPad 700 laptop computer

Various Apple Computers from the

2000s Present

iBook G3 2001- 2003

iBook G4 2003

MacBook Pro 2006 Present

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